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Posts posted by FUJIMO

  1. Not surprised to see this from Corker. I have him sitting right beside Wamp in my "TN. Losers" section.

    Wamp made a little visit to maryville not too many weeks back and he basically sounded like any other corrupt politician. When asked about things he either did not want to address or things that he had no clue on he would just start his rhetoric speech and ignore the question. Man it pisses me off when they do that.

    I see Corker is doing the same thing by sending back this statement.

  2. The corruption of the FORD dynasty shot harold jr's chances with me. I know they are all corrupt to some point but knowing what the other members of his family did previous to him running was enough for me to see what he would do if elected.

    If you want to stand a chance at getting elected try to keep the other members of your family from screwing it all up for YOU, lmao.

    When I vote, I have to go with what appears to be the lesser of 2 evils at the given time.

    I bet all those azzhats that voted for O are having buyers remorse right now, lol.

  3. I know personally I have seen other cases in other states were the "racial table" was on the other side and those cases were not treated like this one. If anything the media, local papers included, made sure to keep the story on the front page for as long as possible and ALWAYS made sure to include it was white on black crime. While I don't feel this was crime was committed based on JUST race, I do wonder how this would be treated if the races of the 2 were flipped. I honestly believe that every "of color" organization would have camps set up in K-town and be screaming for death to the accused in a far worse manner than those with this case. And while not advocating the KKK I wonder if the NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY decided to do a march and/or protest in favor of those animals that committed the crime if anyone would have a problem with that ? After all, this wasn't racial right ?

    I did like how cobbins' family members decided to do a "pop in" for him but bounced as soon as they got done with their performance. Really showed their support and love for him, pffffffffffff !

  4. Main diff was it was only news when Dubya didn't make a verbal gaffe!

    He and Dan Quayle are neck and neck for the all time blooper total.

    - OS

    I'd rather have Bush doing press conferences and making up new words as having ol' flop ear up there appointing people like eric holder and .......van jones :eek:...........VAN FREAKING JONES.....:eek: self proclaimed communist, racist to the fullest extreme. Bush screwed up A LOT, but this guy does something 100 times more stupid and people applaud it. I don't get it.

  5. Also what I can't seem to understand is the ones that say "he just made a mistake, it's only human of him" . Funny, when Bush made a slip of the tongue the media beat the :leaving: out of him with it. Heck they are still pounding on him, lol. And I am not defending Bush, I am just saying why is it right for one and not for the other ? Fair is fair.

  6. WOW. :P

    Apparently "school grounds" are somehow sacred even after school hours ?

    Not to hijack this thread but I had a similar incident here in my little town. I was out testing a Nitro r/c car in local school parking lot, on a sunday afternoon, with no one else around. The parking lot sits around a playground where kids can swing, slide,etc. but there were zero kids there. I am all alone ! Not nary a kid in sight ! CAN'T MAKE THIS CLEAR ENOUGH, LOL. However, while trying to tune the motor I spot a county cop roll through. As he passes I am yanking away at the pull start because I am trying to set the air/fuel mixture and it won't stay running. 2 minutes later the county zips back in the parking lot and pulls almost dead on top of me. Cop-how we doing today,me-fine,cop-you're going to need to leave, this is PRIVATE property,me-how's that ?, cop-this is private property sir and you can't be loitering after school hours,me-so I need to do this when kids are here ?cop-no sir you're not allowed here during schools hours unless you have a child that attends this school, me-but this is a PUBLIC school in which my tax dollars help fund, cop-well i saw you beating on the car and there's a chance PRIVATE property could be damaged, me-but this is not private property,cop-SIR YOU JUST NEED TO LEAVE. So not wanting to go to jail, which I figured was the next step considering his a-hole attitude,I left. But man I was ticked off.

