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Everything posted by WarPig
Just grabbed it at my dads. Still splitting up tools....between that and guns we may not speak for a while! Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
If you could have chosen just one machete it probably would have split the difference in the price ;) I sold quite a bit to pay for it, I told my wife its gonna look empty when I move everything over and I needed more guns to fill it up. She rolled her eyes and gave me the finger. But she didn't say no so I'm staying positive that that was a soft yes. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
I got sick of the traditional safes after years of them not fitting my needs. SBRs falling over, some too long, others too short, optics being odd sized, and of course the gun I need is always in the back. So I researched, found what I liked and paid it off (after some saving and selling what i would have put inside the safe) but still had to wait months until we moved into the new house for delivery. But it happened today. Ladies and gents i bring to you the Revolution XLT by Pendleton. I have to drill the concrete in the morning but I have to save it looks like my oddball guns should all have a home. I still need an internal storage solution for my silencers but at least my babies have a new home. It even has a spot inside to attach my security contact point and pressure plates. The internal leds are a nice touch. All in all I am pretty happy so far. I just need to recruit some friends to help me move this giant this weekend. Any of yall like pizza and beer? Ha! Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Thanks guys. I dont want to go the ammo can route because I already have all my ammo in them and to be honest I already had to brace the shelf from the weight of all the ammo. Also I want to be able to clearly ID mags vs just ammo. I like the sealant concept, i may do a few in open for go to and seal the rest. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
I finally got moved into my new house and I am in the process of getting my work space set up the way I want. I have some heavy duty wire racks that I decided I am going to keep my gun parts on, but I'm having a little issue figuring out how I want to do my loaded mags and random parts/accessories. I was going to see if I could hear from some people that have already got a set up they like (pics would be even better!!). I don't want to use like stackittactical or anything, I am just trying to get it laid out so I am not just standing in piles of mags and gear. At minimum I need to store about 100 pistol and 100 AR/rifle mags, I would like them separated by caliber and gun (maybe 6 or 7 platforms a piece currently) and a couple small buckets/containers for random parts. Thanks guys. I am going to run over to Home Depot or Lowes this afternoon and see if they have anything remotely compatible. I'll post pics when I finish.
I love mine. I went vertical with everything and it will hold 7 with mags. And it has taken a rough fall once or twice. Enjoy it. Edit. One problem with going vertical is my threaded barrels have to go in a separate spot. But they fit in there as well. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Willis I thought you were fighting Somali pirates or panning for gold in Australia. I would have just bugged you first. PM sent. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
So I wasn't the first to cut myself with the Punisher Pro Tech...but I may be the first to booger it up. I came running around the corner and the clip caught the door jam and it bent the pocket clip (and tore a chunk out of the wood frame...i was impressed. My last knife I did this to popped the clip off) Does anyone know the easiest way to get ahold of a few spares of these clips? It is bent beyond fixing what is on there. Knife is fine. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
In theory, what your saying makes sense. But over the past few months I have found that a call to the ATF office is worth the few day turn around for an answer. (I started emailing so I have proof) Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
All I read was trivia crack, testify, regular, poop stool, and finger puppets. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Oh come on guys...everyone does it! I really think this is what splits everyone above or below 50. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
My wife was just yelling at me to get out of the bathroom. She said, "I need to get my makeup on so we can go...did you hear me? You better not just be sitting in there talking to your little toilet friends!!!" Guess I should scroll the forum from the living room more often. Heh heh... [emoji372] [emoji57] Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
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PM me your address. I have one of the "shall not be infringed" in my box of stickers. I'll send it your way next time I get to the post office. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
I have one left...I am sure they are going to get delivered eventually but if you absolutely need one for someone for Christmas let me know. I think I still have one floating around the garage somewhere (along with 50 Larue Tactical stickers...seriously someone take these freebie bumper stickers off my hands.)
HA! I have been contemplating new triggers in my 19 and 43...I have always left them be because Glock is perfection (don't argue with me it says so on their website) and I am not a fan of putting aftermarket parts on the gun I use for self defense but i think curiosity may get the better of me. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Update. Just got back. No hogs. Busted a bunch of quail and trashed an armadillo. I was not mentally prepared to party with the boys from south Texas. Our outfitter had more of a drinking camp that hunted. But a good time was had by all. The son of one of the guys there got to shoot a 13 pointer with a drop tine so he was pumped. I passed on a 4 spiral black buck because I didnt want to eat the $2600 price tag tight before Christmas. (these guys had a ton of exotics...axis, buffalo, elk, fallow, blackbuck, trophy white tails, javalina, feral hog, orx, red stag...and a cougar running around that had a $10k price on its head) But the food was killer (sweet bread wrapped in bacon, carne asada, chorizo and potatoes), the drinks were top shelf, the weather was perfect, the company was great and everyone came back without a bullet hole. We are counting it as a win...until next year. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Well I know I told you to go do the baby thing this weekend but now that its official...congrats. Your world is about to take a change for the best. But you should definitely buy a flamethrower. Dads with guns are scary. Dads with flamethrowers are perceived as unstable and therefore terrifying. (If you really want to sell it get a steel chair and 2 sets of handcuffs attached to the arms...then sit that little ba$tard in it and then work on your speech. I know you have a few years but its best to be prepared.) Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
I am really hard on my equipment, especially when I train. So I have about 50 AR mags of each platform (15 and 10) and 10 pistol of each gun I consider a "combat pistol". As far as carrying, its all preference. My micro rig and belt allows me 6 rifle and 3 pistol. But remember if the SHTF you may need more than your battle load. (Damaged mags, trade, leaving them on the ground if you need to get off the X, etc) Better yo have and not need than need and not have. You can get a 10 pack of AR mags from DSG or Primary Arms for $100 shipped most holiday weekends. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Noo...you didn't resemble this at all. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
I read it fast and thought it said for women who want to bang a real ma.....I digress. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Aaaand I just peed a little. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Here he is boys...in all his "not so mint" condition. My dad bought this in a package deal when a buddy's dad passed away over 20 years ago. He was going to pass but I picked up this Ruger 44 mag and fell in love (even with the paint speckles where someone was using a rattle can next to the gun, and the little rust spots, and the wear on the bottom of the stock, and the action that felt like there was sand in it, and the busted scope....the list goes on) It was my first "big kid" gun. I killed my first deer, bobcat, coyote, fox, and armadillo with this gun. My dad (and the gun) showed me that shot placement was more important than having the biggest gun in camp. Well, my dad and I are headed to Texas soon to do some hog hunting. He battled cancer the last 2 seasons so it has been the first time we have been able to hunt together in a while. So I busted out Rusty and put him in my range bag to check the zero. My dad was staring at me like a crazy person and said, "with all these guns in here why are you taking THAT?!?" I told him if I get the chance to shoot my first trophy boar I wanted it with this gun. Hunting trips are more about the memories than the kill sometimes. Then to make sure it didnt get too emotional I whipped my cleaning towel at his crotch, finished my bourbon and locked up. Just a friendly reminder as you take your kids in the woods this season, they are bringing back more than back straps. Make the time count. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Easy there 10 ring. I carry a 9mm EDC but you won't catch me outdoors in cougar country with that pea shooter. I carry mine hunting (just packed it last night to fly to Texas and do some hog hunting) and I carried it when I lived in Colorado and we would hike with the dogs. I stopped carrying it EDC because it didn't make sense to back off the gas enough to minimize the overpenetration without basically making it a heavy 40. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Haven't bought any firearms in about a year, but that changed this evening,
WarPig replied to mav's topic in Show and Tell
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