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Posts posted by FUJIMO

  1. While I am wiping tears away......

    So he checked for the sex of it too ????

    Lmfao !!!

    As someone who has dealt with many of these angry little devils I can honestly say I've never took time to give them a scrotum check
    • Like 1
  2. Keep posting pictures, it's just a matter of time before one of them gets spotted sitting at Walmart when they were supposed to have been at work. All of this assuming these scum have jobs.

    Lol, no fear there I don't think.

    In their mind THIS is their job. I recall last spring when outdoor flea markets started back up several new faces sprang up with tables of ammo, all of which was doubled or tripled in price. When I asked if someone had cleaned out a closet of a shooter or fell on hard times and needed to liquidate I already knew the answer.

    "Hmmph, I worked all winter to find this son. I'm just trying to make a livin".

    Followed by the ever entertaining

    "Ever since I got the fi-bo-my-algae and that g*d d*m obamer ain't sent me a check yet I'm barely making it"

    I'm sorry , but I have no sympathy for these type of people. Always an excuse not to work.

    Oh yeah, icing on the cake ?!? Oh several grand worth of tats and looked to be about 25, hahaha.
  3. While I love making my own salsa, guacamole, tortillas, etc, I have found the Wal-Mart great value HOT to be a tolerable substitute when fresh ingredients aren't available. Just make sure you get the salsa and not the picante. Over the years my tolerance for heat has increased so I now spike the hot with a good dose of rooster sauce ;)
  4. I don't think anyone's critisizing anybody for standing in line to buy .22 if they are buying it for themselves to shoot, it's the ass clowns who buy up all the .22 and re-sale it at 3x more than they paid for it. I have some .22 that I bought several years ago that I probably wont shoot right now. I do plan to shoot some old tarnished .22 from various makers I have, some probably from the 70's and 80's but I will hold on to my newer stuff. I was critisized a couple of years back for buying that cheapo Federal bulk in the milk carton, some saying it wasn't good quality ammo. It might not bee the best but i'm glad I bought it now for just a few bucks, I bet there's alot of shooters that would like to have some of that poor quality Federal bulk now. Personally I haven't had too much problems with it, they all went bang when I shot them. 

    I guess as a (fun daydream) I wish I had about 50K or more of decent .22, I would go to the next gun show, put a sign on my truck and sell them for $2 per 100 count, limit 500 per person just to pi$$ off some of those swindlers. I would go inside the show first and find out who they are so I know who to refuse to sell to.


    Bingo !


    The issue is not the standing in line, or in this case sitting in line :wacko: , it's the fact that these guys are making it tougher on those that buy it to shoot it.


    Everytime I see that pic I have a nice little daydream of what it would be like to be just down the aisle waiting for the ammo to be brought out. Me, in a 3 point stance crouched and ready like a bull ready to be let out of the gate. Then as the 2 seated losers attempt to pry the chair out from under their sorry asses I coming screaming through with a spear (Goldberg style) and make them both suck some white walmart tile. Then quietly excuse myself :usa:

    • Like 4
  5. I have on good authority my local wally gets hit by "professional flea marketers" which come in groups, snatch up anything they think will make them a buck, and leave the shelves bare. So for my situation I buy my allotment and if I spot someone needing some I can afford to lend a hand :) . As for the pro flea people they can pizz off !!
  6. Whenever I get that type of response to an ad, gun or otherwise, it goes to the trash can and I move on. Receiving it just makes him look like a fool, responding to it just makes me look like one, lol.

    However, it is fun to see how far they will go. I have on occasion played like I was a gun noob just to see how bad they try to break it off in unsuspecting sellers. WOW is all I have to say.

  7. Well since laws change year to year and vary state to state I'm not sure, but in my case every vehicle I've had that were rebuilt and retitled had a yellow title instead of the green title.But those were all wrecked,rebuilt,and resold in this state. The wife's car we have now was wrecked and rebuilt in Alabama and has a "rebuilders" stamp on the frame but carries a green title just like the rest of my vehicles.


    I really p!ss the guys off at Carmax because that's their introduction when you walk in. For those that have never been our one and only visit started by getting approached by a salesman as soon as we walked in. He introduced himself, asked if it was our first time there and what vehicle we were looking for. I told him and he started into his routine. They take you up to a car that looks used but in good exterior shape. He asked me if I'd buy a car like this in which I said, yeah I guess. He then proceeds to point to the pics of the "before" shots of the car and tell me their in house rebuilders fixed this car to prove what's on the outside isn't neccesarily the whole story. After finishing his story and feeling pretty good about his speech I asked if the car was for sale ? He looked puzzled and said "oh no sir we can't sell you this car it's been totaled". To which I replied "hell that's all I've drove for the several years", lol. Needless to say he wasn't amused. Long story short they didn't have what we were after which at that time was a REASONABLE price on a good car and a fair trade in price for our car. They fell way short in both areas and my trade in was a mint condition, non rebuilt, sports car.


    I would watch govt. auctions and buddy up with a car dealer. Maybe MCR can shed light on the subject, isn't he a car dealer ?

  8. Owned several rebuilt rides and the wife is driving a rebuilt 2008 hhr right now. Another poster (murgatory) made a valid point, when its possible you need to buy a wreck and repair it yourself or have a shop you know do it. It's not hard and there are an array of capable mechanics in the east Tn area that I know of.

