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Everything posted by kckndrgn

  1. kckndrgn

    My AR Build

    SWEET, now you have a carry handle & a stripped lower to stare at for the next couple of months!!!
  2. kckndrgn

    My AR Build

    Yeah, I've heard that too. I ordered my upper on 12/3 and my order number is 262xx, so there's still some time before mine will ship.
  3. kckndrgn

    My AR Build

    Sweet, now how much longer before the kit ships from Del-Ton? I just picked up a Stripped lower last night for my next build. Think I'm gonna make this one a 20" plinker instead of a 16"
  4. Check out www.rimfirecentral.com , they will have lots of information for you. Ram line = Jam line (just my experience) BC would be the best of the ones you listed, but like RD said, check out the TI mags. They are not cheap, but they just might be the best on the market. If you go with BC mags get the steel lip version.
  5. I own a Dillon SDB and I love their service. I got my SDB used, for $100.00, found out it had a couple of broken parts, called Dillon and told them I needed to order parts. They asked a couple of questions and said the parts are in the mail, no payment needed. Yeah, when I upgrade it will be to a 650. I don't mind paying a little more up front for some excellent service later down the road, if needed.
  6. The wife carries one as her EDC. It is a great gun. Easy to carry & conceal.
  7. The wife and I have gone to Natchez Trace quite a few times. It DOES get busy during the holiday weekends, but other than that it's not too bad. A couple of lakes near by for fishing, you can do some backpacking as well. We are going to start camping again this spring. We haven't gone in about 3 years and I really like camping. The other reason we like Natchez is that she has some relatives that live near by that have access to a 600yrd range
  8. hmm, haven't had any problems with FF (at work or at home). When you re-installed FF did you install to the same directory? If so I would uninstall it and have it installed to a directory other than the default.
  9. kckndrgn

    My AR Build

    Um, the firing pin ain't in the lower there buddy!!:D Now if the cat took off with one of the many springs that could be a problem.
  10. kckndrgn

    My AR Build

    not a one went flying, had a couple of pieces "roll" off the table I was working on, but they didn't go to far (and I had to be quick, the cat thought I was dropping toys for her to play with LOL )
  11. kckndrgn

    My AR Build

    I finished my AR build last weekend, haven't had a chance to fire it yet though. It sure was easy putting the lower together, much easier than I thought it would be.
  12. kckndrgn

    My AR Build

    COOL, so for the next 2 months you'll have a paper weight that the guberment considers a firearm!!
  13. More than likely
  14. Don't forget to print off a coupon and save a buck!! http://rkshows.com/coupon.htm
  15. Man that sucks, Best of luck getting it back.
  16. just ordered 3 and got the confirmation email, we'll see what happens
  17. I'm sorry for your families loss. You and your family will be in my prayers.
  18. kckndrgn


    I assembled my first lower over the weekend. I was half expecting me to launch every pin/spring into the stratosphere, but I didn't. All went together very smoothly!
  19. About 2 weeks ago I ordered 500 rounds of Federal Hydra-Shock .40S&W from Ammoman.com. Order arrived about 3 days after I placed it. I believe it will be hit or miss when an online dealer gets stock in, it's usually gone before they can really post it as available online. I'm still lookin' for some 9mm hydra-shock.
  20. Since you are wanting to load for both pistol & rifle I would go with the 550 (or even the 650). The SDB press will ONLY reload pistol ammo, and it uses dies from dillon only. I have the SDB and it works great, but I mainly load for pistol. I will be starting rifle soon, so I have my "old" lee turret press for that for now until I can save up the $$ and get a dillon.
  21. 590-A1 is my preference.
  22. The OP said he does not currently have a permit, so no matter what state he is coming from he will have to go through the 8 hr class.
  23. Since you have to go to the DMV anyway, take the class and when you go apply for your permit get your TN drivers license - two birds with one stone.
  24. Thanks for all the advise so far, keep it coming! What I am trying to do is keep a minimal amount of different types of powder on hand. musicman, I have only used 3 types of powder so far, Bullseye & TG for .40 & 9mm and H335 (I think, going from memory) for 30-30. For me TG has been metering better in my SDB & Lee press than the Bullseye did, which is why I switched. I'm not against trying different types of powders, but buying a bunch of different types of powder to to try a few loads can get expensive, which is what I want to avoid. Lots of info here to process, thanks again.


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