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Everything posted by SixShooter14

  1. Yeah, those little rural schools definitely have their perks. I did everything I could to get out of that school early, it was declining rapidly. There was a lot of corruption on the school board and all of them were related somehow and related to most of the community, so no one ever got voted off. 2 years after I graduated, the state condemned 3 of the buildings on campus. They then stepped in and renovated the whole campus. There were a rough couple years while the state there. But a few of my classmates are teachers there now. And according to them, it's running the best they've ever seen it.
  2. A lot of wisdom in that post. I carried a Buck 110 from 6th-11th(2007, when I graduated) Then at college I carried a Case Blue Bone Med. Stockman 3-blade. Which I still carry everyday.
  3. That's a pretty awesome situation.
  4. I'm probably a bit younger than most of y'all, ripe old 26 years young. My school closed the first Monday of deer season. It was listed as 'deer day'. Not a real big school, K-12 was about 300-400 students. Half the trucks in the school parking had guns in them. Some hidden, some open. No one cared. One time I was picked out of class by the principal and local deputy, who just happened to be my cousin. He asked me if I would unlock my truck. They had reports of someone in the parking lot shooting traffic with Paintball Guns. I opened my truck and there was a loaded shotgun in the passenger seat. Along with 2 boxes of shells, dove decoys, vest, etc. We all laughed and he said "you're not supposed to have that here. Don't bring it back." I went back to class. The principal knew I wasn't going to shoot up the school. It was only dangerous to them tasty doves.
  5. We got my mother a single shot .243 last year. She absolutely loves it. Killed 2 deer with it last fall.
  6. Thanks for the info. That's unfortunate. I owned a small business for a long time. If there's one thing that is against the rules, it's being rude to a customer. Even if they deserve it. You've got to learn to let things go. Enforce policies, but be polite about it. Not everyone is cut out for it. I'll keep looking. Does anyone know of a range on the Arkansas side of the river?
  7. This is a good idea. I cycle the first 10 or so anytime I change a variable. I also chamber-seat the first couple bullets when I change styles to check COAL.
  8. Anyone been to this range recently? I work on Brooks Road just west of the airport so it's pretty close, if it's proven to be a friendly atmosphere.
  9. I like it. I'm not a fan of the AR-style guns. But I like the build of that one. What was the price on that? if you don't mind.
  10. But dam they're cool.
  11. And that's done. Next up is a .45Colt SAA. Will get a Pietta I have a line on one for a good price.
  12. I just closed an auction for a SBH .44mag 7.5" blued/walnut. And I have everything to reload .45Colt. Now I just need something to shoot them out of. Should have the .45C SAA in a week or 2.
  13. Same here...what are they about $5k-$10k? My next purchase is a Super Blackhawk.44Mag.
  14. .45Colt dies, 3 sizes of bullets, 300 empty casings, 300 primers, 1 box of .45Colt factory loads. And 3 100rnd .45Colt ammo boxes. And some more 9mm bullets.
  15. 5x100rnd 9mm ammo boxes. And 1000 cleaned once-fired empty casings. Not bad for $30
  16. Yep, this is my first foray into revolvers. And a SAA is at the top of the list. I'm a utilitarian, so a genuine Colt is a little out of my price range when I could get several less expensive options and twice as much ammo for the same price. And not be afraid to shoot the fire out of it. Thanks for the help. I will shift my shopping to .44mag Rugers. How do you like that Stainless? I love my stainless rifles, but for the SAA I want blued/walnut. But the Ruger could be SS.
  17. Yeah, I think a 7+" .44 would be a lot of gun for backyard plinking. Though I would definitely work up a light maybe .44special round for shooting targets. But my new direction. Really seems to fit both calibers better. A lighter/shorter .45 which is lighter shooting and I suspect easier handling for targets. And a longer heavier .44mag for hunting and 50+ yardages, and load compatibility with the .44 lever I'm planning on... And I will be reloading for both rounds, so I can adjust the loads to fit the situation.
  18. Howdy folks. As I too am shopping for a SAA clone. I'm going to ask the fine folks here to glance over my logic. So I was initially wanting a 7-3/4" SAA in .44 mag and a 20" lever-gun in .44mag. I happened to be looking at .44 reloading supplies at Cabelas and ran across that they sell Pietta SAAs. But no long barrel .44mag. They do however have a 5.5" .45Colt which I really liked. SO, I shifted my thinking some. I just happened to have about $500 in Cabelas rewards points, so I'm thinking of picking up the 5.5" .45 Pietta for fun plinking. And continue shopping for a Ruger SBH .44mag, something with a stronger frame and adjustable sights for fun shooting and possibly some hunting. Is my thinking right here? The 5.5" .45 will be easier to shoot for fun than the .44 with magnum loads. And a 7-3/4" Ruger .44 should do a better job at longer distances or for hunting and should be able to handle reasonable rifle charges as well simplifying the ammo. Thanks in advance for any insight.
  19. Howdy, welcome from Arkansas. I work in Memphis everyday so I'm allowed to be here, lol.
  20. Planning to pick up a SAA clone in the next month or so. Probably a Pietta-made version in .45Colt as well as dies to load for it.
  21. I thought the same thing...compare it to the Springfield, MO BPS and IMHO this one is rather pathetic. as far as retail sporting goods, it seems the pyramid doesn't have anymore variety than the Bartlett store...
  22. That was pretty much my take as well. But living in Marion, AR, it's much closer to me than Bartlett. I drove by a few times on the weekend while going to or from work. It's been VERY busy by what I see from I40 but weekdays weren't bad.
  23. I went last week...it wasn't too busy at 7:30 on a Wednesday night.... It was ok...but I couldn't tell that it had anymore "gear" than the old bass pro in Bartlett....but a lot more "stuff" souvenirs and crap.... Overall, I was far from impressed...but it's close to home so, that's nice
  24. I got glasses at age 5, soft contacts at 13... Hard contacts at 17.... Am now 24 Even with the best glasses or contacts, I can only get 20-30 in my left, and 20-50ish in the right.........and I see double all the time (always have) Frustrating? Definitely...but I remember vividly the first time I truly saw my mother. I ran my hands all over her face just to make sure it was her. Same with my brother and father. It's a feeling I'll never shake.
  25. I've driven by a few times at around 8pm on weekdays and it looks a lot slower..... Someday I'll stop and take a tour


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