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Everything posted by ma6907
So it is to easier lock back the weapon in a jam? Not to release after a reload? I get it. Still dont think I need one, but there are a lot of things I have learned I need by reading orhers posts.
I just added to my Signess. 224 Extreme in .40. I really like the little guy. Signess is seemingly incurable. My next one will likely be the 220 Match Elite 10 mm SA/DA. I am hooked on the SRT, and that one has it. In fact, except for my 238, all of my Sigs have the SRT. (238 of course has a 1911 style trigger.)
I am a HUGE fan of the Sig SRT. I have the 229 which I bought with the SRT accidently. Now I have the 226 and the 224 which I made SURE I got with the SRT (on purpose). I am in the market for the new Sig 220 10 mm SA/DA which also has the SRT.
Ok so this is probably a stupid question, I have 2 Glocks (23 and 17) which I shoot at the range a moderate amount and carry occasionally (usually i am a Sig SA/DA guy). I have never really considered that I need an extended slide release? I usually don't use it very much. I generally pull back on the slide to release it (I was taught it is a slide catch (stop), not a slide release). After reading this I am wondering if I am missing out? Could someone explain why I need an extended one? I am guessing for competition. I don't compete much?
Again I will say that being proficient with whatever platform and round you choose (assuming we are talking about typical defensive rounds (9mm, 40,.357 sig, 45 ACP, .38 special, .357 Magnum) is more important than WHICH of those rounds you choose,
It is all hollow point. I go to the range and guys say, "uh. That is not range ammo." I trade them whatever I am shooting for whatever they are shooting. FMJ is cleaner, anyway."
I love the .357 Sig round, but I gave it up when I got tired of spending more $$ every time I went to the range. I personally believe(my opinion) that the .357 sig offers the best advantages of all the defensive rounds, but I personally feel that the increased training time that I get from shooting 40 will benefit me more than shooting the better round, less frequently. My favorite platform for the .357 Sig is the Sig 229 Elite with the SRT trigger. It is also coincidentally my favorite platform for 40 and 9mm. I love that weapon. I just got the Sig Extreme p224 in 40. I love that little guy, too.
I bought a 40 because of advice I was given in 2004 to carry what the cops carry, because of the case of Harold Fish (Google it if you don't know). Since then I have had many friends give me MANY MANY rounds of 40 ammo. Because I have free ammo, I have several .40s. I have Glock 22, 23, 27. Sig p229 and its little brother p224. I enjoy shooting them all. My Sig 229 was originally a .357 sig, but I went to a gun show to get a barrel for .40 and ended up trading for a new Sig 229 Elite 40 for less than the cost of the .40 barrel. 357 sig just costs too much for me to shoot proficiently. I really feel it is a better round, but being prepared and well trained is more important than having the best round. I have no issue with the round or the weapons I fire it from. I kind of chuckle when people call it a trade off, since ALL weapons and ALL rounds are a trade off. I also chuckle when people say that the new technology 9 mm is better than old .40. Guess what? When they improved the 9, they improved the 40. I know that all of the defensive calibers of handgun ammo perform so similarly that which I choose is functionally meaningless. Since I have so much 40 and so many 40 weapons, I will not be changing any time soon, if ever. and feel no need to do so. These are my opinions and are not intended to incite ANY debate. Just telling why I do what I do on a forum intended to do so.
It does seem that almost instantly (or certainly within a few days) after a shooting they are able to figure out where the gun was purchased. I am aware of the law and I know what the "rules" say. but a day or so is pretty quick to figure it out based on ballistics. I suspect there are some hidden "other ways" that they are able to trace the firearms.(obviously not in an off the record deal, but if an FFL is involved, they seem to know it awful quickly for there to be "no federal records")
I know this is not totally kosher, and I swear i am not your wife going incognito, but how much $$ are you into so far on this project? (ish)? (Not wanting a full breakdown, just curious.)
Diamondback DB380 is my choice.
I pocket carry my Diamondback .380. I love how it disappears in my pocket. I rarely see them mentioned on lists, but I love the little guy. It fits the same holster as my Ruger LCP did. I swapped it for the Diamonback because I was always frustrated that the LCP did not have sights that I was comfortable with. I could shoot fine when shooting paper, but shooting steel plates or trying to shoot drills was less than satisfactory. It looks and breaks down just like a tiny little Glock. The trigger pull is a little long, but not worse than the LCP. I also had a Kel Tec .32 which I loved but was stolen from me (had it in my briefcase in my car, outside a hospital that was posted.)
