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Posts posted by FUJIMO

  1. My citori is 20+ years old but the ejectors work like a brand new one. Although I've never been around a large group of citoris at once and have only shot a couple in my time and I assumed all were equipped with auto ejectors. Sounds like your friend either has a weak spring somewhere or his model is infact a hand eject model.

  2. If memory recalls there's something far more potent than drano you can use and it's in the cleaner section at your local wally to this day AFAIK. Also, the receipe we used involved a lil bit of GP . There are certain things you can do to delay the chemical reaction but I don't know that you can neccesarily "boobie trap" it so that it lays in wait for some unsuspecting person to move it. Besides that the ones we built were for shock and awe and came out of R&D in our high school science lab. Sad to see what kids today are doing with them.

  3. I've sold 1 gun with Gun Owners Club and it was FTF. Even FTF I've heard that guys are getting held up so I made the exchange point at a high traffic area. You just can't be too careful these days.

    I sure hope that you get this resolved.

    Please define "held up" , lol.

    I've done several FTF transactions from several different boards and since I'm always strapped and assume the buyer/seller is as well I wouldn't expect to literally be held up at a meet. I've been haggled or what I call a "post deal counter offer" before but a deal is a deal. I agree you can't be too careful but trying to hold up someone you know is carrying is more than a little naive, lol.

  4. I was scammed in the purchase of a pistol. I used a postal money order accross state lines. Post office says not their problem. Local police says not their problem. My question is who is the appropriate group to investigate?

    Had the same thing happen on some gun parts and this is one reason I use a postal money order AND ONLY a postal money order when paypal is not an option.

    After several weeks of confusion as to where my parts were and why the seller had not allegedly received it I went to the P.O. where I got the M.O. . Talked to the manager and explained the situation. Had both receipts from the transaction and he put out a track on it. He told me that if it had been cashed then they could find out who cashed it by the signature on the back and they could take action from there. If it hadn't been cashed then they would cancel it and tag it (void it basically) to where it couldn't be cashed and then begin the process of getting me my money back. Turns out it went into a black hole somewhere and was never cashed so a month later I got my money back.

    I would think your local P.O. manager would be more willing to help you. Mine was excellent !

  5. Anyone going to this show ?

    I've talked to a couple that went last time but apparently it's been a while since they've had it.

    Figured with rain in the forecast for Saturday might head down with my "WANTED" list and see if I couldn't do a little trading ;)

    Here's the directions for those interested. (got it off a flyer from a gas station)

    West Hamblen County Fire Dept.

    6301 W Andrew Johnson Hwy


    June 5-6

    Saturday 9-5

    Sunday 10-3

  6. +1 for the single six in 22 lr and wmr (got one but no pic atm) and I too have also heard good things about the Bearcat. Hard to go wrong with a Ruger when it comes 22 anything :D

  7. I don't know about the rest of you but I personally don't want to see K.......U stir into anything that has to do with my attending a gun show.

    I know there's a lot to put up with when attending one of these shows, wherever it is and whoever put's it on. What we need to be thankful of is that they still exist under the administration we have today.

    I realize it's just as easy to sit behind a keyboard and mouse and buy from gunbroker or other gun site's till your heart's content but I've picked up information at a gun show I could NEVER pick up online. Yeah you have to wade through occasional aisle's of beef jerky/cheap knockoff knives/and the stun gun bzzzzz bzzzzz guys, but after a while I just tune them out anyway. Plus I've ran across stuff that hasn't been made in years and your lucky to find one online let alone at a show.

    Nothing worth a Da*n comes without a little bit of a struggle. The OP for this thread experienced a situation with an A**HOLE trying to abuse his role. It just happen to be at a gun show in this instance.

  8. At the last show I brought my Kahr to look for a holster. I left the loaded magazine in the car. The officer asked if I had a magazine with it, and I said no explained why I brought the gun without the magazine. He made me empty my pockets and pat my back pockets before he would let me in. It pissed me off a little to say the least. I understand the principle, but it isn't like they don't sell magazines and loaded ammo inside the show.

    WOW :love:

    Was it "Horseshoe Hairy" the rent-a-douche ?

    That's what I've nicknamed him because of that horseshoe ring of hair he has left. He's the stocky white haired guy ya'll are referring to. I've had my run in's with him on more than one occasion including 1 yesterday at the show.

    The little feller with the barney outfit asked me the same thing yesterday as he put that "disabling device" :P on my ccw. I told him it was in the truck, smiled, and walked on. I normally carry that S.O.B. look on my face so I guess they assumed I was telling the truth or decided not to pat me down, lol. If they did decide to pat me down after I told them where it was then I would have made sure to make it as unpleasant for them as possible. I'm not a liar, the mag was in the truck. But patting me down even after I answer honestly makes me out like I am a liar and that REALLY pisses me off.

