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Everything posted by diamondback

  1. Hell no it favors liberals.   Bascially democrats are doing everything they can but dragging those who contribute the least to the nation to insure they vote.   I forget the state that tried to list candidates without party and the judge threw it out. I forget the exact words, but it was something to the effect that certain groups would not be able to find the democrats.
  2. With all this talk of magazines It is also important to buy ammo as you can as well. Anyone have a formula of how much ammo compared to magazines? You can reload a mag, but the ammo once shot in a shtf is shot until you have time to reload.
  3. Sounds like you did not bring your yankee ways with you. Wish more were like that. Our gun rights would be safer.   with that 7 mag rule......If someone has a permit in NY I know they can have a 10 round mag, but only put 7 in it. Does the one in the pipe count? Also could you carry extra loose rounds with you?
  4. short of repealing the voting rights act or the 13-15th amendments ( not advocating just stating a fact) I think Hillary has a hell of a good chance.All lefties will vote for her. The problem with decent conservatives is that  we are more likely to stay home ( not me) than vote for the lesser of two evils. You know the saying that republicans like to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
  5. diamondback

    Tv Shows

    Of course the walking dead and fear the walking dead are good. Badlands was pretty good and the strain on fx are pretty good shows.
  6. OK having guns is guaranteed by the constitution but you need a background check yet that damn disgrace did not show his birth cert until he could have a fake one made?   Only in America do they have to know who you are to buy a gun but not if you break into the country.     When is the next fort sumter already.
  7. She gets laid good she might relax and get out of all that gun stuff. I have found that woman who are upiddy tend to be sexually frustrated.
  8. The more things people from the admin say the more stupid they sound. I am glad this congressman took her on. I only wish he would have ran for speaker.
  9. I know there are a couple guys here that are shall we say anti-confederate. That is fine.   Now on the war of northern aggression many think everyone who wore the gray was fighting to protect slavery. They are not aware most Yankees did not want to end slavery, were more racist than most southerners and did not want blacks in the north. They often are not aware the vast majority who fought for the south did not own slaves ( like 95% or more) on top of that a key issue was simply people not liking Yankees telling us how to run our lives.   Now they think we fought a four year, brother against brother war over slavery? What do they think we would do over trying to fool with our guns? Hell lots of Yankees would be joining us from places like PA and western NY.     I think they will be getting a southern welcome they soon won't forget. On top of that you have a nation that is letting illegal immigration go on uncontrolled as well as third world immigration eroding our culture. They really think people will stand by for that?
  10. My answer was going to be as many as you can afford, but this is a pretty darn good start.
  11. any communist, atheist, anti-American who wants to ban guns should shut their face unless they are willing to come take them themselves. If they are not willing to then they need to shut their faces and read the Constitution. Seems that is kryptonite to their kind.
  12. It is very important to note, and many don't, that slavery was legal at the time. Thus I think judging the founders and forrest for that is not totally fair. hell most of the Yankees were as racist if not more than southerners who happened to be.
  13. I was wondering if that attack ( God rest the souls of the victims) was some type of propaganda hoax. I mean if those types of weapons are banned someone would not have them right? Also murder is illegal so no one would do that as well.
  14.   I think it would take another war between the states or revolution. I am not advocating that, but liberals do like to dance on the mindfield.     I would hope so. I would not be surprised if they want to throw it away disrespectful morons.     Just a side note. I once read in a sociology magazine ( been a few years) that some of the streets named after dr king tend to have more crime than those named after many confederate generals.
  15. I personally would have shown I had a gun and asked them to stay back instead of drawing. someone asking for a light is a common way to start a robbery as well as time.
  16. They could also look at Memphis and see how bad it appears to be. I have not been there. Family has and said it was a pretty nice city at one point and then went to hell.
  17.   Not everyone does this, but I also advise taking some of the waterproofing agent people use on shoes and boots and put the bug out bag.
  18. I am envious. That is a really good set up. Seems like alot even, but hey better have it and not need it than need it and not have it.
  19. Some shops in some states wont even take them from buds. Often they up the price to make up for the lost sale.
  20. never heard anything but good things about them
  21. They have a named suspect?
  22. Hello and welcome.
  23. Many friends of mine have told me how it "follows the decent people out" like memphis. Memphis was a nice city. God bad and decent people move out. Then they get the idea to use vouchers to spread the problem out. What can we do except raise our kids right and try to live a good life.
  24. I was not surprised at all obama vetoed the bill playing games with our brave men and women in uniform.


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