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Everything posted by conn_air7
I have been carrying for a couple months now and it's starting to become very comfortable. All the info on this thread was great and helped a lot. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The fact that someone has enough time to make a "joke" that far is rather surprising me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
My advice after doing quite a bit of searching on this subject, just don't do it. I think there needs to be a legal BAC established in this case, but there isn't so you are on thin ice if LEO smells alcohol on you and you have a gun anywhere nearby. I think as long as long as the gun is "unloaded" and separated from your ammo, you would be fine. However, as many people have already passed along to me, guns and alcohol do not mix (regardless of the amount) when you are face to face with law enforcement.
Give or take about 2 weeks from the day you submit fingerprints. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thank you OS, exactly what I was looking for. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Another question for the law experts. If you witness an active shooter taking the lives of others and you are witnessing from "not too far" away, what law protects you if you decide that the use of deadly force is justifiable? I assumed that the threat of bodily harm or serious injury would probably be enough, but what if you aren't the one in immediate danger? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Also, just a side note, I don't plan on carrying my gun when I decide to drink. These are all just curiosity questions a lot of worst case scenarios. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I do not believe the LEO's opinion is reasonable evidence. Reasonable evidence would be that you were swerving in between the lines (also would have to be proven), a field sobriety test, etc... Heck if the opinion of a cop determined the outcome in the court room we would all be screwed. I've got as much evidence that he was swerving in between the lines unless the cop has hard evidence. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Essentially what this sound like to me is: It is okay to drink a beer and carry (as long as you are not carrying during the time that you are consuming that beverage). It is also okay to carry a gun after that one beer (as long as you aren't impaired) "according to the law."
Good deal, I appreciate you telling me this.
The State actually has to have reasonable evidence to believe that you were impaired at the time of the "incident." 99.9% of the people I know can drink one beer without the slightest bit of impairment. However, with that said, I am sure there is someone out there who could be impaired from it. The bottom line is, legally you could drink a beer and carry without any problems (so long as you aren't "impaired"). Keep in mind, the law enforcement officer you were dealing with would have to have REASONABLE EVIDENCE that you were impaired. In my eyes, carrying a gun after drinking a beer is no different than carrying a pocket knife after a beer. Both could be considered weapons, so why not ban the use of knives after you have had a few drinks?
That's what I hear, but where is this information coming from? You couldn't convince me that because you drank one beer that you would rather risk your safety than a bad confrontation with law enforcement. Chances are, no one is going to know you have the gun if you are carrying concealed (whether you had a beer or not). I guess the smart thing to do is avoid the situation, you would think that the law would be more clear about 0 alcohol if that was the case. Thanks for the tip, I'll probably follow that advice.
It would be really be nice to have a solid answer on this though. I understand that a lot of people despise the idea of alcohol and guns, but I feel that the amount of alcohol is what really matters. Say I am headed to Chattanooga to grab a bite to eat for dinner, I order one beer to drink with my dinner, I personally do not see this is as "wrong." As far as the legal side, I am not really sure how the state defines "under the influence." If you are carrying completely concealed, I don't think it's ever going to be an issue. However, I guess you have to decide if it's a chance you are willing to take.
Another question for you guys: I just got a new lock box (under drivers seat) to store my gun in when I do not have the gun on me. I am fully aware that I can't carry after I have had an alcoholic beverage, but what is the law on having it in your car during this time? If I go out to dinner and drink one beer, is it okay to have my gun in that lockbox?
Another question that I was just curious about is, "Did most of you guys carry a hot chamber when you first started carrying?" I kind of feel uneasy carrying my Glock with no external safely fully loaded by my side as of now. Since I am new to carrying, I expect this to be somewhat normal. I think I'm going to ease into it by carrying a full clip, but not chambered for now. Just for information purposes, I do have good holster to carry it in, so that's not going to be an issue.
That sounds like a great idea, and definitely something I would be interested in. I wonder if there are any classes like that in Chattanooga or nearby?
Can't thank you guys enough for all this info, like I said, I am brand new to carrying so all of this good information for me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Awesome advice, I appreciate it very much. Definitely some things I didn't think about. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sorry about the CCP, I'm just now getting into the whole carry thing and thought that's what we received in TN. I understand that TN does HCP now, so don't hold it against me. Just took the carry permit class 2 days ago so maybe I'm not as dumb after that, who knows. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hey guys, I'm new to this whole forum, so forgive me for the rookie questions. I just wanted to get the opinions of some of you guys who have been carrying for a while. What are some important things to note that people miss when carrying (laws, tips, safety). I just took my class this weekend, but I feel like I lack sufficient knowledge to feel fully confident about all the laws and information needed. Feel free to shoot me any tips you have. Post links to other discussions or whatever is easiest, I'm sill trying to figure out how to navigate the forum. I appreciate it very much. - Conner Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Took it this weekend, got the last spot in one at Fugates in charleston. Thanks guys Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
New to the forum, thanks guys. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Anyone know when next CCP class is around Cleveland, TN? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Does anyone know when Fugates in Calhoun, TN is doing there next class? Or if there is a class coming up soon in the Cleveland, TN area? Thanks guys Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk