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Posts posted by FUJIMO

  1. What I keep thinking on the "enforcement" part of it is police officers and the like are still citizens themselves. If and when the time comes to start kicking in doors and taking peoples guns by force, they also have a huge choice to make. If you live in a small town like me, the citizen you are taking guns from might be your neighbor and chances are you know them. And with knowing them you know how they are going to react to having their guns taken. Now police put their life on the line everyday for "US" the people, to protect and serve, and I respect that. BUT, what if the door that's getting kicked in is a fellow officer's ? A state trooper's ? And what if said officer or trooper is a Rambo wannabe ? I know several that have an arsenal that every gun owner would drool over. What happens then ?

    There is where I see the whole conflict. In order to use the law to enforce the "gun grab" in small communities or out in the "sticks" I think you would have to have a force that is numb to the thought of shooting their neighbor, their buddy, hell their own family maybe. Adolph established this by creating his own personal army. That's why barry's talk of "citizen army" or whatever he was mouthing scared me more than any gun laws trying to be passed.

    I guess what I am trying to say is this. It's one thing for barry to send orders to local law enforcement to start kicking doors and grabbing guns, it's an entirely different matter to assemble a "gun grabber" task force. While I am not a LEO and can't speak for them, I would have to turn in my badge the day they sent out the order. I would go home and protect my family from the same guys I worked with that were planning on coming and taking what I have a right to own. Those that want to make a name for themselves can join the "GG" task force and possibly prepare for their own demise.


    A Police officer = a citizen sworn in to protect and serve the people.

    A "GG" task force member= A hired thug looking to get headlines and make a name for themselves.

    All I have to say is barry's "GG" task force needs a big red bullseye between GG and TF (Gun Grabbers Task Force) that way it helps us aim.

  2. Let's do this....

    WE THE PEOPLE serve Frank, Schumer, and Dodd with a bill that covers the amount of the housing disaster. We liquidate everything they own or have a stake in. We them proceed to find any other associates involved with this housing nightmare. We then move to Carter, Clinton, and any other person who promoted these immoral housing practices. After rounding these individuals up, we charge them with crimes against the constitution and send them to Arizona so Joe Arpairo(sp) can put them in pink jumpsuits and live in tents.

    Better yet, since they are sooooooooo damn good at helping people, let's move all the jackasses you mentioned above to iraq to help them and there govt. "rebuild" iraq. give them one set of clothes, 2 sticks, a can of vienna sausages, and a hostess apple pie (after all apple pie is as american as you can get ). And kick their asses out of a plane over baghdad, parachutes optional. And not to worry barney, they'll treat you to all the "man loving" you can handle. How do broomsticks suit you ??

  3. http://www.publicopiniononline.com/ci_11631591

    This is nothing but extortion. The collectivists have created a situation where it's being presented to the country that the "only good option" is to allow the government to dramatically expand it's interference in our liberty, and to enslave us with astronomical debt. This was all created by the political left.

    saw it coming years ago. No one, not even the wife, believed me.. I was in construction and saw people moving into subdivisons that were way way way out of their range. When joe & sally welfare/ssi check drive their 76' chevette up to a $300,000 townhouse with their 9 mixed kids, mobile meth lab, plastic swimming pool,and trash bad relatives, something is fishy.

    I didn't read the link above, but I surmise it has something to do with barney "suckmesideways" frank and the rest of the left libs making sure banks gave loans to people who couldn't afford them while assuring them the govt. "had their backs" . A pure and simple recipe for chaos, which the media inflated, and a great deal of sheep believed it was ALL THE BAD MEN AT THE BANKS FAULT !!! Not to say they didn't take advantage of it, but when someone assures you of something, you expect everything to be alright. Little did they know, the honest lenders that is (if there are any), that big brother govt. was just setting them up for ultimate failure.

    I'd like someone to tell me how someone drawing welfare or ssi should even have the privilege to go get a loan on ANY home or vehicle that is way beyond what they could EVER afford. Even if you took all the checks they will get for the rest of their worthless lives and added them up and it still doesn't pay the interest on some of the homes they were allowed to buy.