    The point of my story is this, school property, which is PUBLIC PROPERTY to my knowledge, can be twisted into being whatever a jackass with a badge wants it to be. Not bashing cops, because I know several that are great, but just like apples, sometimes you land a bad one in the bunch. Appears this guy landed a trifecta in this instance. A pro jug ears supporter that is a rent-a-cop and just happens to be black.

    Sad but true-this is what it's coming to.

  7. Well for my first time I thought it was a decent show. Ammo prices don't surprise me anymore. If I would have bought any Spuds would have gotten my business because his prices were the closest to realistic. He's a Real knowledgeable guy and nothing like this forum suggest, lol. At least not while I was there. Also met rugerman, real nice guy as well.

    Me and jsjracing bought a couple little goodies and headed back to k-town.

    Good show or bad show I am just happy we still have them :tough:


  8. Mark Muller has my vote.

    I appreciate anyone when prompted with liberal interviewers respond in this manner.

    They let the empty suit on the other end know that there are PLENTY of people still out there that will defend their rights to the end.

    And my theory is if terrorist's decide to attack on foot ol' commiefornia looks like a great target doesn't it ?

    Makes me even prouder to be born and raised and LIVE in Tennessee :):D:D:D:D

  9. I got a couple of good chuckles at the last show wich had a Arts and Crafts thing going on at the same time. Saw more than one Bue Hair in a Caddie, take one look at the hardware being carried aroung out front and go roaring off :popcorn::popcorn:

    I have been just as surprised by a little old lady with the same blue hair,caddie,mamaw glasses pop the trunk and grab a belgium browning and start toward the door. Her late husbands gun and she was cashing in. Sometimes it CAN be a GOOD thing to see them pulling in. :D

  10. Bluemax I never thought when I walked into that cloud along with you and several of my friends I would be trolling the board and find a thread about it., LMAO !!!

    I will tell ya guys, Bluemax is not lying or exaggerating in the least. This had to be pure shizzle that was seeping from someone and they didn't know it. Either that or a canker of butt crust that was combined with a common fart and when sprayed past said canker crust created a catalyst of dominating proportions. Now I don't know Bluemax, but the location he is talking about is where I aimlessly walked into the "death mist" that me and my friends now call it. We all pulled our shirts over our face and ran to the "magnolia" side of the building !! The location, if I recall, was if you enter the building from the front, turn right, proceed 50-75 feet. BOOM !! like a cloud of agent "brown pants" and there it was. While I didn't get the full load that bluemax got in his clothes, that smell is burned into my memory forever.I would describe myself to you bluemax but it's the typical m.o. Big Tall Hairy Redneck with overalls, goatee,looking for guns !!! :)


  11. While I don't follow ufc that closely, I watched lesnar since joining the wwe. I won't say he's unstoppable, but the more time he has to learn the tricks of the trade, the more a threat he becomes. I seen a ton of sites that said mir would mop the floor with him. I just couldn't believe that. Every fight he becomes that much more aggressive. And his workout routines are insane !!! Threre's one thing for sure, he's an a$$ when it comes to personality, but like him or hate him you can guarantee you will see a show when he steps into the octagon.

  12. Hey guys, appreciate all the responses. I wasn't actively seeking one. I just seen it and wondered about who could buy one and who couldn't. guess I should have googled it, lol. But I know everybody on here is pretty up to date with all that's happening.

    As for myself, I just wear a slab of steel secured by a rope, like clint eastwood in fist full of dollars, lmao !

    thanks again for clearing up a question.

  13. I saw a bullet proof vest for sale on another gun forum and had a question. Hope this is the right spot to ask it. If not, I apologize and move it as needed please.

    I was trolling some of my usually firearm sites and spotted a army issue bullet proof vest for sale. camo in color, by the listing it was said to be marked u.s. govt. or something to that affect. price was $1,000 obo.

    I was wondering if that was legal to own or if you needed class 3 to have it. or if it was just illegal period. guy had gotten a couple responses at that price but I wondered if those responses were "big brother". a grand for a vest ???

    Just curious



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