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About 10aCVol

Profile Information

  • Location
    Northeast Tennessee
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Guns, coins, precious metals, genealogy
  • Occupation


  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military
  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Ruger LCP 380
  • Carry Weapon #2
    S&W model 15 .38

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  1. Thanks Ronald_55 for the welcome. Glad to be here.
  2. Hi All, I've been a member for a while but never used TGO much. A shooting buddy is on here all the time and talks about what a great bunch of people as well as some good deals on guns. I'm a former military cop and collect and shoot mostly old military and police sidearms. Native Tennessean going back 6 generations and grew up hunting in order to eat. Now confine my shooting to the range. Would like to meet and talk with other members, especially those from beautiful Northeast Tennessee. 10aCVol
  3. Got a Taurus Tracker .357 stainless that I'm very happy with. Only problem is the grips are too small for my hand. Anyone know of a place that sells wood oversize grips that will fit a Tracker? I've looked at all the internet vendors and no one seems to carry wood grips that will fit the Tracker. I'm old school in that I like the esthetics of a wood grip.
  4. Recently retired due to health issues.  Viet Nam veteran, military policeman, hold CC license.  Grew up in East Tennessee mountains, mainly shot 12 and 16 ga. shotguns and .22 and 30-06 rifles.  After carrying a sidearm every day for 4 years, sort of lost my interest in guns.  Had to retire couple of years ago and got back into guns as something to do.  Really enjoying educating myself on what has changed in the last 40 or so years as well as adding to my collection as I can afford and wife lets me.  Look forward to swapping info with everyone and maybe meeting some of you in the Tri-cities area.


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Tennessee Gun Owners (TNGunOwners.com) is the premier Community and Discussion Forum for gun owners, firearm enthusiasts, sportsmen and Second Amendment proponents in the state of Tennessee and surrounding region.

TNGunOwners.com (TGO) is a presentation of Enthusiast Productions. The TGO state flag logo and the TGO tri-hole "icon" logo are trademarks of Tennessee Gun Owners. The TGO logos and all content presented on this site may not be reproduced in any form without express written permission. The opinions expressed on TGO are those of their authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the site's owners or staff.

TNGunOwners.com (TGO) is not a lobbying organization and has no affiliation with any lobbying organizations.  Beware of scammers using the Tennessee Gun Owners name, purporting to be Pro-2A lobbying organizations!

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