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Posts posted by FUJIMO

  1. It’s not a pistol but here is my “Plinkerâ€.

    It’s the same basic size and weight as my other .357Mag Smith & Wesson’s. Great for cheap trigger time, it’s extremely accurate, and I don’t have to worry what will feed. :D


    See, the problem with this "plinker" being in my posession is it would never leave my safe, LMAO.

    Very nice Smith Dave. :shrug:

  2. HA HA HA, I've told my dad about that skit several times. Still cracks me up.

    It surprises me how some of the non actor types they get to host turn out to be very entertaining.

    Lebron James

    Peyton Manning

    And my all time favorite Justin Timberlake. He could be part of the regular cast and make that show as popular as it once was.

  3. Okay, what just happened? I swear the post above mine said "you have a long way to go to catch that Kiffen thread" and now it's gone.


    You're killing my lame humor.

    I started that thread and was amused it has fetched 611 posts, rofl.

    Is that suppose to be a record for a thread ?!? If so, that would be :) 's(in place of using his name) greatest achievement yet :rock:.

  4. I'm not "insulted" by ignorance, nor do I view lack of literacy as demonstrating ignorance if you're going by the correct definition of that word. Ignorance implies a lack of knowledge of something. Many of the people that I've met with atrocious spelling and grammar were completely aware (even if they refused to admit it) that their grammar was horrible. Rather than work to correct it, those people and many of the guilty parties here, just arched their backs and became belligerent about it. Kind of like what you did in your response, even though it would appear that you aren't one of those that we're talking about here in the first place.

    A person who really cares about doing more than "just enough" will try to better themselves in some way. A person who doesn't care or is just too lazy to try to fix it generally assumes that "just enough" has gotten them by this long, so what's the bother.

    Like I keep telling my teenagers: The working world is short on jobs these days, and overstocked on people willing to do "just enough". If an employment opportunity is between you and the guy willing to do just enough, you need to be the guy with the edge. The ability to express yourself intelligently in both written and spoken form are most definitely edges to be had.

    Unfortunately the type of thinking David is referring to is the reason some children are coming out of the school system and can't read or even write their own name. There was a local high school football player that received a scholarship for UT only to find out down the road that he had the reading skills of a preschooler. Even then they tried to sweep it under the rug. I went to school with this player and know EXACTLY why he turned out the way he did.

    I make an effort while online to use proper english but don't go out of my way to make sure it doesn't sound "country". I am a born and raised Tennesseean and I am VERY proud of that fact. I could start using the normal country slang but then I would look just as foolish as those guys on calguns that use Kalifornian slang. Although if you read what I post online and then talk to me at a gun show you will think I have split personalities. Just ask some members that know me :biglol:

  5. For me personally, claimed "round count" is on a gun by gun case. If it's a hunting bolt action and it looks like it's seen almost no field time and the owner backs that claim up, I am likely to believe him. However, if it's a cheap little .22 and I hear "I put 1 mag through it" but the slide has significant wear, grips are beat up, etc., then not only do I pass on the gun but I file that person's face in my "guy to watch" memory bank for future shows, lol. Attend enough shows and you learn faces and know who you can trust for the most part. But for me the gun will tell the tale for most cases.

    Case in point, I asked about a .22 this past weekend and the guy said it had been used "very little". But upon inspection of the gun the slide had a good amount of wear to it. Enough wear to remove the paint that displayed the guns name and model. Needless to say I passed and place his face into my memory bank.

    It all boils down to who you can trust :biglol:

  6. Give it 10 years and you'll start to see it for what it really is cl.

    This of course precludes that you go out and join the work force and don't remain a professional student.

    Once you have seen others comparatively and start to wonder why, you're feelings will start to change. We all wish we could have the empathy of Jesus and the pockets of Bill Gates to fix it but what you'll find out is no matter how deep the pockets, the "have nots" will never try to take that step up and will always have that hand out and be willing to vote themselves a livelihood.

    I mean, when I stand behind the guy in the store and he buys steaks and other food items I can't even look at and whips out the old red,white and blue food stamp card then pays for his beer and cigarettes and climbs into his 2008 car...I get ill. Why? Well because he can and sees no reason not to. There's little stigma to it anymore, no one checks or pushes him to make himself better and there is law after law that protects him from needing to succeed.

    I hope your classes lead you to starting you're own business or at least manage one. Life is going to hand you some eye openers over the next few years. Enjoy now, it's never going to be easier than now.

