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Posts posted by FUJIMO

  1. 21 minutes ago, Garufa said:

    I fail to see the relevance myself or why anyone would want to hear him speak.

    Meanwhile somewhere there is someone streaming a video of someone else playing a video game and listening to the commentary. 

  2. 15 minutes ago, Grayfox54 said:

    I wish it was that simple. The doctor was paid several weeks ago and the charge has already cleared. The hospital did their part perfectly. I have no reason or grounds to challenge their charges. Hell, I want that damned doctor to pay him back for that! 🤬

    Capital One went back several months on a company attempting to extort funds from me. IF it were paid with a card I'd at least ask my card company. In my case they charged me for services I never received and that was what I used against them. I'd say that applies to this case for sure.

    Edited to add: I'm referring to the down payment to the doctor, not the hospital.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Grayfox54 said:

    To make a very long story short as possible, my oldest son (44) is diabetic. He's been having serious problems with his right foot for about 6 months. Several surgeries to remove infected tissue and has to constantly be on a wound vacuum. He can barely get around and has multiple doctor's visits every week, plus any normal running around he needs done. I'm his driver.
    Today he was supposed to have skin grafts put on his open wounds. This was to be the last step to getting him straightened out. Just a couple of weeks for this to heal and he'd be good to go.
    This was to be performed by a Plastic Surgeon. New doctor for him. We only saw this guy twice to schedule surgery. Frankly, he didn't seem real interested. He did insist on a $1200 down payment. Which my son paid.
    Because its the first of the year and due to my son's insurance and deductible, he had to pay the hospital $2800 in advance. 
    Today was the day. We showed up a little early. The hospital did their part just fine. THE DAMNED DOCTOR DIDN'T SHOW UP!  Not a call or nothing. He just never arrived! 🤬🤬🤬
    My son and I are both beyond pissed off!!!! 🤬 🤬🤬
    We have filed a formal complaint with the hospital. But we can't blame them. They did their part and quite well too. 

    My question is what can we do about this? Who do we file complaints with? What action can be taken? And then there's the $4000 he's out! What about that? 
    Any and all opinions/ options welcome. 

    You didn't happen to pay it all on a credit card did you ? If it were me first thing I'd do is refuse the charge when payment comes due. 


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  4. 2 minutes ago, spdfrk70 said:

    Like new comes as pictured with

    Serious inquiries with cash in hand only located Springfield Tennessee it must be purchased here


    Better throw a $ on it spdfrk

    • Like 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, Colt4530 said:

    Has anyone seen a DWX for sale?  Especially a Compact?  Are they vaporware? 

    They're out there.  One popped up in Nashville for sale used and moved quickly. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, gregintenn said:

    I dunno, Erik. I shoveled the patio clean and dry. Then it rained. It is the slickest thing around here now. Unless you just wanted the exercise, I think you might just be ahead this go round.

    Once again it's all where you were at. My back porch is stamped concrete so a shovel salt etc is a no no. I did however use the leaf blower and a broom to attack it that first morning. From that point a hit with the broom or blower every morning has kept it dry and clean. But the driveway is another story. If I had the rain sleet mix some of yall received my back porch would probably be an ice rink right now.

    • Like 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, Darrell said:

    Well, I life at a little bit of elevation, surely not in a valley, and we have 6" of frozen snow on the ground right now, and a passable but hazardous road to civilization. My expectation is that it will melt tomorrow and Tuesday... at least I hope so.

    Sorry, I should have been more clear. For Knoxville and folks east of there. Crab Orchard and the Plateau is like the Bermuda triangle 🤣

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  8. 13 minutes ago, Tom B said:

    Gotta say I had a good chuckle reading this thread, after living most of my life in CT.


    For those that dont particularly like the way other folks seem to be moving here to TN (among other warmer, southern states) ,  picture the weather you have had for the past week or so lasting from November to April, only with a lot more snow. I remember a winter a few years before we moved that we seemed to get a blizzard every week in Jan and Feb. My mailbox was actually hidden by the snow for a week, had to dig it out when I was shoveling. The fact that I worked outside was the prime motivation for moving south.


