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Everything posted by FUJIMO

  1. I find it hard believe the same agency that put 40 men on the hunt for the Bubba noose fiasco has unearthed confirmed and closed the case on this "bombing" in less than 72 hours.
  2. If thats the conclusion you believe then I'm sure they wont dispute it
  3. All assumptions until the alphabet agency makes up "the truth" they decide to release. Im sure it will sound plausible enough to pass the sniff test though.
  4. Good thing we will have red flag laws soon. Prevent this kind of behavior
  5. And now I have NIN im my head
  6. How about that @DaveTN
  7. Weird indeed
  8. Gotta love a Henry
  9. I can see it fine Dave
  10. I just figured David decided to save some space. I'd think anyone legally selling a class iii would put that in their ad anyway.
  11. I'm guessing a drop-off on lower Wacker? A donation to the machine.
  12. Funny you should say that. Some should remember the motorcoach I had listed in the classifieds. Well it sold earlier this year thanks to Covid. So between that and the fact I just own a blunderbuss for HD,EDC,etc I guess they can pass my place during Zee confiscation
  13. Funny thing is I've relied solely on TGO for updates since we have members right in the mix and local news sux. I didnt even click on daniels links I simply feel the swell of animosity brewing for gun owners post election, rhetoric starting to ramp back up, and a major gun owner related "mass" something waiting to be unleashed in the coming weeks. And this isn't it, just an appetizer.
  14. I have a bad feeling regardless of what its intentions were/are it ironically only means bad things for gun owners after the media circus and libs put their spin on it. More push for common sense gun control
  15. We checked it out around 8 last night. My first thoughts were "my telescope is buried somewhere at my fathers house,lol". He would drag that thing out nightly and would have been giddy over this. It did look as though they were on top of each other with the naked eye.
  16. I've never believed its something you can avoid getting all together rather than delaying "your turn". A politican standing behind a podium will comfort some and enrage others but won't change the course of what the entire world is facing.
  17. Yep. Starting getting weird texts about 2 weeks before the election. Usually late night or early morning. Deleted and passed it off as scams wanting campaign support, both candidates, etc. Got one at 3am this morning saying my Google account was compromised and I needed to log in with this link to confirm who I am. Deleted it too.
  18. Did you not like the Trailside? Mine are ridiculously accurate
  19. Never saw that one. My first thought was the ol gal shouldn't have chosen THAT moment in time to pull out great pappys pearl handled heater
  20. I'm not disputing that. I wanted to stress the point local PD won't be waiting for orders from the fed go kick in doors of their friends and neighbors. Many here and abroad think all sheriffs dept everywhere are just as excited as the antigunners to disarm the gun owners.
  21. IMO when it gets to the level you're describing its us and them. You're on one side or the other. If you're OK with them coming in and doing as they please any old time then god speed and good luck to ya.
  22. Keep in mind the 2A sanctuary for most of the counties around here was passed over a year ago. So this wasn't a knee jerk reaction to jo&ho, rona, or gvt overreach by unchecked AholesTooFar.
  23. I'm in a 2a sanctuary as well as a county where the sheriff's dept released a statement in April before the first mandate stating they would NOT enforce any mandate that trampled their citizens rights or personal freedoms.
  24. Sigs name should have never been on that abomination. Just like the Walther/Umarex relationship that hooked a huge Walther fan like myself it left a bad taste in my mouth. It was a crap shoot to find a good one that didn't have some sort of issue. The last 22 Sig had its name on that was worth a damn was the Trailside which was/is a Hammerli. I'm a Ruger MK fan but have also heard good reports about the M&P 22 compact. And as someone else stated the old revolver is always a great beginner.


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