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Posts posted by FUJIMO

  1. At any given time you will find me with a Kahr MK9 or MK40. They are the steel framed Kahrs so not the lightest in the world but IMO some of the best little carry weapons made. Amazing accuracy for a 3" barrel and having a couple double actions you get use to the trigger pull.

    I find it odd you don't see more of them out there. It might be that others are like me, once you own them it's a little tough to let them go.

  2. Yeah I saw the video from the show. Looks very promising. I still wouldn't kick the saiga out of the safe though. That 20 round drum makes a huge smile :)

    now the .410 would be nice as an SBR setup. Seen them making a ton of customs out of the saiga .410.

  3. well the main roads don't seem bad enough to cancel anyway. Besides that I am sure there would be plenty of ticked off dealers if they did cancel. That being said, me and a couple buddies just called it a wash and decided it wasn't worth the trouble today. I mostly look for deals from the in-coming crowd which I can't imagine will be like normal. All the dealers will have their normal high gun, high ammo pricing and there is no doubt the stun gun guy is already buzzing it as we speak, lol.

    I hate to miss a show because you never know what's going to come in, but I think my $9 this time around is better spent online :tough:

    If anyone does go please give us a report.

  4. Anyone have a report in the knoxville area ?

    I am up toward morristown and the back roads are just slush but nothing major. Plus it's just raining here now and channel 10's site shows 34 degrees.

  5. It's unfortunate you can't trust more people these days. A sign of the times I guess. I had several good teachers growing up, and several valuable lessons taught to me. The gold standard now is trust NO ONE until that person earns it. Just because someone owns a gun doesn't make them trustworthy. This carries the same with gun show "dealers" whether behind a table or walking around a gun show. There are certain people I now know to stay the H*ll away from at shows. I've either been burned by them in the past or watched them buy a gun off on unsuspecting elderly person only to go back to their table and laugh it up with their buddies about how they put the screws to papaw. There is even one particular seller at local shows that's been known to have a record of B&E. Needless to say that person will never see $1 from me. Lucky for me I have a memory like a steel trap so if you do me dirty I NEVER forget about it.

  6. Went today.

    Wound up getting there around 10. Several standing outside enjoying the pretty weather and looking to buy and/or sell.

    First show I've saw 2 Fn 5.7's in a while. At least in this area. The one on the table the guy has isn't what I would consider a BAD deal considering he has the now taboo ammo in the package. I am still tempted to to throw down for one and probably should have made that purchase but held off.

    Several tables were empty, depending on what ammo you were after there were deals to be had. No 9mm or 40 to be bought cheap though. Several levers, several older military rifles, couple ak's, 1 or 2 walking sks', and a fair amount of AR's. Handguns were everywhere. Stayed the usual hour and a half and headed home with some gun sleeves. NO STUN GUNS TO ZAP EVERY 5 SECONDS :screwy:, only jerky I saw was crockett creek :D, and everyone I talked with was pleasant.

    All in all not a bad show. I always go with a positive outlook and make the best out of it.

  7. How does it work taking a rifle to sell/trade? What time does it start?

    Pay your admission, don't try to hand them the rifle upon inspection or you will get a hilarious response, then prepare for the onslaught of

    "watch you got there ?"

    "how much for your (enter name here) ? "

    and the usual

    "is (enter price here) the best you will do ?"

    by the way, what rifle you bringing ? Might not make it that long depending on price and make :D

    I think the door opens at 9 or close to it. Last time they weren't that strict about that.

  8. it will the same thing as you find at any gun show these days. high price guns, high price ammo, lots of knifes and beef jeerky. but someone there will find something that they were looking for.

    It wouldn't be complete without them,lol. But someone has to make up the difference I guess. Now that tazer guy :stalk: that's someone that could use a good :hyper:

  9. Well since I'm gonna be in Knox on Saturday, I'll be a little closer to Athens.... and it's gonna be a wet weekend anyway.... I can talk myself into making the trip!!:hyper:

    Well if I am there you might see me. Just look for the tall ugly guy with a goatee, NRA hat, and overall's on :stalk:

  10. Went down a couple shows ago and it was over 150 miles round trip for me and a buddy.

    Several deals to be had depending on what you're looking for. Spotted a ruger 10-22 Bull Barrel in SS with a laminate stock for $325. Well worth the money but we passed and wished we wouldn't have now. Buddy landed a mak-90 for a sweeeet deal. Ammo was marked at it's "as usual" price, it's staged in a gymnasium type setting so it's not the largest venue around. But I am one to keep those smaller shows alive so it was worth it. I am even trying to work out going down to this one on saturday if I can work out my schedule.

  11. All went the way I anticipated this weekend.

    I don't think the jets can beat the colts.

    And the vikings will have a tough time with the saints, although I would love to see 2 of the greatest QB's that the league has ever seen face off. That would be Favre and Manning in case you are wondering. ;)

  12. 18 bucks, was that the admission price? If so, I thought 8.00 for the last one I went to was a little steep. That sounds about like the gun auction that I WAS going to attend yesterday, they were asking 25 bucks, I said H*** no.

    a gun "auction" was wanting to charge $25 for what ? The ability to bid on some guns ? That's not powell auction you are talking about is it ? lmfao


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