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Everything posted by Ropin4gold

  1. Hook 'em horns?
  2. There is a good thread about the hiring process over in the TN section of officer.com. I have some friends that work or have worked at metro. Pay is good, room for advancement, specialized units (k9, detective, flex, etc.), also no shortage of "work" I would try and do a ride along. If metro doesn't do them, try any of the surrounding counties/cities from Nashville. This would be the best way to see if you are really going to enjoy the job or not. Good luck.
  3. I had a 220 carry elite awhile ago. It had the SRT trigger which I found to be excellent. I did not much care for the beavertail and I would not have adjustable sights on a carry pistol. I have a P229, just a plane jane model and would not trade it. Sorry to muddy the waters for you, but the SRT trigger is a big improvement over the standard DA/SA sig trigger.
  4. Well I had some correspondence with the guys at Bellshire Hardware today. They said there is not a 4" tactical version of this gun. I guess the one I held was the compact 3.5". Anyone ever seen a 4" or Commander Style RIA Tactical?
  5. I didn't see the Rock Island guns on there. I know there made by Armscore but cant find anything on the Rock Island Tactical in 4"
  6. I got a chance to hold a Rock Island Tactical today, I believe it had a 4" barrel. I did some searching and can not find a webpage for them. Does anyone know the website for the company so I can see all of the different specs and variations?
  7. Ropin4gold


    I have a SAR-1. I like it and it does everything I need it to do. Arsenal is good Krebs is really good Also might check out Arizona Response, they are nice. Get on warrior talk and read read read up on em..
  8. Well I didn't come home with anything that went BANG, but did buy a "tactical" christmas stocking...................Complete with MOLLE!!!!!! I am not dissappointed in the show, it was as advertised. No beef jerky, indian crafts, or other junk. All in all it was a good starting point. What I would like to see are more individuals with tables and thier used guns for sale. I don't buy very many new guns. Hero Gear had a nice setup and a good special going on for the show. They had a good selection, representative of thier shop. I would go if it was offered again. It was about a 1.5 hour drive one way for me.
  10. $450 is about what I have seen them selling for with no accessories.
  11. Let me start by saying that I have never shot a Garand. That being said I have had both an M1A (Federal Ordinance with all USGI parts) and DPMS LR308 at the same time. The DPMS was more accurate and fit my needs better so I kept it. If you get one make sure to get the C-Products mags, I had a lot of problems with the DPMS mags.
  12. Well I didn't get any pictures from thanksgiving, but I cooked a pork loin marinated in Spicy Brown Mustard and Tequila and stuffed with apples. I was too busy eating it to take a pic, will try to get one next time I smoke something.
  13. Check out white oak precision. The take the RRA trigger and imporve on it. Very smooth.
  14. Get a leupold and be done with it.
  15. Ropin4gold

    Can't decide

    I voted other. S&W MP9c. If you are not fancy on them then the Glock 26 or XD9 SC. I wouldn't pick the Walther due to limited magazine capacity.
  16. The big green egg is not 1500. I got mine for under 600 with nest at Ted's in Columbia. I have tried alot of smokers and have not found one that can do a better job then the BGE.
  17. I like Mika's holsters, check them out.
  18. That is very nice.
  19. I have shot the XD9 a little, really liked it. XD has a good reputation, I don't think you could go wrong with it for a carry piece.
  20. You might try Denny Elliott at Sniper Pro Shop. He is around Dickson I think and does lots of cool things with kydex.
  21. My wife did the same thing with my G26, I ended up with a new (to me) Sig. Out of the two 1911's you have listed, I would vote for the NIB Colt Defender over the used Kimber.
  22. I have a Al-Mar Auto Sere pre production. I love Al-Mar knives.
  23. Ropin4gold

    Sig P239

    You made a good choice, it is a fine weapon. You won't be disappointed.
  24. I did a bunch of research on the matter and settled on an swr trident 9. I was all set to buy and got a case of cold feet. I will prob get one sometime after the first of the year.
  25. Well I'm back from the Iowa pheasant hunting trip. Had a bad hunt, no birds killed or seen. The farmers were 3-4 weeks behind on getting crops out, I think that hurt us. Weather was in the upper 60's during the day. Hope yall kill some in SD.


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