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Posts posted by FUJIMO

  1. A TON of people, plenty of guns if you were there at the right time. Several dealers down in the dumps about sales but that was all depending on what they were selling. Others having a great day. Tater was there for several hours best I can recall.

    Glad I missed half the deals I heard about else I would have been broke , lmao.

    Going back tomorrow to get another round. Hey Vero, isn't that safe feeling a little stuffed ? :up::D Why not bring a couple to sell and make it feel better ??

  2. Yep. Time for my recurring quote:

    "The Soviet Union had a single, entrenched, systemically corrupt political party, which held a monopoly on power. The U.S. has two entrenched, systemically corrupt political parties, whose positions are often indistinguishable, and which together hold a monopoly on power. In either case, there is, or was, a single governing elite, but in the United States it organized itself into opposing teams to make its stranglehold on power seem more sportsmanlike."

    Dmitry Orlov

    Post-Soviet Lessons for a Post-American Century

    There's your answer ! And it only took 9 and 3/4 pages to get there.

  3. And that's a BAD thing?

    could be if the other half is hanging out of the cooks mouth. You know, the haired up grease ball cook that's in the back of the building beside the a/c unit smoking a butt and picking at an orifice ! :(

  4. We thought is was going too. I am not sure what happened, but I was at the kitchen table doing some work that I brought home to do and looked over and saw the flames. She is still getting adjusted to cooking on an electric stove. Something on the bottom of the skillet caught on fire, we think. All I know was there wasn't enough bacon to go around. After my 4 year old ate her two pieces she said "Mommy, I want some more bacon", I looked at her and said "Sweetheart, we all do."


  5. LMAO, the ad that Lester posted, when it first aired I thought old zach was saying my reading level I received many decades ago from the state and my parents didn't make me a productive citizen of society today.

    Then those abilities took over and I read through the lines to realize he's just a typical D.C. politician who's full of ;):poop: and is desperate.

  6. BTW That's his wife in real life. We could do a lot worse than Haslam, but we could also do a lot better. I won't cry if he gets elected. Nor will I celebrate. I get the impression he is a died in the wool politician and that comes from knowing him personally some years ago.

    Wow didn't know that smith. As for Haslam I've heard his lies through the local media for years. He's got enough money to bury the rest so I'd say we are looking at the next governor but it won't be with my hand.

  7. She reminds me of the chick that played michael scott's (steve carrell) girlfriend on the office. Assuming anyone remembers that show she is a ringer for her twin. Her name was Carol on the show and she was his real estate agent and then girlfriend for several episodes.

    And a +1 on the creepy bugeyed part. Although my eyes do the same thing when I hear that much :) spew from his hole in less than 30 seconds.

  8. ha ha ha, see this is exactly what I've been getting at shows. I hear 3 "it's o.k." and then 2 "nope,illegal" , lmao.

    Not saying any of you are right or wrong, I was just curious if it's as cloudy on here as it is at shows. I know I have spoken with a couple random people in line at shows that claim they attend several out of state shows and everything's perfectly legal.

  9. Didn't know where else to post this so I will throw it here. If it's in the wrong spot please forgive me and move or delete it as you see fit.

    Someone please clear up this claim/rumor I've been hearing that involves gun shows in "bordering" states. I've been told now by several people at several different shows that I, as a Tennessee resident, can drive to gun show in a bordering state(Kentucky,Georgia,Carolina,etc) and purchase a long gun legally from a private citizen without any kind of BGC.

    I've always understood the law to be that you can only purchase a gun out of your state of residence if it's through an FFL. PRIVATE SALES ARE TABOO i.e. FELONY !

    I just wanted to confirm it with you guys so I know for certain these people that say this are nuts !!

  10. FROM THE GRILL: marinated mexican chicken breast cooked whole then thin sliced, fresh peppers & onions, seared jalapenos.

    FROM THE KITCHEN:homemade salsa, mexican style wild rice, refried beans,tortilla's.

    and I cooked enough for an easy repeat tomorrow night :lol:

  11. Can anyone tell me anything about these 2 knives ?

    Just picked them up because I thought they looked neat.

    The larger one has EC soligen germany marked on it and what looks like soy or bakelite type grips with fingerlays.

    The top one came cut out like that in the handle because I made sure to look at how the frame was made but it has no markings anywhere on it.



  12. S&W 18 & 17-3


    S&W 17-6 & 617


    Colt Woodsman and Ruger SS


    My S&W 617 with different grips.



    THAT'S IT !!!!!

    I MUST NOW ADD A 617 TO MY COLLECTION !!!! ( and yes I'm yelling that, lol)

    Beautiful pieces guys :up::):up:


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