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Everything posted by kckndrgn

  1. no luck for me over the weekend.  Saturday started off with thunder in the distance and light rain on and off, then got so windy I started getting a bit sea sick in the stand. Late afternoon the wind died down, but nothing was moving.   Oh well, still plenty of time to put another deer in the freezer.
  2. Thanks GKar, I will definitely check out those bullets.
  3. This was my first year hunting with a ML, and coincidentally my first ever deer taken :).  While my shot was good, I was not please with the results of the bullet, basically a clean through shot with little to no expansion.   I'm shooting a Traditions Buckstalker inline ML and I was using 100 grains of powder (IMR White Hots, pellets) with a 245 grain PowerBelt copper hollow point bullet.   After getting the rifle and shooting it for the first time this is the combination I started with and was getting good 2.5" - 3" grouping at 50 yards.     My question is should I increase the powder charge or select a different bullet or both?     Any suggestions on a preferred bullet for a .50 cal ML?   Thanks in advance.
  4. I grew up in MN and we heated a 2 story house only with wood heat while growing up.  No central heat/fan to circulate the air, just a register in the ceiling/floor above the stove to let heat to the upstairs.  The stove was on one side of the house and all the bedrooms were on the opposite side and upstairs from it.  Never had a problem with being cold that I can remember.   If you have a central AC/Furnace that you can use to move the air around you should be good to go.
  5. You can take the hunter safety course online, as it has been mentioned, the do the field day part. Go here to find a field day that is available: http://www.register-ed.com/programs/tennessee/84-tennessee-hunter-education-field-day   The field days in Bartlett have openings for tomorrow, Dec 7th & Dec 10th.  It might be a bit of a drive, but if nothing is available in your area this would get you in the woods this season.   Looks like there might be a cost for the online version of the course but if you go to a class it's free?
  6. Got one last year, and while I will buy the k-cups when on sale/clearance, we have the re-usable k-cup filters and I usually just grind up some fresh coffee beans and go.   No leaks no problems, but I suspect that these are not really designed for use in a break room where they may get hundreds of uses a day.   Just got an order in from https://maithaicoffee.com/ and their coffee is wonderful.  I buy the whole beans and grind when I'm ready for a cup :)
  7. 1st ever :)   Hoping to add to the count in the coming weeks.
  8. Got my first deer yesterday, a small doe. Puts some meat in the freezer and a big learning experience for me.
  9. I love my Kindle Fire HDX, but there are some things I don't like.  It's basically a stripped down android tablet, running a custom interface, and as such they have disabled some features that as low level techie I would like.   I also have side loaded a few apps that are not available from the kindle store, so I can run B&N Nook on my kindle.  I think Chrome was another one I side loaded.   What reader you use really depends on what you want it for.  My daughter had a Kindle HD (shes 10) and uses it for some of her school work, reading books and playing.     Since I have a prime account I've loaded some movies we've purchased (the one with "free digital copy") and both kids watch movies on road trips using my kindle. No more changing DVD's, no more scratched DVD's no more lost DVD's.   I had a B&N Nook, but don't really care for it.
  10. Yes that is correct.   Currently I'm hunting with a ML and my FIL is hunting with a Bow, but in just over a week we'll both be using .30-30's :)   And Welcome to TN, I moved here from MN about 15 years ago, haven't looked back.
  11. The truck is packed, now for the longest work day ever :)   After work I'll pick up my FIL (MIL will have dinner ready woohoo) then drive to the cabin so we can be out in the woods 30min before sunrise.  Can't wait.  Don't know if it's a good sign or not, but the wife dreamt I got two deer this weekend :)
  12.   Yup, got one for my son for his 3rd birthday.  We didn't get one for our daughter, but she expressing more interest in hunting than he is right now.   Oh well, got to get my daughter in for her hunters safety course.
  13. Looks like a great deer to get your sights on. I'm getting ready now. I will load up the truck in the morning, pick up my FIL after work and head out the hunting property. Can't wait!
  14. I just got a muzzle loader and got it sighted in last weekend.  My only problem is trying to get my FIL out with me, he has plans but i'm trying to twist his arm so to speak :)  First time hunting with a ML, should be fun.
  15.   I honestly don't remember, I think it's the $50.00 ChinaMart special I got a couple of years ago.   I also have a "wildgame" (I think that's the name) camera and it does the "time lapse" type video.  I keep that one in still picture mode, and this one in video mode. I would just change one to video and let it set a week or 2 then see if you like it, that's basically what I did.
  16. Got this from my trail camera. http://youtu.be/vMnNn9gkqvI Lots of does, some still have youngen's hangin' around. Snapped this with my phone a couple of weeks ago.
  17.   I've reused my about a 1/2 dozen times so far, but then again I ordered a dozen boxes of both sizes of lids (a full case each).  Every now an then the maker the tattler lids will have a sale on them, so I got a case of each size.   The only thing that needs replacing is the rubber seal, but I'm not sure how often that needs to be replaced.  I do plan on ordering a couple dozen of each size.
  18. Going long term you can get some reusable lids for canning.  Tattler lids are reusable, they have a two part system, rubber seal and the plastic lid.  I've been slowly transitioning to them.  Bit of a learning curve to using them vs. the traditional lids.   Never heard of using vinegar to clean the jars. May try it with my next batch, but 9 times out of ten I'll have 0 jars that don't seal with a damp cloth cleaning the rim of the jar (I use the boiling water from the water bath  pan).  The few times that I have a jar that doesn't seal, it just goes in the fridge and gets used first.
  19. Range USA in Memphis has (or at least had when I worked there) a G17 converted to FA.
  20. Maybe this should be another thread, if so mods please move as you see fit.   Looking at the C&R application, item 11.  Why would having been an employee of an FFL be of concern?  I worked at a local range (6 years ago) for 3 years, and I answered "Yes" to that question.  So what are they looking for when they state "give full details on a separate sheet of paper"?   Just "I worked at xxx FFL holder from date to date.  I am no longer employed there"?   And as far as sending the second copy to the CLEO, looks like I just mail that copy to them, nothing else needs to be done?   Thanks in advance.
  21. I've thought about getting the C&R, just never felt that compelled.  I do like many of the older firearms, so I may have to take the plunge.
  22. Great info,  Look forward to more posts on your setup.
  23. Saw some .22 at Academy in Memphis (Collierville).  Prices looked like they were special gold plated .22lr so I passed.
  24.   Body armor is available now, how many thugs and other less desirables are wearing them?  Few if any.  The only time I remember bad guys wearing armor was the bank robbery in CA a few years back.   Why does a law abiding citizen having BA scare you?   TN already has a law that makes it a crime to wear body armor during certain crimes.  Nothing more needs to be done in my opinion.
  25.   Not necessarily.  My wife and I gifted one of our old cars to her parents.  By filling out a form online they were able to transfer the registration to their name and did not pay any tax/fee other than for the plates.   There is a form you can print out and specify that it's a gift to avoid paying the taxes.  At least that's what I recall doing as this was about 4 yrs ago.


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