    Glad to see I'm not the only one who wants to bite through nails when I see this. And I see it daily :foot:

  7. What made me more upset, after the Obama interview they had an interview with Plaxico Burress. It was all well and good, until one of the commentators afterwords said something to the effect of "Hopefully he has learned the lesson here DONT BRING AND UNLICENSED HANDGUN INTO OUR CITY!!!!!!" (in an angry voice no less). Did Plaxico break the law? Yes, but this guy was acting like he committed the ultimate sin.

    It's even making its way into sports now..... :foot:

    funny you should mention that part. That's exactly what I am alluding to about the whole pre game. If it wasn't shots of the saints stadium in shams post katrina it was shots of N.O. laying under water. Then it was talk of how N.O. needs this win to breathe life back into the city. And how much they deserve it more so than the colts. Then to the O and his agenda ( a summarized state of the union speech). Then to Plaxico and the HORRIBLE act he committed. Then back to more "poor saints" propaganda.

    To me it was like flashcards for football fans. Little bit of football, liitle bit of liberal nonsense. then repeat. Pitiful :D:poop:

  8. I was just letting fellow members know there is a gun show this weekend in kingsport. It's being held at the Civic Auditorium and is hosted by Gunslingers.

    This will be my first time at this show but I asked about it at the last meadowview and gray show and the response was positive so I am going to give it a shot on Saturday.

  9. I've always found it's best to be there early and check with the incoming crowd. Also all depends on what you are looking for. If it's a unique newer gun chances are there won't be any from the private traders and the only chance at getting one is from a dealers table.

    This show is more rifles and shotguns from the private crowd. At least that's what I saw the last time I went.

    You might want to check out the GUNSLINGERS show in kingsport this weekend. I've never been to it but others I talked to at the gray and meadowview show say it's a decent show.

    I am going to start a thread for it for those interested.

  10. I heard talk today of some kind of "override" they are thinking about implicating so if this issue were to happen again there would be like an emergency KILL ALL. I didn't catch the whole story but what I took from it was we are probably looking at something down the road to be installed on ALL cars just like what they are talking about for toyota. Personally I don't want something like that but I guess it's not up to me. Just like when I asked a dealer about buying a new car without airbags. It should be my choice if I want the da*n things or not. It wouldn't affect anyone else's life but my own. But that's another story (end rant)

  11. That's kind of the same thing I am thinking oldogy. I am sitting here thinking the cars they are talking about are equipped with anti-lock brakes so to over heat they must just be pu**y-footing around with them and when they finally realize to step on them like they're a rattlesnake in the floorboard the rotors are smoking. I've heard the calls about the brakes not stopping them so I know that much is true. But at the same time I am putting myself in that situation. Neutral and emergency brake. Funny they named that brake that :) isn't it ? Screw the engine and anything else it blows up in the process.

    We had 2 taurus SHO's (89 and 90) and both had the tendency to allow the floormat to hang the pedal up so you would have to lay the mat toward the seat to keep it from getting caught. But the couple times it happened neither me or my dad went in to panic mode.

    I have to agree with my father-in-law which has been screaming BS since the beginning of this. He thinks they have a major issue that they're not letting out to the public. Something bad enough to do exactly what they are doing.

  12. Any article I read I take with a grain of salt these days. I'm a "seeing is believing" kind of guy. I also wonder if some articles purposely choose this gun or that gun even before the test starts. While there are statistical facts to back up how many times (enter gun here) ftf or jammed during the test there is also the tester and their opinion that has to weigh in.

    Honestly, I usually take away more from this board than I do from some rag mag on the stand at the grocery store or Wal-china. At least here I feel like a guy, or gal as the case may be, really has nothing to gain by coming on here and saying "this gun did this when I went to the range today" so they are more than likely not going to stretch the truth or mislead someone. At least that's how I feel when I read some of these threads. Even then I don't it word for word.

    I don't have a single gun on that list but own or have owned the some of the same brands listed. These are manufactured pieces just like anything else and we all know that mistakes can happen during that process.

    I feel like if someone buys any gun new and has issues it should send the owner running right back to the company. That's really the only way they know they screwed up or have a design flaw somewhere. Enough people start screaming and they might react to it. A good example is the remington 597.

  13. I don't know. First pic screams FAKE but if you look at the article why in the world would anyone, to get their 15 minutes of fame, alter that many pics and then claim to have the Guinness people involved. I do think that first one was shot offset to make it appear bigger, but I think the one with bowser standing in the cab of that truck is the most natural looking.

    All I know is I WOULD NOT want to pay the feeding bill on him for a month, lol. You think your gun/ammo budget looks bad right now, just add "200 lb's" of dog food to the list every month :up:

    The sad part is if he is that big I bet his life expectancy is probably much lower than a normal dane. Kinda like 2 legged giants and the worlds tallest man.


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