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Everything posted by Dafadda
No.... do NOT move from NY to Tennessee. You will not fit in. The people here freakin' WAVE to you as you drive by them.... and they use their entire hand... not just one finger! They also call you "sir" or "maam" until they get to like you.... then they call you "Bud". (which is an honor!) If you DO choose to come to TN, you should leave the NY/CT/NJ attitude up there. Why? because down here... someone will slap that attitude right out of you. ROFL From a recent transplant from Konnecitcut. I moved my conservative butt down here last year, and haven't looked back once. The folks down here are down to earth, real people. Yes, they have their Aholes... just like yankees do.... but there are far fewer of them than we have in the new England states. Get down here and live your lives. You're gonna love this place! DaFadda in Nashville area
Consider Mount Juliet. East side of Nashville. 15 minutes from the airport, 25 minutes from Grand ol Opry.... good schools, low crime...
I did the same thing years ago. 0W-15 mobil one synthetic. I also use K&G Coatings (the maker of the original "GunKote" products ) dry molyendum powder mixed with the oil. Lubricity is off the charts!
I only shoot JHP (yes, it's more expensive, but it is what it is.... I prefer to practice with what I carry) my cost for Montana Gold JHP 115 grain is .09 cents. Free brass. .03 for primer. powder is 23.00 per pound. Total cost per box of 50 is $6.80. You might compare that price to Perfecta on sale, or blazer, Federal or Tulaammo.... at say 10-12 per box of 50 (when not on sale). But it is not a real comparison. If you compare apples to apples, you would have to compare my JHP rounds to Winchester or Remington bulk JHP, ranging from 140- 180 for a box of 300. That works out to about $23 dollars a box of 50. So.... for $6.80/50 I get handcrafted JHP, tailored for my pistol, using a premium 115 grain bullet, or I get bulk for $23/50. All this said, I can tell you that my ammo and my guns will all outshoot me on my best day, but since I only load JHP, I am assured that my guns will always run JHP flawlessly. Peace of mind. OH... and since I'm shooting jacketed rounds... I don't need another barrel for a Glock. Just my 2 cents... DaFadda p.s. in a previous post, a response was that the ballistics on MG bullets isn't up to the current standard for "carry ammo". I can't agree or disagree, because I simply don't know about the ballistics....but I don't carry my handloads. I practice with them. I carry commercial ammo.
There is a difference when you choose to reload JHP for accuracy. I only load Montana Gold Hollow points. Why? because I choose to practice with what I carry. If a MG JHP feeds in my carry gun, then I'm comfortable that my gun will run my carry ammo. The cost difference isn't that great, and the quality is top notch. Try buying 50 - 100 rounds of JHP point to take to the range. You'll see the value immediately. Just sayin.... Dafadda
Just got a call from the LGS. He got a shipment of the Guardian in 38 SUPER today. I hemmed and hawed about the 9 vs the 38 Super.... chose the 9mm. IF IF IF Grace is going to keep the 9mm for herself...... maybe I should buy the 38 Super. I've already bought the reloading dies for it
no no no... she has no illusions.... ROFL.... she TOOK my gun for her own, and I love her for it! This is all definitely "in fun", as we've been married for 34 years. If its mine, its hers... if its hers.... its hers.... I'm just sooo glad that she finally found a handgun that "just fits". She can have it, I can always buy the same Guardian in 45 acp!
You are most welcome Link... they do exactly what they are supposed to do. I keep a supply on hand.
definitely a "win win"... how many times have I seen guys at the range... without their wives? Countless. Most of my friend's wives don't have any interest in shooting with their husband/boyfriend. It just doesn't get better than a day at the range with someone you actually like! I don't think she'll conceal carry with it, but it will be the gun that "pulls" her to the range. DaFadda
We just came back from the range. YES... I said "WE".... my wife and I headed over to the range. I shoot regularly, she shoots sporadically. There always seems to be "something" else that has to be done... you know? So.... yesterday I stopped at my local LGS and picked up a brand new Dan Wesson Guardian in 9mm. Brought it home, told my wife about it while her girlfriend was visiting (so I wouldn't catch hell)... her girlfriend said that she wants to learn to shoot and my wife says "Mike and I will teach you".... After the friend leaves... I said "uhhhh... hun.... sweetheart.... dear... you haven't shot in a good six months. Do you think we should go tomorrow so that you can refamiliarize yourself with the guns?" AND SHE SAID YES. Sooo.... we went to the range.... she shot the Charter Arms 22, the Browning Buckmark... then I handed her her old trusty 38 Smith and Wesson snub nose. You know... the one that kicks like a mule? uh huh.... THEN I handed her my brand new Guardian. Big mistake! She fired 3 mags.... looked at me and said "I like this. I want this. Thank you for buying it for me." Then on the way home... I heard her say "Now I understand why you like the DW 1911 so much. I never knew..." Yup, she now owns a (MY) brand new DW Guardian, and I'm allowed to use it occasionally. I did tell her.... "NO pink grips. Period." So that's my story about how I got a brand new Guardian and lost it in one day. Here is Grace's target at 21 feet. Balls 1,9,4 and 10 were with the Guardian. Ball #2 was with my 45 cal CCO. All her shooting! And the gun: Before someone mentions this... YES, it is on a "doggy wee wee pad". Originally intended for dogs... it is the BEST work surface for cleaning pistols and revolvers. Solvent gets absorbed in the material, and the outside is plastic so that nothing leaks through to the table underneath. Clean up is rolling up the pad and throwing in the garbage. Easy. Hope you enjoyed the story. Dafadda
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already own a mosin nagant. love it!!! can't wait to shoot it here
ehhhh YUP! Only someone who knows the northeast understands what it means to live in a "Free State"
Hi, I have a micro compact loaded Springer and had the same issue with the slide stop. Its "normal" in 1911's... but the fix is simple. A small dimple needs to be filed on the slide stop so that the plunger has something to slide into. Any 1911 gunsmith can do it, either free or dirt cheap. You would think the manufacturers would mod the slidestop from the get go... but they don't. What works for me on those 1911's that I haven't fixed yet was a simple "thin" guitar pick. Plenty of them available here in TN !! Slide it between the plunger and the slide stop and the stop slips into position fast, with no "idiot marks" on the gun. Just my "2 cents" this morning. hope it helps. Edited to add a pic
Hi, I'm Mike, aka "Dafadda" . I've lived most of my life in Connecticut, and am glad to finally be living where I've always wanted to be. My main interests are 1911's and AR15's, but I have others also. Looking forward to meeting some good people here.