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Everything posted by kckndrgn

  1. from http://www.stellaawards.com/2006.html The 2006 True Stella Awards Winners by Randy Cassingham Issued 31 January 2007 #5: Marcy Meckler. While shopping at a mall, Meckler stepped outside and was "attacked" by a squirrel that lived among the trees and bushes. And "while frantically attempting to escape from the squirrel and detach it from her leg, [Meckler] fell and suffered severe injuries," her resulting lawsuit says. That's the mall's fault, the lawsuit claims, demanding in excess of $50,000, based on the mall's "failure to warn" her that squirrels live outside. #4: Ron and Kristie Simmons. The couple's 4-year-old son, Justin, was killed in a tragic lawnmower accident in a licensed daycare facility, and the death was clearly the result of negligence by the daycare providers. The providers were clearly deserving of being sued, yet when the Simmons's discovered the daycare only had $100,000 in insurance, they dropped the case against them and instead sued the manufacturer of the 16-year-old lawn mower because the mower didn't have a safety device that 1) had not been invented at the time of the mower's manufacture, and 2) no safety agency had even suggested needed to be invented. A sympathetic jury still awarded the family $2 million. #3: Robert Clymer. An FBI agent working a high-profile case in Las Vegas, Clymer allegedly created a disturbance, lost the magazine from his pistol, then crashed his pickup truck in a drunken stupor -- his blood-alcohol level was 0.306 percent, more than three times the legal limit for driving in Nevada. He pled guilty to drunk driving because, his lawyer explained, "With public officials, we expect them to own up to their mistakes and correct them." Yet Clymer had the gall to sue the manufacturer of his pickup truck, and the dealer he bought it from, because he "somehow lost consciousness" and the truck "somehow produced a heavy smoke that filled the passenger cab." Yep: the drunk-driving accident wasn't his fault, but the truck's fault. Just the kind of guy you want carrying a gun in the name of the law. #2: KinderStart.com. The specialty search engine says Google should be forced to include the KinderStart site in its listings, reveal how its "Page Rank" system works, and pay them lots of money because they're a competitor. They claim by not being ranked higher in Google, Google is somehow infringing KinderStart's Constitutional right to free speech. Even if by some stretch they were a competitor of Google, why in the world would they think it's Google's responsibility to help them succeed? And if Google's "review" of their site is negative, wouldn't a government court order forcing them to change it infringe on Google's Constitutional right to free speech? And the winner of the 2006 True Stella Award: Allen Ray Heckard. Even though Heckard is 3 inches shorter, 25 pounds lighter, and 8 years older than former basketball star Michael Jordan, the Portland, Oregon, man says he looks a lot like Jordan, and is often confused for him -- and thus he deserves $52 million "for defamation and permanent injury" -- plus $364 million in "punitive damage for emotional pain and suffering", plus the SAME amount from Nike co-founder Phil Knight, for a grand total of $832 million. He dropped the suit after Nike's lawyers chatted with him, where they presumably explained how they'd counter-sue if he pressed on.
  2. I did 20 without the use of the 'net
  3. The google vid is no longer available anybody have another link to it?
  4. I listen to Dave, read his books, and volunteered at his events here in Memphis (just so I could see the show for FREE) Yes, it does get repetitive, but that's what makes it stick. Yes, he does sound like a broken record sometimes "sell the car", "sell the car", "sell the car". But all in all I do like listening to him. I especially like the "But Dave..." segments he does once in a while.
  5. Welcome to the forum!!
  6. Welcome Slipstream!!
  7. I do agree that those officers are idiots, but in their position their beliefs and their views are what is followed. Unfortunately the public keeps voting them back in office Thank God I live in TN
  8. I know the feeling. The only way I got out of the "emergency" living was to get a small emergency fund ($1k for now) and to "plan" that vehicles will need maintenance so I have money set aside for such things. Now, keeping in mind if something MAJOR happens in life, I'm hoping I have insurance for that and my highest deductible is $1k, so hopefully (knock on wood) I'm covered. Yeah, my recent AR purchase was delayed for a couple of weeks due to the fact that my garage door spring broke and I had to get the whole danged assembly replaced but we had the cash so it was just paid for Ryan
  9. Molon, I agree with your assessment. Yes, there are area's that TN is lacking and areas where TN excels. Can you clarify why TN fails the "carriage" part? Because they require it or because of some of the hoops to go through to get one, or something else? One thing that I like about TN is we honor all other permits, whether there is a formal reciprocity or not. Now if IA and MN would honor TN permit I would be really happy. I drive (yes drive, don't really care for flying anymore) to MN every year and would love to have my firearm by my side the entire trip. BTW, I didn't come up with my sig line, it from "Shooter". When I went to see it EVERYONE in the theater laughed at that line
  10. Not much here in Memphis. A little pea sized hail, wind and rain. My daughter, who doesn't like thunder, actually slept through the whole thing. I keep waiting for the next "Hurricane Elvis" type storm. Ya know, the one the weather forecasters don't predict will be bad, but really is.
  11. Welcome, Just like the others have said, if you can go out and rent or borrow a gun that you are looking at purchasing then do it. There is a difference in "dry fireing" and getting some actual range time in. Again, welcome and enjoy your stay here!
  12. Welcome! Sit back relax and enjoy your visit!
  13. Well, I'm chiming in a bit late, but better late than never The family went to relatives (hers, not mine ) in Huntingdon, TN. Sat mornin' before the rain moved in I got a chance to work on sighting in my AR-15 and 30-30. Shot the shotty, and some handguns. So it was a good weekend. Sunday was pretty much spent either on the road coming home, or in the backyard doing "spring cleaning" and working on the garden.
  14. Welcome aboard Mike! Nice to see another Memphian here!
  15. D.R. Yeah, a buddy of mine turned me on to him a couple of years ago. It's only been recently that my wife and I have been able to buckle down and start really knockin' out the debt. It is a nice feeling when a debt is gone from your life for good, never to return.
  16. kckndrgn

