37 -
Everything posted by R.Z.
I don't think the O.P. has replied yet - so maybe he's still working it? It's gonna be different for everyone, but my experience has been: Size of gun proportional to size of woman (slim is sexy). Trigger pull & felt-recoil will seal the deal. I thought the J-frame airweight 38 was an optimal choice, but the trigger pull and uncomfortable grip shape + recoil = a new carry gun for me, not her. The wife had a Colt 380 years ago, and won't let me forget that I'm the reason she 'used to' have it. Those little suckers have gotten mighty pricey since then, and the ammo ... as has been mentioned, has been a little scarce, lately. A buddy recently turned me onto the 9mm Makarov (9x18mm). Right between the 9x19 & 9x17(aka .380) it seems like a decent compromise. Since it's a 'commie' round - the cheap ol' steel cased ammo is priced right & not too hard to find! They may never make lasergrips for the Polish makarov I picked up for <$200 recently - but at that price, I can put one in each hand & teach her to shoot like yosemite sam!
I couldn't get the factory sights on my P220 to budge (lack of proper tools) - so I took it & my big dots by guns & leather to see when Jeff could take care of it for me. 5 minutes later, my pistol was sporting new big dots & I dunno if I'm allowed to say it, but - he didn't charge a thing. I almost ordered the "standard dot" but changed my mind last minute. I'm glad I did - I'm really liking the "big" dot. Oh - and so as to avoid total thread drift ... I didn't have any need for XS's customer service - everything worked just fine right out of the box!
... and before we get to the topic of flaregun inserts to allow firing various pistol cartridges - it might be important to know that apparently the ATF considers any flaregun so equipped as an AOW. ATF Online - Fire Launcher Inserts
I looked into this a year or so ago ... (have a 36ft sailboat currently being neglected on the Chesapeake) It's a very island-by-island specific thing, so lay down some general plans & then start researching each island's policies (not too hard to do, with some google-fu). Generally speaking - you already know the deal ... leave the guns with the port authorities or have them sealed for the duration of your visit covers 80% of the islands. From what I've heard - EBR's are very much frowned upon - personally, my plans would involve a pair of marine 870's with slugs/buckshot for long/close range. At rifle range it'd be hard to tell if that motor launch coming up on you fast is a pirate or a local fisherman looking to sell you a fresh dinner!
An interesting conundrum, isn't it ... Right there with ya, my commie flag flyin' i-friend ... I voted for Ron Paul in the Primary, after that - who was there to vote for?
Really! ... now there's a bit of info I didn't know - thanks! Been trying to get the wife down there to try out a 9mm, but haven't managed it yet. She used to really enjoy her .380 & I think she's ready to step-up, but we need a range session to confirm it. I'm sure I'll see y'all down there sometime or another - I'm a member & go fairly often, but since I just landed two new jobs I dunno when I'll have time now!
First thing I did was look up Suarez Int'l for their class schedule ... but, as stated above, nothing scheduled in the Nashville area! FoF training was already on my to-do list, and I was hoping to go out to Camden to train there - but again, it's not on their schedule locally either! ... so if the intent here was to drum up some interest, consider it done - now lets get a class together!
yup ... I work security at the library/church street garage & hate the fact that we're not allowed to carry anything, not a baton, not a spray - certainly not a gun. I found a switchblade laying on the floor after a hockey game one night. Nice to think a drunk fan might've used it on me if I'd pissed them off.
Welcome aboard, neighbor! Nice six-shooter there ... I'm a sucker for stainless, myself.
Howdy, from the other end of the county. Welcome aboard!
So now that we know what my avatar's all about ... what's up with yours?
Martial Law.
Just to 'muddy the waters' a little further ... if I remember correctly (and Lord knows I don't always) - the Buffalo is the one river in TN without a TVA dam on it, and as such, may be the exception to those rules. Here's a snippet that may (or may not) help those more informed than I figure things out - from the USGS ( http://pubs.usgs.gov/circ/circ1173/circ1173a/pdf-a/chapter14a.pdf ): Another snippet from the TVA ( http://www.state.tn.us/environment/wpc/watershed/wsmplans/buffalo/Buffalo5.pdf ) ... I'll add more as I find 'em:
Have two canoes, will travel ... Usedta do the Crazy Horse 21 mile run fairly often ... always carried, was never permitted - this year I'll actually be legal (pending a favorable response to your first post, of course).
Several good options already listed here (and a little bad information), I'll add another to consider: A "Berkey" with the black filter elements.
10-4 Bnag. ... I was up there Saturday & it was in worse shape than usual. I've been wanting to check out this place up toward Clarksville: http://www.tennessee.gov/twra/montgomerycomplex.html A 400 yard rifle range sounds interesting, but I can barely hold my own at 100!
Been ordering mine online & that's getting spotty, too. Check ammunitiontogo.com regularly ... they update their inventory all the time. I was shopping for 230gr Gold Dot, and they had some when I didn't any money ... by the time I got paid, 185gr +P Gold Dot was the closest they had, ended up getting 100 rounds of 230gr Ranger Bonded instead.
It's good-to-go! Many hundreds of rounds of .45 without problems.
I was in line behind you at the gunsmith's counter ... again - nice collection! I was mighty tempted to take advantage of G&L's 90 day layaway program for a new toy, myself, while I was there ... had an attack of good sense & resisted the urge ... maybe next time.
So where can I pick up a used Brinks truck? An armored truck & a schedule to meet folks before & after work, for a modest fee of course, just may be the answer! Maybe a roach-coach with p.o. box type storage lockers down one side ... Grab a cup of coffee, a biscuit & drop off your heater in the morning.
Just watched your "tour" video ... mighty nice setup you've got there! 'Shot' you a PM ... not sure it went through, though.
Howdy, neighbor!