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Posts posted by FUJIMO

  1. I have to feel that wherever there is a starving child there's a parent that should be trying to solve that issue. Yes there's starving children with no parents but someone has taken the responsibility to guardian that child ( private or gvt.) and they are failing in their duties.

    And I would like to see a chart that splits the "starving because of poverty" and the "starving because their parents are worthless sacks of dog sh*t who need their fooking teeth kicked in" . I see far too many at the grocery store with buggies (that's plural) paying with their EBT (now called SNAP) and then 5 miles down the road I see them with a buggy of beer and smokes and paying with cold hard cash. My personal thought is stop doing the latter and you will have more money for the former. But then, that's rationale and they don't have it.

  2. I've read a lot of great things about them. Enough in fact that if I should ever find myself standing in front of a deal on one it will probably go home with me. :)

    I know that SMITH on here knows his way around a Saiga pretty well and he speaks highly of them also.

    Good luck in your journey ;)

  3. Since I'm not an attorney or have money falling out my rear I simply do what I can to make the best of situations of this type. If an entity or place of business does something I don't like I simply don't fund their practices anymore. Will it make a difference in their profit at the end of the day ? Maybe, maybe not, but I feel better :stunned: Besides that I am very vocal and the best way to advertise their shortcomings is to spread it around to everyone I know :poop::)

    I am subject to search every time I walk on to U.T. property which is quite often. You realize anytime you're on their property your a candidate for being searched if they think you're there to harm someone. Check out their policy sometime. Now maybe it isn't as anal as their ball game searches go but I assure you it's there. I know too many U.T. employee's that have brought up the same gripe....and they work there, lol.

  4. When we were replacing the wifes car we drove the Soul as it had just hit the market.

    The biggest issue was the previous mentioned underpowered engine. Other than that I was impressed for the $15k sticker.

    But I can't justify buying new when it depreciates so much after driving off the lot so we ended up

    buying a used hhr. Pleasantly surprised with it after a year and mpg is insane.

  5. If I throw one out there FOR TRADE ONLY then that usually means I paid too much originally and I am likely

    to come out ahead if I just throw it up without a $$$ price. Besides that if I post a CASH/TRADE people

    automatically affix that amount to the piece and their trade piece becomes worth that much regardless

    if its worth that much or not.

    And I was fortunate enough to have been taught to always keep my priorities in line and put life (bills, food, gas,etc) in front

    of my hobbies.

  6. that is simply not true. While there is a percent who fall in this catagory, overall they are just regular people. Albeit making very good money.

    Agreed. It may appear that they are all "thugs" because the spotlight only hits the a**holes or dumba**es who

    want to stand out from the crowd (vick,ochosinco,johnson,haynesworth,owens,etc) but to me they are spoiled and allow

    the money to lead their lives. You eventually reap what you sew.

  7. I'd like to thank the OP for posting. I don't have cable or satellite for several reasons and these type shows are one of the reasons. Despite pulling the switcharoo with the intended pistol my feelings are more in line with GunTroll. I can't even tell you how many times I hear about this show when the subject of firearms enters the conversation with friends or customers. It's always "oh man, they built this gun, with a gun on top, one off either side, and welded another to the end"."It was BAD AZZ !" . Followed with, "those guys are CRAZY".

    Never even having seen the show I knew these guys were NOT the mascot I wanted to represent me to the rest of the ungunners out there by simply hearing about the show endlessly. I know they are considered smith's on the show but there will be way too many align US with THEM and that's not something I personally want.

    Like many of you I know people that have a difficult time watching TV and not sucking it all up like it was gospel. Whether it be O's speeches, Fox news, msnbc, etc, etc, they all want to lure you in, sit you down, and poison you. Who wants those people watching this show and then thinking that every gun owner out there acts like these jackasses ?? Not me !

  8. You won't find this years show online but I guarantee you its taking place.

    I will be sitting in front of the building in just a couple hours.

    I lost interest in giving my money to the guys who put on the Great American show.

    They once claimed they were building a show "for gun people" but once jerky vendors and t shirt junkies starting setting up that claim

    was quickly put to rest.

  9. Even though his stuff is crap nowadays I always have to think back to ol Jim Carrey's line in LIAR LIAR when I think of crime in this country. Middle of the movie and he can't lie, he's stir crazy and several things are happening all at once. All of a sudden amidst the chaos his dainty little secretary tells him it's (a repeat offender) on the phone and he's in jail again. Mr. repeat offender wants to know what to do. Carrey grabs the phone, and with it held out in front of him staring straight at it he yells "STOP BREAKING THE LAW A**HOLE ! "

    There's another scene mixed in with all this that mimics what many of you are saying. If I recall his little secretary, knowing he can't lie, explains that she had a friend that was once broken into and upon the thief entering the house fell through a skylight and broke his leg (maybe cut it, can't recall) Point is the thief sues for $X,XXX. Of course Carrey being a lawyer and not being able to lie he says he would have got him twice that, lol.

    Point of that flashback is that it covers both sides of this situation and where everyone stands. All of us on here that walk that straight and narrow can't understand why it's so hard not to steal and thieve from others. While the crook mentality is so close to that of the entitlement crowd that I can't tell the two apart most days.

  10. You can thank big brother for the rise in price on the S12's . When they were toying with the idea of putting the S12 on the DD list back in March the price doubled overnight and the $700 price tag is actually a drop of what it was April 1st, lol.

    I would wait and try to find a bargain. But don't take too long !! I predict the closer we get to election time (or heavens forbid RE- election time) the more guns like the S12 , and of course the price of ammo, will steadily increase.

  11. While opinions vary I also consider consuming the product STEALING !

    Can't count the number of times I've seen people motoring through the store in their "handicap" cart with a bag of chips in the basket munching away. Several minutes later same mouthbreather, no bag ?!?!? I guess they drove up and paid for the bag and then returned to shopping,lol.

    After mentioning this to the produce guy he said they write off at least $5,000 a month from his section alone in stolen product. I guess when you are 99.9% Chinese backed you can afford those kinds of losses :)

  12. The annual SMGCA show is coming up this weekend.

    This will be the second year at their new location right off Callahan Drive.

    For anyone that has never been to one of their shows this is an ACTUAL gun show. They specifically keep the riff raff out (chinese flea market items, camo flippie floppies, etc) so I always try to show my support by getting the word out and helping out their attendance. Last years show was huge and I remember watching several deals pass me by. One, (IHC M1 Garand) still has me :(

    It's located at

    6700 Jubilee Center Way

    Knoxville, TN 37912

    I don't have the show hours but will update as soon as I can find out.

  13. For you "gun enthusiast" :) that plan on going

    Gun auction promises a crowd

    By John's Treanor math Powell should sell $150,000 worth of guns today.

    So for those of you wanting those Colt 1911's for $500 you are in luck :)

    Unfortunately that also means someone is walking away with a $500 "clip" and some hi points,rossi,lorcin,etc for the same money :)

    But the good news is you can carry that clip or low dollar purchase home without using your hands. Seems Powell knows just where to place that "clip" after you buy it, ROFL


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