    Glock ownership???

    True, I'll agree with you 100% on that. All things made by man are capable of malfunction at some point and time. What has to be done is proper maintenance and inspection of said mechanical devices.
  17. I loved it, just one question. Do you have a NIV version so it reads a little better? All those "thou's" and "lo's" make it just too hard to read LOL
  18. kckndrgn

    Glock ownership???

    OK, Molon, do you know if these were stock glocks or were they modified for competition? The ONLY FTF, FTE problems I have had were the times I've had someone load my mags and include spent brass in there. That is the only way that I have been able to work on clearing drills. Now, for 1911's, I have seen first hand that some of them are so finicky about the ammo that it is not even funny. But, I'm not gonna like, I like the way 1911's shoot, and I may own one someday.
  19. I'm a computer programmer. I do database work usually, but also some data warehouse stuff. As for the original poster referring to people buying lots of guns, well I can say in the last 6 months I have purchased 3 firearms (Shotgun - Mossberg 590-A1, Springfield XD9, and DPMS AR-15). I've paid cash for all of them, and my wife and I are currently working our way out of debt (paid off about 3k so far this year). I work a part-time job (at a local range doing sales and range cleanup), I also have a hobby of selling hand crafted woodturning items (Pens/Pencils, etc.) We are also on a budget and that helps us TELL our money what to do, not just try and figure out where the money went.
  20. Wecome to the forum!
  21. Hey man, Glad to see ya chimin' in here!!
  22. Welcome!! Sit back, relax and enjoy your stay!
  23. welcome JF!!
  24. Idahoser, That was a great write up!!! I just started myself. I didn't want to and couldn't spend the money to get a dillon, so I went with Lee instead. I don't regret it for a moment. I got the press kit off of flea-bay and the dies from MidwayUSA. My total investment has been around $150.00 (maybe less). I can imagine that when I do "upgrade" to the progressive loader, I will still continue to use the lee press. Ryan


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