    Horseshoe Hairy is an arrogant P.O.S. and now he's gonna train beanpole bob to be just like him.

  9. Am I being unreasonable want an entire new barrel assembly sent to me. I would send the old one back. I know it's bigger than a spring or sights, but a part is a part, right?

    I don't think it's unreasonable, I was just saying you have an issue with something I'm sure walther considers more significant than a measley spring.

  10. Well I just tested their CS out and must say you had to have either caught a total douche on a bad day or someone with their head stuck up their hind quarters. I've been needing some parts for an sp22 (target model) I bought last year and just put it up and forgot about it. Well after reading this thread I decided I would call this morning and find out how I would be treated in that situation. I called their CS dept. 1-800-372-6454, punched 3 for customer service, waited 4 minutes 23 seconds for them to come on the line. He apologized for the wait and asked what he could do for me. I told him what parts were damaged ( 3 springs that had "issues" courtesy of the previous owner) he said "no problem" took my name and address and said they were on their way.

    Now I realize that's no where near the same situation you had but he gave no indication that he was being difficult. I must say I was kinda hoping for it so I could ask for someone higher up and report that a friend had been treated badly in the past week on an issue with a new gun.

    Regardless of what company it is people should speak up more when treated like you were. Just like walton stated.And in the famous words of Ike Clanton in Tombstone "sometimes you have to give a man a rap on the beak to get some respect" :P

  11. My other P22 has functioned perfectly flawlessly for over 2,000 rds. I got this one to give to my dad. I am not mad about the malfunction, as I understand firearms are prone to malfunction, but this service and hesitance to accept responsibity for something clearly under warranty is unexcuseable. How hard would it be to take the old barrel and send me one in spec. Drop a .22 in it, seat it all the way, tilt it upside down and if it falls out it's good.Simple to me!!!!

    Agreed, it's not rocket science, it's a matter of standing behind what you sell and making up for it when things wrong.

  12. Sounds like you might have gotten the rudest person in CS. I definitely agree that's no way to treat a customer but I wouldn't give up on Walther just yet. Having owned a couple at one time or another and still trust my life with a P99 from time to time it sound's like you got an out of the box problem child. Depending on the elapsed time and amount of ammo down the pipe I would see if the dealer couldn't help me out with dealing with walther since the direct approach was unsavory. Maybe help grease the wheels or since it's new send the dang thing back altogether. I've never had an issue that I needed to call them on but I expect if I do and get the a**hole you dealed with then I will set aside a day for nothing but calling and chewing on someone in Walther Customer Service.

    Let us know how it goes.

  13. Winchester Wildcat works well in my P22 Walters. Have some problems with Federal Bulk.

    I have not found anything my Sig Mosquito likes.

    Don't know if this will help but I take a stroll through the rimfire forums every now and then. I've looked at the mosquito from time to time but haven't found one in my price range, yet. However, while researching them I've seen more than one owner say that the CCI mini mag runs the best in theirs. If I recall though they mentioned something about a different recoil spring helping out too. I still want to add it to the collection down the road. Looks like a well built piece.

  14. Well I guess I am just one of those that overreacts when someone comes in my house that shouldn't be there. :koolaid:

    First thing I do is look at it from the other end. In this case the supposed painter/intruder.

    How many of you have ever crossed the threshold plate into someone's home that was a COMPLETE STRANGER and gave no verbal acknowledgement that you were there ? H#ll even the police say POLICE when they politely kick your door in. WHY ? Because they don't like being shot at either ! Language barriers aside any attempt from the painter/intruder to send out a verbal message letting Wrangler know someone was there would have helped a lot. Aside from the fact that he didn't knock on the door, another common tradition of entering a strangers home, he felt it was o.k. to just stroll on in.

    Looking at it from the other side, I guess it boils down to how I was reared. I don't waltz on in to anyone's home, not even family, without letting them know I am inside the home. "Hello" or "anyone home" is the first words out of my mouth upon entry. If I don't hear a reply I usually stand near the door until I get one. Crazy and cautious as it may sound we've all heard where 1 family member shot another by accident because they thought they were an intruder.

    And I've never seen an intruder yet, even on T.V., that yelled out "I'm coming in to rob/rape/kill YOU" !! ;)

  15. In all seriousness I can't say I wouldn't have done the same thing. Luckily I live in the country so anyone coming through my door in that manner is prone to see a gun in their face.Even my family knocks !!! I'm not saying I draw everytime I hear a knock, lol, but I make sure to have something close by at all times.

    And while there may be a language barrier I think the gun alone should be a universal sign for RUN AWAY QUICKLY !!!


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