    I know it just doesn't apply to welfaree's, but I've said many times before on here, and many of you know it, welfare is where we should start giving giant enema's. Like tenncare, only go about it a little different. talk about creating jobs.And I know just how to do it.

    First take hard working people who have been laid off or lost their job due to the libs selling off the country. Give them a camera, address's to people drawing welfare or "disability", and then get ready to start chopping away. Hell, I can give you 12 that I know of right now to start with. And put people that will take action on what they see on the film, not shrug it off like those ass clowns we have in there now.

  4. I've had my permit now for 8 years or more. When I went through the course the question was brought up about the gun you would be carrying being registered to you. The instructor at that time told the group it didn't have to be registered to you as long as it was legal (not used in a crime, serial numbers missing, etc. )

    Now not having taken the course since 2000, what do the current laws state about that ? I tried hunting them down but I guess I haven't dug deep enough or just not smart enough to ask google the right question :D

    So my question is, does every gun you use to carry have to be registered to you ? I could carry as many as 4 guns in a week depending on what I am wearing.

    this came up in conversation today with a buddy about to start the process of getting himself and his wife a permit.

    All help appreciated.

  5. Me too. Restarted the computer, and it was all better.

    Thats what I would suggest anytime that starts happening.While I have the best anti-everything it seems like that gets full from time to time and it needs an enema. I've got my pc to scan,fix, and reboot once a week to keep stuff in line. Seems like there is more trash coming in everyday from some of these sites on guns. More lib propaganda I guess, lol.

  6. Just goes to show there's a lot of silly azz people out there.

    Isn't this the same as a marlboro cigarette vending machine sitting in a lung cancer clinic ???

    Or an adult toy store right beside the abortion clinic ?

    And people are all shook up over the single mom that just shot out 8 kids and already had 6 running around. To me that spells GIANT OBAMA CHECK !!!

  7. I got there this morning and it took 45 minutes to get in the building with guns to check. I've never seen the line going in so long. I had to park across the main road behind the last building going up the hill. Thank goodness they had a shuttle bus running from the Convention Center to all the parking areas. After walking around inside for four hours trying to sell my shotgun, my feet were killing me.

    And as said already, prices way too high on most of the merchandise. I saw one Ruger LCP for $500, and he wouldn't budge.

    Admission was $10.

    Gun Show next weekend at Civic Auditorium in Kpt.

    How is the show at the civic auditorium ? Is this their first show or have they had it before ?

    I guess I got lucky at this show :screwy:

    Me and my dad showed up and parked right near the front, got in the front of the line to get in, found 2 great deals on guns, 1 on ammo, and 1 on an AR that I should have brought home (still stick on that one) and came home happy.

    the lines were insane, but i personally feel like there was more to look at than the knoxville show from last week. Not as many handguns floating around but most of the tables i saw had vendors and out of the crowd flowing in most had something they were carrying.

    But the worse show I ever attended was still better than a day of shoe shopping !!!

  8. I went Sunday.I was looking for a SS bull barrel mark ll Ruger.No one walking around had one,thought that was strange as most of the time you see several.The 2 or 3 I saw at dealers tables was priced way to high 450.00 to 500.00.I ended up getting a blued bull barrel mark lll from a dealer that cut me a deal at 299.00

    You weren't toting a tapered barrel mk 2 for sale were you ? wearing an orange sweater with glasses ?

    just think I ran into you and didn't know you were TGO, lol !

  9. Guys, the little old lady was going to get sick from the water, that's why we just fractured her skull instead. Can't you understand our logic ?

    This is the first time I've seen this particular video. Thanks for throwing it up there punisher.

    One more reason to be on watch I guess.

  10. If King George the Second had been presented a AWB bill he would have signed it. Certainly McCain would have signed it had he won this time out. No reason to be hating on the Big O over it all, :tinfoil:.

    The Dem's have had control of congress and have not been able to get this to the presidents desk. I believe they will wait until another Columbine/Va Tech type incident happens and then try to get it done.

