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  • Location
    Murfreesboro, TN
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Hunting Shooting.
  • Occupation
    Carpenter/volunteer firefighter


  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military
  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Glock 19
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Ruger lcp 2

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  1. Wow ! That is a steal ! Probably just buying the upgrades and getting a free CZ scorpion at that price
  2. I’ve got a Glock 26 if interested
  3. Not sure if it’s any help but there are a couple on gunbroker.
  4. I’m not , I’m in Murfreesboro
  5. Bump with another price drop
  6. New never installed 9” at3 quad rail in FDE. Comes complete with barrel nut and wrench . (You may or may not need it) $100 Murfreesboro
  7. Have a black ruger 10/22 factory stock and hand guard for sale. Asking $25 dollars, Murfreesboro area.
  8. Murfreesboro area. Shoot me a message if you have one for sale.
  9. Very low round count glock 26 Gen 5, 2 10 flush fit mags and 1 12 rounder with pinky extension base plate. Has ameriglo night sights installed. Also comes with galco ankle glock , $550 for the lot. Murfreesboro area.
  10. Awesome deal
  11. Can you pm me some pics for some reason they are not showing up on your post .
  12. What’s your best price ?
  13. I have a basically brand new at3 tactical quad rail for sale. OD green , I just opened the box to take the pictures. Complete kit including barrel nut and ratchet wrench for barrel nut. masking $120 Murfreesboro area.
  14. Lehigh defense 110g solid copper .264 (6.5 grendel) projectiles 100 count box $50 murfreesboro


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