    Just remember cash is king and if you pay as you go it seems things get done quicker and cheaper. The '08 we bought was already rebuilt and the mechanic went over all the repairs made, had a list of parts replaced, and before pics. But at that time in Alabama ( where I bought it ) they required a rebuilder to do these things on a car that new (bought it in 2010) . Saved a ton of cash and the hhr has been nothing but great.

    In the case of Florida and wrecked vehicles, GOOD LUCK, I had a Saturn I bought cheap from a local because his state ( Fla ) refused to issue a title. Seems they ain't fond of the wrecks,lol.
  9. Even though the video above concerns city council I honestly believe you would get the same type of response from someone like Mayor Burchett. Every time I've spoken with him at a gun show or seen him on TV his answers are usually down to earth and level headed. I'm not saying he's always right and I always agree with him but getting a straight answer is so much better in lieu of some "make me happy while I am in your face" BS answer. So many people in these positions are worried more about stepping on the toes of a few left wingers than trampling my rights and that's not how it should be.

  10. i have 9 tables this time and hope to do well the 525 packs will be about 30.00
    223 will be 350 for 500 rounds i will have both 223 and 556 it is only for sale to tgo members and will not be on my table

    And this is why I always give David my business :)
  11. Let me start by saying I could live in my kitchen, lol. As someone who was raised "old school" by my now dearly departed grandmother, cast iron, pressure cookers/canners,and using LARD in its many forms doesn't make me flinch. Considering the stuff they use in modern food it's funny how people cringe at the above mentioned when you speak of it. Oh but I could write a book about that, lol. Alas, cool thing you're doing Triple Digit Ride and since I am currently cultivating my baking skills atm I will throw out a quick and easy one for anyone that loves bread and eggs in one simple handheld treat :)


    [b]4 large eggs at room temp [/b]
    [b]1 1/2 cups milk (whole,skim,etc.- just remember the more fat in the milk the richer the taste)[/b]
    [b]salt (this is adjustable. I use 1/2 teaspoon sea salt )
    1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
    3 tablespoons melted butter[/b]

    [b]Preheat your oven to 450. While a popover pan makes these suckers get some real air time a 12 cup muffin pan works just as well. Spray it down lightly with cooking spray or grease it up with a little melted butter on a paper towel. You can also use muffin liners but unless you eat the paper its thats just a waste of tasty, lol.[/b]

    [b]I like simplicity so if you have a blender then drag it out. Add your eggs milk and salt and blend on low speed until everything is one pale yellow, slightly frothy mixture. Add in your flour and blend once again until smooth. If your blender has a lid with a access hole for adding things while on the go then slowly add in your melted butter while blending on the lowest setting. 10-15 seconds should be all it takes to incorporate the butter. If you don't have the hole simply dump in the butter and pulse ( turn on and off) the blender 15 times or so to insure the butter is mixed in well.[/b]

    [b]Fill your cups 3/4 of the way full and place pan on a lower rack in the oven. Its crucial you place them in the lower 1/3 of your oven but not the last position closest to the bottom element. I go to the second notch up from the bottom. Bake 20 minutes and DO NOT open the oven door. While they are more durable once they're finished, in the baking phase a sudden change in temp can deflate them leaving you with a limpover not a popover, lol. After 20 minutes reduce your oven temp to 350 and continue to cook for another 10-15 minutes. If it looks as though the tops are getting more browned than they need to then take a pan ( I prefer a large pizza pan) or cookie sheet and place it on the next rack up. This will help to stop the tops from being burned.[/b]

    [b]At this point you should have on hand your favorite jam, jelly, fruit butter, maple syrup, etc because the best time to consume these is immediately out of the oven. Take one out, tear it apart, and enjoy !![/b]

    And while there isn't a lot of room to make a healthier version of these I do have a recipe for those watching their waistline. It incorporates almond milk, different flour, butter substitutes, etc. I've managed to lose 100 lbs. over the last 2 1/2 years and have learned there are several ways to skin a cat....and most of them are quite tasty :)

    Someone try it and let me know what they think !!


  12. It was ever thus. Ate there first in the 60's and maybe once or twice more in the 70's (not my choice). Has always made a Krystal taste like fancy French cooking by comparison.

    Don't know why the "mystique" has survived. Only real claim to fame was that it was the first "fast food" joint in the south, maybe in the US -- and that the original location is still the largest drive-in fast food place in the world, according to Wiki.

    - OS

    Lol, I've always tried to stay away from any food that is on the chart BELOW a Krystal.

    Been to ATL dozens of times and never thought twice about heading over to the big V. I feel it's the same as many places in anytown USA. Whole lotta hype and buildup for a major upset at the end. Like a strip joint :)

  13. FIrst off I feel for the victims family and hope they can catch the trash that did this.

    I would like to know more details of how this all came to be. I've had my share of online dealings and despite some that weren't always comforting, perhaps because of my own paranoid tendencies, all ended without incidence. There's a laundry list of precautions I take and while it might not appear on the surface that the other person intends to harm you I always expect it but hope for the best.

    By the information given so far it sounds like the seller wasn't on alert and his co-pilot definitely wasn't where he needed to be. An ounce of prevention.....

  14. If you have family or friends in Cincinnati and think they would help out a collector in need pm me. I've found something that goes bang and need some help getting it bought and shipped to an ffl here locally. They only want to deal face to face so it needs to be someone who is trustworthy and competent.

    I know that's a stretch but hey it's worth a shot to fill a hole in the collection :leaving:




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