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Spring City, TN
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I believe BHO will begin punishing law abiding gun owners through tighter regulations on the FFLs. The holy grail of gun regulation is registration. This puts the enemies of Liberty just one step away from gun confiscations. Making a "straw" purchase is already a felony and divining buyer motive is nearly impossible unless the buyer inadvertently telegraphs their intentions to the FFL. The biggest violator of the 'straw purchaser' Federal law wasn't this FFL. It was Eric Holder's ATF "Fast and Furious" gun running operation that resulted in guns used in the deaths of hundreds of Mexicans.
James Yeager and the Yankee Marshall are egotistical Dickheadz
After years of hesitation, Democrats rally around gun control
tnliberty01 replied to DaveTN's topic in General Chat
Radical progressives, also known as Democrats, have subjugated millions of people in the US thought welfare programs. The only way to control the rest of us is to erode then eliminate the 2nd Amendment. They may tell us this right is about hunting and recreational shooting, but THEY ALL KNOW it was written to protect citizen from government tyranny. The 2nd Amendment is also useful in self defense from the criminal element who self-identity with Democrat causes such as "black lives matter" the "Nation of Islam" etc. -
I believe both a business card and email can be trashed, but that's not the point. The 2nd Amendment community should use one or both methods to communicate "guns free zones" come with a heavy price. If we all left business cards and sent emails, it would be a very powerful message and let business owners know just how much business is at stake. Look at the army of leftists who are trying to take away our rights. If we all make an effort we can counter the lies, misinformation and deception.
Thanks for your Input. Im new to Tennessee, but not to poorly conceived and written laws. AG opinion notwithstanding, I agree with John 'opining' that a "felony trap" is still lurking in the law for an unsuspecting permit holder. The question begging for an answer is what is the purpose of the law? Ostensibly it would be to protect children - right? The reality is that criminals don't respect the law and gun free zones have proven to be useless, no scratch that. They're dangerous and put children at greater risk. Of course you know this as well as every other forum member (perhaps with the exception of Progressive gun owners) who understand the brilliance of the 2nd Amendment that codifies our God-given rights to protect ourselves and our families. My plan is to become politically active by advocating our constitutional rights in Tennessee. The first step will be to join a gun rights advocacy group, learn Tennessee gun laws and identify enemies of the 2nd Amendment in elected office. Any other suggestions?
I've been reading over the gun laws and trying to catch up. The best legal source I've found so far is on the Tennessee Firearms Association's web site. Below is a recent article on the vagaries of Tennessee gun laws that create 'felony traps' for unsuspecting but otherwise lawful gun permit holders. My impression is Tennessee has its share of RINOs, otherwise these problems would have been addressed. It only takes a few RINOs to disrupt the rest of the herd. http://tennesseefirearms.com/2015/07/ag15-063/
If a violation of a "no gun sign" is an automatic suspension or revocation, then the language is confusing by using the word "only". In Florida, criminal and civil fines read "not to exceed". Using the word "only" (unless you understand what they're trying to say) suggests the violation is a $500 fine only. Nevertheless common sense and good grammar isn't most politician's strong suit. They are elected on the basis of their promises and we know how that story ends. On the other hand if law enforcement doesn't make arrests and/or prosecutor won't prosecute, then this dumb law is mute - thankfully. [emoji106]
Thanks for the quick reply. I'm going to forward the TN code to my firearms instructor. It's very clear the penalty is a misdemeanor. Moreover, this violation is a $500 fine ONLY. Hence, I think suspension or revocation of a gun permit would not be imposed UNLESS there were other violations in connection with the incident. By now there should be some case law so I'm going to research this. If someone knows of a suspension or revocation that arose from a permit holder being fined for a 13-39-1359 (a)(1) violation let me know. BTY, I'm far from a firearms "newbie". If you go to Florida, let me know and I'll tell you where the 'mouse traps' are in the law for permit holders.
