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usuviri last won the day on May 31 2016

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About usuviri

  • Birthday 10/07/1962

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    Greater Nashville area south
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  1. Sold!
  2. Bump with a price reduction.
  3. TTT
  4. Sold
  5. If you drop 1 L, Sell means salt in France.
  6. Thought I'd ask if anyone here can endorse a top-notch bluing service to restore the finish on a family heirloom shotgun I'm attempting to have restored. Does not have to be local (middle TN). Appreciate the help.
  7. Looks like I need to start getting up at midnight to check for these deals. Well done to both buyer and a very fair seller.
  8. My grandfather, John Conroy- who passed over 3 years ago at 99 years of age. He tended to tell lighter stories about his experiences as a sergeant in the US Army's 1st Armored Division, from north Africa, up through Italy. Mainly interesting places he saw, or trading his cigarettes for chocolate and candy (he never drank nor smoked). But a couple times in my life, he talked a little of some tougher times and battles such as being pinned down for months in Anzio, or the battle against Rommel's 21st Panzer Division in Africa .
  9. Prayers
  10. Had it never happened, Michael Jackson's backwards dance would have been called something else. Proof enough I say.
  11. Wow, I think my copy may be signed. I can't recall. Should be worth $10,000-20,000K
  12. I'll dig them out. The 1885 was unfortunately severely damaged in a house fire many years ago. Serial #7xxx. BUT I saved it, minus the destroyed stock and forearm. Ive had work done on it (it is only valuable to me now). I will post when I get a chance, along with the 1899. As for books, The Ninety-Nine: a history of the Model 99 Rifle by Doug Murray used to be the go to


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