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Everything posted by diamondback

  1. There was one of those online chain things somewhere. it basically said instead of food stamps since all the junk food they should go back to actually giving people food so they eat something nutritious. It said you want frozen pizza get a job. Hell sometimes all our men and women in uniform might get is an MRE. Now while I think some of them are quite tasty they are far from what people without ambition are buying. Anyone can get down on their luck, but we have made being poor so comfortable that its almost a way of life for some.
  2. I think most would agree with you sadly the race card is involved here and that is the game being played
  3. Msn had the guy with him interviewed. he said they both lied down and then the one with the bb gun shot got up and ran. SOrry for anyone losing life, but sounds like a good shoot to me. I am sure some will cry racism, but I think it had nothing to do with it except the racism by liberals that create most of the problems in the black community like fatherless homes. Some are waking up and realizing liberals want them to stay on the plantation to control their votes.
  4. I would call myself much more of an entertainer than musician but I am a guitar guy as well. I ll post some of mne sometime. I am really an esp guy with marshall amps, but the budget is ltd guitars. I have an ltd m1 made in japan. One of the first ltd guitars made Ltd George lynch sunburst tiger. Not the new one from this year, but the one made from alder or ash from 2004 epiphone les paul standard peavey tracer amp wise I use a marshall valvestate mini stack from the 1990s effects I just use a line6 pod hd500 but have an original Ibanez ts9 tube screamer and keeley modified boss ds1
  5. Sorry for your loss man. I lost dad in 2005. It was totally unexpected. He passed away in his sleep ( supposed to be a sign of a good life) in 2005. The family was really screwed up out of 5 kids there were three of us there for mom and my one brother was as much use as nuts on a steer. Now the irony is that I am 13 years apart from the second youngest and I had to handle everything. We did not think mom would make it very long but she lived 6 years and died in 2012. It was not as much of a surprise, but she also went in her sleep. I miss them both everyday and loved them dearly. They taught me to be a man and a southern gentleman. Call you parents if they are still around guys. I wish I could call mine. Another tip. Make arrangements and have your parents make them. My mother did not make a will until a year before she died and dad never did.
  6. How much is sharpening and shipping
  7. Don't they have to be sold at some MAP of $140? I wont tell if you wont though. I will see how funds are.
  8. I am really into knives and like the wicked edge, but damn are they expensive.
  9. Nothing at all wrong with Yankees. It is damn Yankees not welcomed. Damn Yankees are the ones who come south and bring their liberal ways with them and then wonder how Dixie goes to hell.   Welcome to the board.
  10. That ruger is pretty nice. I like the 22/45 because the grip is not angeld, but they are a ******** to clean.
  11. Seems too much for too few rounds.
  12. Now I am not the smartest tool in the shed, but you know what I think? I don't think criminals follow those laws? What kind of charge is it if you ignore one.
  13. Hopefully no carry signs don't have the force of law. In some states they don't. You have to leave if they ask you to though
  14. Some states had it where they carry no force of law. In theory if CC the only way you will have to use it is if need be. If a cc holder stops a mass shooter or something it would be a public relations nightmare to press charges.   I am not the sharpest tool in the shed.. I will admit that. You know what I think about those signs? I don't think criminals will leave their guns at home. I think they will go places where most people would be unarmed as they make easy targets. That is just me though.
  15. The irony of the bill is that democrats will say "states rights" as not supporting it yet they seem to think states rights were wrong when it came to marriage or voting issues. The surpreme court has even held voter id to be ok yet dems fight it every way they can because they need ever loser with no ambition waiting for their check to vote.   In theory it should pass, but Tester ( MT) McKaskill (MO), and a couple other democrats who should support it will not. We can only hope the people of those states don't want the country to go to losers and the dogs and vote the bums out next time. If it were to pass I would be shocked if Obama did not veto it.   I know some people have discussed a "compromise" ( don't do that with liberals. Give an inch they want a mile) where we go to universal background checks and get universal carry. For that to work though states  like New Jersey and Maryland and some counties in CA would have to get much more with it. I am not sure how I feel about compromising there. I don't believe we should have to compromise on a right. I would say maybe come up with a federal endorsement to your permit from your state ( say $20 per 5 years) that says as long as you meet any training requirements a state has you can carry there.
  16. Another thing to keep in mind about facebook for those who still use it for some things is this. All those ads give facebook kickbacks if you click on them. Even if one says free colt 1911 and date with sarah palin don't click it. Why should we put money in anti's pockets if we can help it? I wish a competitor for ebay would come up since they are so anti-gun
  17. Wow   It is great to know there will be no more poverty, no more single parenthood, all diseases cured, everyone eats and has housing. We are going to live in a perfect utopia because of guns not being able to be sold on facebook. There will be no more violence or thugs in places like Memphis killing each other and decent people.  (sarcasm)
  18. Mob rule instead of a republic gives us our current electoral system. I don't know about 100% a democrat. I will say much depends on conservative voters staying home or voting third party.
  19. How that lawyer can still be liberal after all that is beyond me. Kind of like knowing a room is boobie trapped and walking in and setting off anyway. That is the problem with liberals. Most intelligent people would shift to the right after seeing the results of the left's policies.
  20. Liberal whites allow this to happen because that is where other groups get their power from. The Money and power hungry whites. See the left gets to use the race card. With the election coming up its amazing how brazen the left can be in pandering for black or latino votes yet if the right tried that with their base all hell would break loose. I do think that trump would not be afraid to take the gloves off. I have no doubt their will be ads or direct mail pieces that basically say that if a republican wins blacks will be shot unarmed in the streets. I believe in the NC elections in 2014 they did a flyer that said as much that was put on windshields at black churches. The democrat "claimed" no involvement.
  21. Their owner is a big leftie. Does not surprise me. I know that often liberal causes don't get shut down but conservative ones do.
  22. Couple things. 1, I think most of those "white" suburban kids who want to play gangsta will see the light they get around some real gangstas. I think many many white liberals who go to Memphis for a time with no security would as well especially northern white liberals from places like Vermont, Maine and New Hampshire. 2, Part of the reason you might have liked Ice T is that he actually is influenced by music. I was reading he got into some Hendrix stuff when he was younger before getting into rap hence he had a heavy metal band body count.   I wonder am I the only one who does not understand why the government does not go after the bloods and crips with RICO statues like they do businessmen ( the Cosa Nostra), motorcycle gangs and even anti-abortion protestors at times? The bloods and Crips, latin kinds and so forth are definitely groups who are continuing criminal enterprises. The ms-13 as well. They just had a big bust up in Boston. It did not mention legal status of them. I am curious though and will admit it.   Curt Henning ( RIP) said it best   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHihfxE0ZTk
  23. Right on the money. The thing about don't breed them if they cant feed them is lots of people on the left fear losing the votes.   Sadly I think they do need to clean up their mess. If you think of those pants up don't loot guys complaining about cops you would almost think they don't want help sometimes. There are good people in the hood, but sadly many will take the side of the biggest thugs just because of their race like how a majority of the black community made Mike Brown out to be some type of hero. Even after the video of him with the clerk came out. I don't recall ANY white politician, official, or celebrity defending that rolfe guy who shot the people at that church in South Carolina. As long as some groups continue to defend the worst in their community it will never get better.
  24. What do you expect? Generational welfare dependency, crime, moral decay. On the bright side if you are a liberal you guarantee the area will be voting democrat for life.


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