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About kckndrgn

  • Birthday 03/19/1973

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  • Location
    Memphis, TN
  • Interests
    Computers, Shooting, Reloading, & Woodworking
  • Occupation
    Database Programmer


  • Carry Weapon #1
    Glock 23
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Glock 27

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  1. I stopped tent camping a few years ago, I just can't stand sleeping on the ground, even with an air mattress.   As for the dog, I have the same problem on our vacation/hunting land.  Neighbor lady runs a "dog rescue" and those dogs are kept penned up (too small a pen, for the number of dogs in my opinion) but her dogs are allowed to roam.  There is a wire fence between our properties and we found where her dogs were getting through and patched the fences.  Then in casual conversation we say "oh, we fixed the fence, hopefully your dog won't get out anymore".    Wish I could say that solved the problem but it didn't.    At one point we told her about a dog that was on the property and her comment was "oh, that was mine, we couldn't find her so we looked on your land..", I cut her off "Oh, you were trespassing on my property?"  She had no response, for years before we bought the property she had access rights, but from the beginning my wife and I told her she was not allowed on the property for any reason.
  2. http://www.autoblog.com/2016/03/15/fort-worth-police-investigating-pepper-spray-video/   Cop was wrong, IMHO, no reason for what he did.  Considering how most people react when getting hit with pepper spray this had the possibility of a bad outcome for the bikers.  Also, considering how vehicles create a "wind" that PS could, and probably did, fly back into the cops face, and what about the driver of the truck, but he got some of it as well.
  3. Hmm, mine would have to have been a Henry AR-7.  Wouldn't shoot worth a darn and would try to eject the few shell casings it did fire INTO the chamber instead of out.  But I got it for free so I guess I couldn't complain.    But then I sent it back to Henry, with a note of what was wrong.  2 weeks later I had a working AR-7, and it worked flawlessly until I sold it.
  4. Buy bigger than what you need (as has been said)   Are you wanting a pre-built shed or one you build yourself?   For pre-built sheds, go to the "lots" on the side of the road and walk around them, see what they have.  Ask the pre-built places if they have any repo/bank owned units.  I bought two sheds that way, one is 10x10 metal and the other is 14x20 gable style.  Had them delivered for free and setup by the delivery guy (they have a really neat trailer for getting into tight places).   For build your own type, be aware that the "kits" at HD (and possibly Lowe's) may not contain everything you need.  At my old house, I got an 8x8 shed kit from HD.  Floor joists were 24" OC 2x4, if I wanted them closer or use 2x6's I had to supply extra.  Wall studs were 24" OC, again if i wanted 16"OC  I had to supply the extra boards.  Roofing material was not in the kit (no roofing paper or shingles, just the OSB boards).  After adding in extra 2x's for better floor wall support and roofing, it would have been cheaper to just buy the individual components and build from scratch.   Good luck!
  5. I hate my wife's Subaru :eek:   She has a 2011 legacy, seems to be the bastard year for that model as it's difficult to find parts for it.  Hate changing the oil, very nice of the designers to put the filter between 2 exhaust pipes.  We've got to take the car to the dealer next week to find out why her "BRAKE" light is flashing.  Parking break still works, we were told that one of the calipers was bad so I replaced both rear calipers, no luck on fixing the light. No body local seems to stock Subaru parts, had to order them online.      All in all I never liked the car from day one, but it was her car, now she does not like it and is looking for it's replacement.
  6. Why??? I actually prefer them.  I have 2 Marlin 30-30's, one is mine (well both are now mine but...) the other was my fathers.  Both are scoped, but mine has the see through rings to allow using the iron sights or the scope, my dads is just the scope, rear sight was removed.  Additionally on his the hammer extension piece (put a tab on the hammer so you can cock it) had to be filed down to accommodate the scope.   I have my 2 ruger 10/22's setup the same way with see through mounts.  As I said it's my preferred setup, to each their own.
  7. I've had good luck with my HF purchases, though nothing has had a motor in it.  I get mostly consumables there, moving blankets, tarps, tie wraps.   A couple of tools for once in a while use.  I picked up the brake line vacuum bleeder for working on my car, it worked ok (none of the adapters for the bleeder valve fit my car so I had to rig something up to keep the vacuum, no biggie).   Just last night I picked up an inspection camera that I'd been looking at.  It's on sale, plus I had a 20% off coupon.  Used it last night changing a light bulb in the car, worked great.   Now that there is a HF store in Collierville, I might be in trouble.
  8. We (Wife and I) just moved in December.  We had to update BOTH DL & CHP and ordered duplicates of each.  We did this at the local DMV, and were in and out within 20 min with paper copies of our updated IDs while we waited on the new plastic ones.   Depending on your local, it might be quicker to just go to the DMV and get it all done in one shot, I think it will cost the same, other than a bit of your time.
  9. WOW, lots of great ideas here. I am starting on plans to build a detached garage/workshop (wood working)/man cave/storage/etc.  It will be a year or 2 before I can start, ideally I would like to build it myself but time, resources and energy may mean contracting most if not all of it out.   If I may ask, what is the average cost for a building that is 30x60.  I'm located in Fayette county, not in any city limits.
  10. Thanks all,   NCA does not offer services in my area :(   I did get a letter in the mail yesterday from a local company (Fayette Fire and Alarm I think) so I will contact them for pricing.  Still looking at simply safe but haven't made any decisions yet.
  11. Well, def going go to be checking out simply safe!   Thanks for the info.   And for the record, from the time my wife said "we're moving" to moving day, was exactly 3 months! Took us just under 2 months to get the house ready, then just over a month from contract to closing.  Had a contract on our house within 24hrs of listing it!
  12. Looking for recommendations for home alarm systems.  Just moved to a new home (well new to us) in Fayette County and the wife wants an alarm system for the home.  I know ADT is popular, but I was looking for alternatives.   TIA
  13. I met a guy in Memphis that did "on-site" milling with a portable bandsaw mill.  Might want to see if you can find someone that has a portable mill and can put them in to board form.  But then there's drying time and are you going to use the wood or try to sell it?   If selling, you might try contacting a local woodworking or woodturning group.   A number of years ago, the woodturning group in Memphis cut down a black walnut tree then split up the wood among the members who helped cut it down (and up into manageable pieces.   Look at local tractor supply stores as they usually have a bulletin board where somenone with a mill might have an ad listed.
  14. Listening to the doom and gloom coming across the radio this morning, couldn't help but think with all this hype will anything really happen?   If it does, hope everyone stays safe and has a Merry Christmas
  15. WM in Collierville had LOTS of 22 on the shelf on Monday.   I and a co-worker lucked out, we both got a sleeve (5 boxes) of CCI mini mags (even though the limit was 2 for 22lr)


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