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Posts posted by FUJIMO

  1. +1 one the P99's.

    Bought my first Walther P99 in 9mm back in 96' and it's still sitting loaded and ready in the safe as I type this. I've ran several different types of ammo through it and never experienced an issue. I've been wanting to pick up a P99c as well but haven't ran across any slightly used. IMO that tells you something about P99's. Seems most people who get them hang onto them.

  2. I read that there were a couple of janitors that saw the coach performing oral sex on a boy and they only reported it to their supervisor and not the cops because they were afraid that they might lose their jobs.

    I know it's hard to believe but this is the reasoning I keep hearing behind their actions !!!!!!!

    Really ? Cleaning the sh*ters at Penn state must be real f**king special. So much so it trumps sexual molestation.

  3. He is a giant p.o.s. just like Sandusky and the rest of those sickos. He has already been quoted as saying " I wish I would have done more". That tells me he he knew and knowingly swept it under the rug. Or at the very least done the minimal he could do. Awful convenient that the undergrad that reported the shower rape to Joe p.o.s. is currently working as an assistant or something for Penn state.

  4. I don't know about how tasty, but I look back at eating a few cans of vienna sausge, potted meat, and sardines in the day,no tellin' what was ground up in these little treats.

    I'm right there with you on the vienna sausage and potted meat. Add to that spam, treet, and pretty much any meat that came from a can or package that always has that "placenta" with it. You know what I'm talking about, lmao.

    As for sardines, can't say I've ever had any that wasn't the actual fish packed in that can. But then again, when I eat sardines I go for the higher dollar cans.

  5. In the case of Tebow, anyone could see after last week's "miracle" anything short of that this week would be considered a step backwards for him. Now while I am not a Tebow fan I do like to keep an open mind about new players and let their on field actions convince me of what kind of player they are rather than listening to old washed up players turned commentators tell me what they think. It's just hard to do that though when so much preseason discussion had Tebow placed on a forecasted pedestal much higher than I think the best of players could achieve right out of the gate. I won't cut him slack for not being prepared. He is getting paid big money to perform and shouldn't have anything else to focus on but that job.

    IMHO, Cam Newton shared some of the same preseason hype coming into the NFL but I imagine hestarted preparing long before the first real game hike was given to him and that now shows on the field.

    Fans of Tebow can thank themselves for him being dragged through the mud over his terrible play. It's hard to watch someone you like fail so terribly. But I do agree he needs more time. Whether he uses it properly will be entirely up to him.

  6. KFC is just one more *****h*le on the long list of places I avoid.

    But sucking down that garbage is your choice just like smoking,drinking,etc. .......However, what upsets me is when the news story breaks that Billy-Bob had to get angioplasty and we the taxpayer need to pay for it because he can't show self control and he blames society as the culprit.

  7. last time i went in there seemed bothered when i asked to see a gun. i am young but i was planning on buying one i had the cash on me but the were a$$holes when i was asking questions. so i just walked out.

    I got this reaction from most storefront type shops I use to go to so I just stopped dealing with any of them. Seems most

    at shows are a little more laid back. But I guess everyones experiences differ from shop and employees.

  8. People like her will always rationalize their way out of taking the tougher road. And you rolling your own is what I consider

    being thrifty for your own sake. But ask her to do it and she will claim its too much work,lol. Just like that tomato satisfying her junk food craving.

  9. I will give you the tv, the cell phone, the Bluetooth,cable,etc.

    But the smokes ??? Apparently she still ranks smokes above food for someone but

    judging from that FUP she isn't denying herself a meal or 2.

  10. Priceless:

    Tennessee boomers face growing threat of hunger | The Tennessean

    The picture illustrates what is wrong with the system. The star of our story, standing in front of her flat screen tv, smoking, complaining that she can't make it the full month on food stamps. I wonder if she could make it if she dumped the cigarettes at $4-$5 per pack? Of course, the plasma could have been a gift…

    She's pretty much a spokesperson for the people I encounter everyday. I probably wrote about this somewhere before but I will type it out again because so many people out there are sheep and are easily fooled.

    I had a buddy tell me the other day where he and his wife were coming home from the mall. as he exit's the interstate and he see's the "help war vet, homeless, hungry, etc etc" guy that sits at the off ramp. This is not uncommon at this off ramp but what strikes me as odd is you only see him in the afternoons and on certain days. Begs the question where is he on the other days ???

    But anyway, so my buddy is 20 or so cars from him and can see him trying to pan handle across the lanes. Well they sit through one light and are now a couple cars back. Well he figures he better get ready to ignore the guy because the light is now red and he should start his routine anytime. But instead he sees the guy holding the sign up real close to his head and he's looking down, and in behind it. My buddy is thinking "what is this guy doing". Just then his wife spots it, the guy is TEXTING, lmfao. Needless to say it took everything my buddy had not to throw it up in park and hop out and confront the guy. I stopped looking at signs a long time back because after years of handouts I had heard every story and the problem just increases when people see they can get something for nothing.

    Channel 10 has a story on their site about the restaurants wanting a piece of the foodstamp pie but I can't find it.......

  11. I had 2 friends try to use them to help kick the habit but both failed.But it wasn't the E-cigs fault. As someone who went cold turkey over a year ago the first step is WANTING to quit. If you don't want it then you're wasting time and money. Seriously,as firearm enthusiast if we WANT that (insert firearm here) we will eventually have it, if it's legal to own anyway, lmao. But I tried to quit several years ago and that lasted about as long as I could fool myself and my family. I simply didn't WANT it. But last year it hit close to home when I had a friend text me that he thought he had the big C. Reality will kick you in the arse sometimes and that's what did it for me. But the E cig just looked like a cheap crutch and just something to keep you in the physical habit, an oral fixation with a hint of the juice placed in it. I went through tons of sunflower seeds, suckers, gum, anything to keep that oral fix but got my azz away from the drug, the nicotine. I read it takes 30 days of detoxing yourself to kick it and once you've been that long without it you are good. The 21st of this month will make 18 months clean and I have no intention of starting back. Althought I could pick it back up tomorrow.

    Not saying they might not aid in quitting but if you are stubborn like me you will just give it the big F U and go grab a bag of tootsie pops, lol. And this is coming from someone who thought I needed it coursing through my veins to exist on this planet.

  12. Zoning can be a huge P.I.T.A. for anyone that wants to work from home.

    And Dave is right I believe, unless you are prepared to throw down a huge chunk

    of money for a building, vault ( safe that meets their standards) etc. then its not worth

    the headache.


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