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About darsk20

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    United States
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  1. darsk20


    In Chattanooga it is very dependent on where. Within a 20 mile radius it was literally between 0” and 7”. now that’s what I call typical Chattanooga weather. We had about 4”, my Mom about 10 miles south had 2-3 and 10 south of that there was none. My sister about the same north had 7, and friends about 10 miles east had none.
  2. Just had our first here in Chattanooga. About 10 minutes. the worst was listening to our 8 year old whine.
  3. It is a good deal. Would’ve been mine other than I had already sent my slide out for milling. GLWS.
  4. So, my wallet just hears that I need to go buy a macro. Gotcha.
  5. Welcome to TN and Chattanooga. Great place to be and you’ll love it here.
  6. This is what I did. Picked up one for my 22/45 and spent some time at the range. That sold me on them. Much quicker and easier to pick up a single dot. You do have to learn how to “find” the dot, but once you have that down you’re good to go. Something else I found easier was leaving both eyes open for aiming. Have always had a hard time using irons that way, but a red dot made all the difference.
  7. Call Anthony’s Armory in Red Bank. Last I heard they had reasonable rates. Carter’s in Harrison was around $50 the last time I checked. Not sure about anyone else.
  8. It would be mine already if closer.
  9. Wish I had the time. Sounds like a great spot.
  10. No specific experience, but I do have a friend (don’t we all) who used a Hill People Gear kit bag when in bear country hiking around. He loved it and the fact it was more versatile than a typical chest rig. It carried comfortably over or under a jacket. Will definitely keep the brush out of the way. Not sure what it would be like with an orange vest during hunting season.
  11. Good luck and have fun. Beautiful country out there. We were in Zion, Bryce and the Grand Canyon last fall. We were lazy and flew to Vegas like one of your daughters. Really just didn’t have enough vacation time to take longer.


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