When I took my TN carry course the instructor told us walking into a business with a properly posted sign was a felony. We spent almost no time reviewing the TN firearms code so I took him at his word. I looked for the penalties for firearms violations and could not find the penalty for violating no gun signs for business. I did find a recent change in the law (2012) giving hunters an Affirmative Defense if they inadvertently walked onto private property with their gun during a hunt. This is a misdemeanor. So, can anyone cite the TN code for violating a "no gun" sign posting on a business establishment? Is it the same law/penalty?
As a follow up to my pervious Ace Hardware experience, I finally had an opportunity to speak to the owner. I explained that I haven't patronized his business because he has a "NO GUN" sign posted on the front door. I told him I will continue to drive to another store to do business even though his hardware store is in the same town and much closer. He explained the sign was put up to keep out a local politician who was a "nut case" because he would open carry. Open carry is legal in Tennessee so I told him it would be best just to ban him from the store if he was concerned about his safety. My impression was this was a personal political feud because this is a small town. The store owner told me I could carry in his store, open or concealed. I told him in Tennessee if a business has posted a NO GUN sign, it's a Felony to carry a firearm into the business. He said, "it's my store and YOU have MY permission to carry". I said if the local police walked in and see me open carrying my firearm I could be arrested and charged with a Felony violation of Tennessee code. (This law can create a felony trap for otherwise law abiding gun owners but that's another discussion). The owner said "don't worry I know the police and I'll tell them you have permission". Yeah, right. I thanked him for listening to my concerns and made no effort to destroy his hillbilly logic. I still drive to the next town for Hardware supplies. By the time I'm done with my two, yes two cabin projects, I will have spent many thousands of dollars. I moved here from Florida where if a gun owner fails to see a "NO GUN" it doesn't carry the force of law. The business can tell the gun owner to leave. If he doesn't and the police are called, he/she can be charged with a misdemeanor trespass violation. This law prevents a criminal violation if a gun owner doesn't see the sign or it's not posted conspicuously. What an irony. In Tennessee, if a law abiding citizen inadvertently misses a GUN FREE ZONE, sign which doesn't prevent, or discourage crime - becomes a criminal. This is brilliant! Create a law that won't prevent crime, except to turn a law abiding citizen into a criminal. No wonder 3 of the top 4 ranked Republican candidates seeking the nomination are not POLITICIANS.
She is a very disturb young lady. Likely drugs and alcohol are involved.
I've been around or owned guns all my life and there was a time when people understood criminals commit crimes, not their weapon of choice. Gun control is an "emotional issue" used by Progressives as a political tool and "gun free zones" are the best example of a dangerous and ineffective law. Liberal/Progressive politicians are a criminals best friend! I just moved to a small town in eastern Tennessee from another state. Fortunately, the town has an Ace Hardware, store which will come in handy since I'm building a cabin on the mountain and will need lots of materials. Unfortunately the owner posted a 'no gun' sign. On my first visit, my carry permit had not yet arrived in the mail so I wasn't armed and didn't look for signage. On my second visit after receiving my permit, I noticed the sign and walked back to the truck and secured my gun. I then when in the store and asked for the owner who wasn't in. I told the guy at the counter I would not patronize any business that required me to go on unarmed. The moral of the story is that I drove to the next town where there is a Lowe's hardware store and have spent a few thousand dollars in the last couple of months and there is much more to come. It requires a 14 mile round trip but which I'll gladly drive to exercise my Second Amendment rights. Posting the sign was a costly mistake that did nothing to make the store safer. I'm sure he 'felt' better though.
Los Angeles did the right thing. The magazine capacity restriction will force terrorists and the criminally insane to surrender their high capacity magazines. Moreover, they will have to buy 10 round mags or less on the street and may have buy or steal a new gun. When the mentally ill or Islamic terrorist engage in a mass shootings, the new law will result in fewer people being shot. Aren't these far left Progressives really brilliant!
Gunman opens fire in Lafayette, LA Movie Theater
tnliberty01 replied to tennesseetiger's topic in General Chat
This 59 year old had both a criminal record and psychiatric admissions. He may have also been a dual diagnosis, meaning both mental illness and substance abuse.