    Moving here was the first time I moved without packing a shovel and snowblower-lol.

    For some strange reason my area only got a few inches of snow, I hear Knox got 10+ inches.

    This was more a "valley snow" according to what Todd Howell on wbir reported. Apparently we were in the bottom of the valley as we still have plenty of snow. We went to Newport yesterday and there's no comparison. Strangest weather I've seen here in years

    • Like 1
  9. 13 hours ago, deerslayer said:

    I confirmed that my driveway was still slippery yesterday morning



    Helluva place to do ab bicycles brother !

    • Haha 5
  10. 2 minutes ago, Darrell said:

    For a two-meter radio, like the Baofeng, only a tech license is required. You can buy a study guide, devote a few evenings, and easily pass the test.  Two-meters is line-of-site, so it may not be real useful in a "situation", though. Most of us use them with repeaters, and those may or may not work under difficult circumstances. 

    I have two of the little Baofeng transceivers that my wife and use under certain circumstances, but they're very low power and won't communicate too far without a repeater. Well, they'll communicate to the moon or to a satellite with 5 watts, but that's a different subject.

    It's clear I need more education on the subject. I've read some on using repeaters but not knowing what exactly to invest into I've just window shopped and then moved on lol.

  11. 3 hours ago, CylonGlitch said:

    Baofeng uv-5 Radio

    This is the radio that I picked up but really don’t know how to use. So I’m looking at one of these books.  There are quite a few on Amazon but no idea which to pickup  

     The Guerrilla's Guide To The Baofeng Radio

    The Baofeng Radio Bible: [12 in 1] Master Baofeng Radio with the Guerrilla’s Handbook - Ensure Connectivity When Communication Collapses in Emergencies, Natural Disasters, Wars, and Beyond

    Every time I've looked at getting a walkie for a SHTF situation I always end up reading a review stating it's illegal to use it without a HAM operators  license or some crap. Those or gm15's

    • Like 1
  12. How long do you plan to be in them at one time ? What I would suggest for someone making a grocery run isn't necessarily the same pair I'd suggest spending all day in. Especially with circulation issues. For instance I have a pair of mucks for the farm but when I've been out fighting the M(asses) this week I have a pair of insulated waterproof Skechers I picked up on clearance that do the trick. As Mac suggested though a pair of good socks is key if you have circulation issues.

  13. 16 minutes ago, Darrell said:

    Passports to Alaska? Did Russia take it back?

    If its what I think it is you'll pass through Canada hence you'll need your passport for a portion of the trip

    • Like 1
  14. 26 minutes ago, Erik88 said:

    I had to drive a complete strangers car earlier. Older woman was visibly shaking trying to make it down my hill. I got in and got her turned around. She wanted me to drive her KIA down the hill but I vetoed that idea. This has been a crazy week. 

    Good on you for doing that. I saw a couple out today that shouldnt be behind the wheel on a clear day 😬

    • Like 4
  15. 18 minutes ago, TripleGGG said:

    Sideroads are still solid ice here.  We have been able to get out every day in the Jeep.  Two people this morning piled up in the ditch right in front of us within a couple of minutes of each other.  The sad part is I told my wife to watch both of these dummies are going to be off the road soon.  Let's just say running 20-30 MPH on solid ice is not a wise decision.

    Day 4, all snacks are gone and I was unable to post Day 3 due to feeling faint from no snacks.  I am too old to go clear the elderly folk's vehicles in my neighborhood for treats, so I live vicariously through @MacGyverson now. 🤪


    If only we were neighbors I could keep you fed 🙂

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  16. 6 minutes ago, MacGyver said:

    My youngest was bored - so I told him he could go clear all of our elderly neighbors cars.  He was out for a couple of hours with the leaf blower and a brush.

    They tried to pay him but he wouldn’t let them.

    regardless, our kitchen had filled up with the treats they made him.  Good trade in his eyes. 

    If it's the type of elderly folks I grew up around you can't buy those kind of treats anymore.

    • Like 13


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