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Everything posted by siraltitude

  1. Yea it was taken at kettlefoot couple weeks a go.
  2. Black one is a DPMS GII Bull .308, I changed the stock, hand guard and added a JP Enterprise muzzle brake. FDE is a Remington 700 300wm on a MDT Tac21 chassis. Glass is Vortex Viper PST 6-24x50 EBR2C MOA FFP on both.
  3. I have a Ruger American in 17HMR and absolutely love it. I put an Vortex Diamondback HP 2-8x32 scope on it and it is a nail driver!
  4. New member here from Bristol, Tn.   Just found this forum while browsing around on the web reading and looking at firearms and accessories.   I currently shooting Long range with a Remington 700 300wm on an MDT Tac21 chassis and also have a DPMS GII Bull .308 I modified a little to shoot long range, also have few more rifles for plinking and playing along with pistols. Working on building a 300 blackout next and getting into suppressor shooting.   I will be patrolling the boards learning more knowledge and maybe the little knowledge I already have will help some other shooters.   Looking forward to getting to know everyone!   Brian


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