Wow--I created a real topic! I was just kind of wondering out loud and ended up with an education. And I didn't even get bashed for asking a stupid question with my first real post! Apparently it was not stupid after all. Thanks everyone. I think Ill just buy an AR-15 pistol already asembled to avoid any appearance of impropriety. It would be my luck that the ONLY way I could defend myself in a sticky situation would be to use my "illegal" pistol and I would end up going to jail. One of my biggest concerns is what to do after the attacker hits the ground. By my estimation (and what was taught to me many years ago in my first carry course) nearly 100% of armed confrontations will most likely end up in court--either defending yourself to the law, or being sued by the family of the guy you just shot. Masad Ayob has written several books about it. 3 of my AR-15s are Sabre Masad Ayoob Editions (2 Elite and 1 Professional). I bought them because they are: 1 very accurate with stainless barrels. 2 Made in Tennesee (in case that law ever gets passed) and 3 The Ayob editions because i like him. I know many do not like his attitude about what can happen even if you do the right thing--but he speaks with experience and has won more competetions than I could ever even enter. Plus he is a real nice guy (to me). I have emailed him several questions that he has actually answered.
you lost me on that one @dolomite?
Thanks everyone. That is why I asked. And why I couldn't find the answer--cause it is not legal!
I have several AR-15s. I enjoy shooting them but do not know as much about long guns as I do about handguns. I recently read a "Shooting Times" article about AR-15 handguns that got me thinking about them. Here is the question (if it is a stupid one, please don't bash me)--If I buy an 11.5 inch upper complete with barrel, do I just attach it to ANY lower (as in removing one of my existing uppers) or are some other modifications necessary? I was thinking of using one of my Sabre lowers (made in Nashville) and buying a Sabre upper/barrel. No I don't need one (is my wife here?) and no I have no idea why I would, in practicaliyt need one, or what I really plan to do with it. I just seemingly want one and was wondering the answer. I cannot find the answer by "googling" so I thought I would ask here.
I have a Sig P238, that I want to love, but I rarely carry it BECAUSE of the safety. I carry my Diamondback .380 (it is like a tiny Glock) because--well, I am not really sure. I just for some reason reach for it almost every day. I have never really been enamored with the 1911 as some are. I do enjoy the single action only, but I like the sig 229 DA/SA setup. Double action first shot then single action. Or cock it prior to the first shot. After all, with my big hands I can almost as easily cock the DA hammer as I can drop the safety on a 1911.
Discussion Of Possible Gun Legislation, Parks Again
ma6907 replied to runco's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
The thing about THIS law is there is an AG opinion pretty much specifically written for the new Amphitheater downtown in Nashville (I know it applies to other venues, but it was written about the new amphitheater.) One would NOT be "testing the waters". It would be illegal for them to deny entry and since law enforcement is sworn to uphold the law, you would clearly have the non-vague attorney general opinion on your side. I can think of NO reason that you could be denied entry. If the cops were to show up, they would almost be obliged to arrest the person denying you? -
Discussion Of Possible Gun Legislation, Parks Again
ma6907 replied to runco's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Oh. man. You HAD to say his name? -
I, like several others, have kind of an infatuation with this gun, but I have NO need for it. If I were buying a 1911 (already have several--I am partial to Colts), and needed one that is not too fancy (like for a glovebox or true everyday carry), the R1 would be my choice. I agree with the posters on the trigger (having only dry fired it at the counters where I said, "Can I see THAT one".) As far as out of the box features (again only looking and holding, never actually firing, I personally (just my opinion) feel this is the best bang for your buck in a sub $800 1911. I think one of the issues is that since it is, basicly, an entry level 1911, most of the people buying entry level 1911s do not realize the upgraded features that this gun has on it. Difficult to explain to new shooters why some of the features are so nice. Ones I have seen have a Tritium front site only (which is nice, to me. Why would I want the rear sights glowing?), scalloped rear ejection port, checkering that is ALSO on the safety, etc. Several little features that I don't think entry level (I know I didn't) shooters think about?
Discussion Of Possible Gun Legislation, Parks Again
ma6907 replied to runco's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
As long as we citizens allow the government to disobey the law, we are going to lose our rights. Issues like--our government creating sanctuary cities, allowing states to ignore federal drug laws, allowing our Federal Goverrnment to record and store our phone calls, allowing cities like NYC to disregard the 2nd amendment, and yes--even our own state and local cities directly ignoring Attorney General opinion--then we will lose our rights. -
Im in.
Forgive me if this has already been discussed (I am new here), but I was thinking, if the 14th amendment gives the right to gay marriage and to abortion, does it not also give the right to carry guns anywhere since it is legal (on some level) in almost every state? Wouldn't that be a challenge to restrictive gun laws in anti gun states (like NY, CA, and Ill) and couldn't it also be applied to other states using precedence of Constitutional Carry states like Vermont?