    I don't think the former president would have done something like that. He had a chance to keep the ban going and he let it expire. besides, he's got too many buddies that are pro gun and he was also probably afraid that cheney might "accidentally" shoot him if he signed off on such a bill. Bush wasn't perfect by no means, but while he couldn't carry a speech in a bucket I don't think he's the worst ever. I mean Carter is still screwing stuff up to this day, ha ha ha.

    now o, that's a different story. I think it will be second term mainly because he will screw soo much up first term new gun laws might be pushing it too far and messing with his chances for his reelection.

  11. You can guarantee that while they have the sheep's attention "o" will say

    "it's in our best interest as a country,uh, while trying to get back on track with our economy,uh, jobs, ,uh, struggling single chickenhead gangland hoodrat mothers, uh, victims of the mortgage crisis, uh, and in the interest of keeping our, uh, children safe, uh, we come together, uh, and permanently reinstate the ban on assault weapons, uh, and write new laws, uh, that will protect our childrens children, uh, and keep guns out of criminals hands, uh, thank you.

    or he will say this

    (listen for it)

    nothing, he will say nothing and write whatever they can pass in silence and brian williams and chuck "the suck" todd will be the first ones to tell us.

    I have no doubt this whole administration is wearing a red arm band under their suits.

    something else I'd like to ask you guys, not to stray from the subject. Anyone notice the speech he gave when he announced he was throwing his nazi arm band into the ring and running for dictator back in 2004 ?

    This was, by all accounts, a completely different "O" than what we saw throughout the campaign. we got to see a little of that person at the inag-castration speech, which I didn't watch but heard a snippit of on another site.

    In short, someone groomed him well between 2004 and the beginning of his campaign. And I mean there are some powers that be that got this man prepared to run.

    Something just ain't right here boys. Beyond what we think of him, what worries me more is the people behind his campaign and election. Like who was pulling the strings.

  12. Where's that Briscoe guy when we need him? He could just tell us we're all dumb for not agreeing with Glorious O's Manifesto.

    You know his eyes are glued to "o" vision. Can't miss a hussein fart. I think I saw one in a jar for sale on e-flea, lol !

  13. During the election, I said the Obama-Biden team would not be good for gun owners and told don't worry about it. Now, we are seeing the rest of the camel, not just the nose. I will be emailing Rep. Tanner and both Senators to resist this new gun bills.

    I can't find one frigging person he appointed that isn't totally anti-gun. And these people are eating his :confused: with a spoon with his face on it from a plate with his face on it. Where the hello have all the smart people gone ?? besides my family and what I see on these firearms boards the rest of the country has lost their mind.

    But WE are the ones getting over excited. All I see is US being made out in the media to be another Randy Weaver. That's what I see coming guys.

  14. I like the part about prison-to-work going to be just as sucessful as the welfare-to-work program. I can't think of anyone I know that's on welfare around my community that wants to work if they are on welfare. lazy azz baztards !!!

    If I read that right anyway.

    Way to go you "o" worshipping jackasses. Hope you are the first to feel the crunch :confused:

  15. It is what gives him validity and power. It is the magic wand to wave in front of the masses so they won't see the the ideology. It's the same with Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, etc. If the problem ever gets acknowledged as fixed they loose their money and power.

    B-I-N-G-O !

    I feel like the justice brothers are losing out on this one though. They haven't really seemed to warm up to O. Al did make this statement after nov.4th though. He was asked if affirmative action could now be taken out of the workforce since a black man was voted into office. Al said "no's way" we still need that because the black man (or woman) will always need an advantage when it comes to finding work. I guess he doesn't bother reading stats on how many are unemployeed and choose to be. This also goes for white's who choose to sit and draw a check and hispanic that come over for the check and to pop out 12 kids so they can get checks.

  16. Originally Posted by bkelm18 viewpost.gif

    I heard it wasn't a seizure but a full body orgasm when Obama took the oath of office. The surge of socialist power was just a little too much ecstasy for him. (But yeah, he's still alive).

    I think it was just "O" sucking what evil little bit of evil kenneday was able to muster up on that momentous day.

    And I got one word for Moosejaw's (a.k.a. michelle "O") outfit.......

    TOGA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    And the media says this is the future of dress for america :):screwy::screwy:


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