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  • Location
    Gallatin, TN
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Guns Duh!
  • Occupation
    Advertising Executive


  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Springfield XD Mod.2 9MM
  • Carry Weapon #2
    CZ SP-01 Shadow 9MM

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  1. May want to ask Sumner Gun to hit it up on their Facebook page.
  2. I think he's referring to height advantage with the new cover lines. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Your CZ 75 is SSP legal. You will have to start with the hammer down though. If it's a decocker it can go to half-cock. If it's a safety, you have to manually lower the hammer all the way down. For safety models, you can have it cocked and locked, but you have to shoot ESP division.
  4. This may end up being the only Striker fired pistol I buy. I don't own any poly guns anymore. I'm a CZ homer so this could fit right in for me.
  5. I'm going to a shop in Gallatin, TN. I've got enough in the FSA to get some kick ass glasses. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I have FSA money I have to blow by January 31 or lose it. I figure a good way to blow it would be on prescription shooting sunglasses. Does anybody know an Eye Dr. local to Nashville that carries something like this?
  7. How do you re-charge Desiccant in the oven? I have the metal canisters.
  8. Guns in general got in my blood. Addict is a proper description. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Whoa that helps. I see. It's the cost of building it out. I don't see me shooting more than 3,000 rounds a month in the near future. Looks like the 550 is the best fit for the budget. I'll probably only load 9 and 45 for awhile. Am I correct that rifle rounds are easier to do for a newb on a single stage? I could just pick up on of those later. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. The 650 base unit is only $100 more vs the 550. It just seems smart to dump an extra $100 for the faster press unless I'm missing something. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. That's what I hear. I'm just convincing myself now! I'm mostly doing it for consistent, lower recoil ammo.
  12. I've got some friends who are going to teach me the tricks when I start out. I've been saving up brass for some time and finally figured out that I could save money on ammo to blow on more guns! Get the press first! It's just economics!
  13. I'll be doing 9MM to start, but will move into .45 and .223 soon. I'd really hate to buy something I'm just going to end up replacing down the road. I've been shooting IDPA and I do shoot a lot of ammo. I'd rather not invest in a press that is not very productive. I'll enjoy reloading, I just won't have a ton of time to do it so I'm looking for a long term do it all solution.
  14. I'm finally going to get a press in February. How functional is a base Dillon 650? I'd like to get the base unit up and running, then start adding parts later. Can you begin reloading without all the frills? Is it a decent pace without the extra equipment? I'll be a total noob at reloading, but I do tend to engross myself in something when I start it. I'll probably buy it from Reloaders Bench in Mt. Juliet.
  15. Hahahaha! Random. Yeah. Put on gun logo'd piece of apparel and see just how random it gets. I wore a CZ bucket hat to the parks four days in a row. Four "random" full metal detector, pat down searches later, I said some things to the security guard that I'm not so proud of and can't repeat! Yeah, they are doing full bag searches to all bags every day and random metal detectors / pat downs. Don't try it.


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