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Posts posted by FUJIMO

  1. I kicked that idea around a few years ago, started organizing it, then it went to crap when people started fighting over the barrel. In my mind, if I was going to go through the hassle of ordering a TGO barrel, I was going to keep the TGO barrel since I founded the damn place. Hell I was up for a case or two of the resulting Single Barrel all by myself. :lol:

    Maybe one of these days.

    Well thats an easy fix. Burn the barrel and send everyone wanting it a baggie of the char :)
  2. Not anger, but the pinnacle reason for my dislike for him is his song, Southern Man, because he stereotypes all men in the South as racists who are cracking whips at the black folks. I was raised in Kansas City, MO and knew many people from further North, and I see more racism in the Northern white man than I have ever seen in the Southern white man.


    Same bullsh!t as every southerner wears overalls, goes barefoot, and has no education,lol. Take a trip to some parts of West Virginia them come back and let's talk !

  3. I personally took it as Fallon displaying his incredible ability to mimic Young and not so much a tribute to him. Same way he's impersonated many past or current stars/celebrities.


    As far as Young, I rank him right up there with James Taylor, Sean Penn, Liam Niesen, Alec Baldwin, Jenny Mccarthy, Michael Moore,Richard Gere, Gwyneth Paltrow and I could go on and on but I won't. All people that somehow managed to have the spotlight placed on them for one thing and take that opportunity to give us their opinion on sh!t whether we want it or not. All while not knowing what the Hell they're even talking about.

  4. Agreed but a dollar in hand is better than someone telling you you have "virtual" money or the machine that has your virtual money got hacked and it's all gone. Physically.

    That sounds like a bank !
    Or the stock market !
  5. Maybe Nashville is different than redneck-ville east TN, but I feel certain they're not going to stop teaching algebra and geometry. They're just changing the names of the classes to something less scary sounding. Kinda like Comcast changing it's name to Xfinity...

    I've had conversations with my kid's teachers about the common core stuff and they all think it's stupid too. They view it as nothing more than the current fad and are patiently waiting for it to pass.

    So nashville isn't going to delete the classes just change the names ?

    That speaks volumes about how intelligent the school administrators think the parents and teachers are, lol.
  6. Thats the best idea i have heard in a while can i write you in on the next presidential election or governor race


    I cannot tell a lie.


    My grandfather told me that one time about a man that came home to find his wife getting serviced by another man.


    He was not a man that waxed on perversion so it stuck with me. Matter of fact, theres not too much he taught me that didn't make me who I am today.

  7. I won't even read this.  I would also chain the bastard to a tree and leave him until he rots.


    That's so evil Hozzie.


    I'm all about giving people like this choices.


    For instance ,


    take the offender to a small shed. Inside the shed sits a table that's been nailed to the floor. Nailed to that table is a vice.

    Simply place offenders junk in said vice and wind down to secure junk will not slip out. remove handle. give offender a rusty knife.

    Proceed to set shed on fire.


    And let the choices begin...... :popcorn:

    • Like 3
  8. So can we start counting days back to those higher gas prices ?

    The sole reason I paid attention this morning when they announced his death is to see if he was the guy in charge of the switch on the oil wells :)

    For those that care about gas prices, I thought this was the old guy that claimed oil prices would NEVER be high again as long as he lived.

    Well sh!t, we can't catch a break !
    • Like 1
  9. If you have to travel through the communist state of Maryland, Just comply with the "Interstate transportation of firearms act and you should be ok.
    Keep your gun in a locked box in the trunk or in your camper.
    They are a bunch of gun grabbing commies but hey, Maryland is a small state.
    You cold always go around it. West Va., Va. and Pa are gun friendly. :pleased:

    Last trip up 81 I had to pass through Hagerstown. Like someone else posted, west end isn't that bad and not near as pro-lib-tard. However, I had heard they were profiling for concealed weapons so I done what I could and placed my mags in a "safe place" for the ride through. I've carried through for 15 years and this was the first time I was actually concerned.
  10. I honestly believe anyone that lives long enough really starts to feel they need to come clean on less than stellar acts they performed earlier in their youth.

    Usually this is near the end of their life as their once burning fire has reduced now to a mere flicker of a candles flame.

    So, that being said, would someone volunteer to fart on that candle and blow this b!tch out already
  11. A few years ago me and the wife went to opry mills i had just got a new truck the weekend before the frist new one i had ever bought so i park as far away as i could came back out something like this but my mirror was on the ground so in my short temper that i had back then i get in from the passenger side pull out then proceeded to exit with a ball bat and removed both of his mirrors it felt so good got back in the truck and drove off

    I think in all the mirror busting excitement i missed the offender. Did you come back to find their vehicle snuggled up to yours on the drivers side and your mirror on the ground ?

    Even though I drive used vehicles I still make a habit of parking as far away from the bldg as possible to avoid door dingers and the like. Somehow these d!psh!ts still manage to find me and pull in the space right beside me.
    Its laughable.


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