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Everything posted by Bassoneer

  1. Happy New Year! You are all a good bunch of folks and I learn something new every time I log on. Hope you all have a great new year and next New Years Eve we still have all the same freedoms we have today! Best Wishes to all! B
  2. The guy who has the "box-o-truth" web site uses tampons to clean his shotguns. I tried it and it works good...put some hoppes on the thing and run it through the barrel a few times. Good luck! B
  3. Nice gun!  I've been wanting to try that Federal with the Flitecontrol wads also.  I purchased some Hornady Critical Defense buckshot and it has something similar to keep the buckshot in a tighter pattern.  Kicks like a mule :) but that's part of the fun.  If you ever get the desire to install a pistol grip, I tried it and couldn't hit anything at all.  Worst money I ever spent and I went right back to the manufacturer's stock.  Good luck with that gun!   Best wishes and Merry Christmas, B
  4. Thanks OS. I Found out that Oodles Uncorked on Market Square is very gun UN-friendly. They have good prime rib but don't care for firearms in their restaurant. B
  5. We are going to a Christmas party tonight at Oodles Uncorked...does anyone know if it is posted? In general, is it OK to carry in the Market asquare area?
  6. [quote name='Viracnis' timestamp='1352406736' post='841981'] I put a shoulder stock with a pistol grip on my Maverick 88 12-gauge and threw a cheap heat spreader on it (for the ghost ring sights) and I couldn't ask for more out of it. The stock I have (ATS I think?) has a rubber recoil pad and with the short home defense rounds I bought, the recoil is VERY manageable. Even my wife shoots it comfortably, and she's a recoil crybaby. A good friend had (it was stolen) the same Maverick in 20-gauge and I really liked it but can never find one at a decent price. I paid less than $200 for my Maverick new at Academy and about $40 for the stock and ghost ring sights at the Bill Goodman show. [/quote] I also got a Mossberg Maverick 88 from Academy - 12 gage 18.5" barrel 5 round magazine tube. I paid just over $200 out the door including tax and background check. I have shot both bird and buck shot and it works great. For basic home defense, I can't imagine you could get a better bargain. I have owned a 500 Persuader and it is probably a little nicer...and would really like a 590 A1, but for now the 88 does just fine. I am planning to put a flashlight on it. I tried a pistol grip and found out that I can't hit anything. Nothing. I'm serious...I would never use a pistol grip (only) on a shotgun unless you're willing to practice a LOT in order to get the hang of shooting it. For an occasional shooter like me, it just doesn't make sense using a pistol grip with a shot gun. I have no experience with 870's, but I know they have a good reputation. Best wishes, B
  7. I just refinished my Mosin two weeks ago. The wood wasn't much to look at, so once I stripped the orange shellac, I used a little red mahogany stain, then about three coats of tung oil over several days. Once I liked the finish I used some Renaissance Wax and this thing looks awesome. Flat finish (use 0000 steel wool between coats) and super smooth. It feels MUCH nicer when I hold it (instead of that sticky and scratched mess the Russians slathered on. I have also used the Birchwood Casey TruOil on several guns - it works well, but will give a shiner finish (it did for me). Good luck with yours - you should post a photo when you're done. Best Wishes, B
  8. How many rounds does that one hold?
  9. Done
  10. Sorry to hear about this...I'll keep you guys in my prayers. The only true comfort I have found in tough times is to pray to God and know that He is listening - He wants you to bring this to Him - and mean everything you say to Him from the bottom of your heart. Pray specifically for her doctors also. Then turn it over to Him. Again, I will be praying for you and your girlfriend. Best Wishes, B
  11. It is extremely common to do action jobs on S&W J-frames. It comes up once a week on the S&W forum because honestly, most of the new S&W's don't get the care and individual attention to detail that they did 50 years ago before they leave the factory. Lighter (Wolf) springs are a big favorite also. In my case, the "hand" was actually rubbing something and it made the action awful - maybe I'm biased, but I would do it again in a heartbeat. By no means does this mean the gun will have a hair trigger...it is a long (and stiff, even with new springs) trigger pull. But, having direct and personal experience with this one, I would not hesitate to send anybody to Predator's shop for the master gun smith to do an action job on a J-frame. It is a good thing all around. And if anybody wants a lot more good information about revolvers, read the book by Grant Cunningham - he is a gunsmith and favors revolvers - especially Rugers. Best wishes, B
  12. Mossberg 88 is (in my opinion) an extremely good bargain. I have read a lot of good things about it and purchased one a few months ago at Academy Sports in Knoxville...it was under $200, but with tax and background check I think I spent between $205 and $210. I have only taken it to the range one time and shot about 15 rounds of buckshot and it worked perfectly. I had put a pistol grip on it, which I found was not to my liking, so I have gone back to the original stock. I do plan to install a flashlight with an adapter that clamps onto the magazine tube from Cheaper than Dirt. The 88 has a safety that goes from side-to-side in front of the trigger guard, whereas the 500 has the safety on top (I also used to have a Mossberg 500 Persuader). The 88 has a polymer trigger guard, whereas I think the 500 was metal if I recall correctly. The forearm is slightly different, but most other parts, including the barrel, stock, and most accessories are completely interchangeable with the 500. I got the 18.5" model with a 5 shot tube. I also have decided on the Hornady Critical Defense 00 Buckshot for the ammo. It will be my primary home defense. Read some more reviews at the various sites (Academy may have reviews...I know Bud's Gun Shop does, and others). You will find one or two negative reviews on almost any gun, including the Mossberg 590A1, Remington 870, etc...but for the money this is a very dependable and reliable gun. If I had it to do over again, I would buy the same gun. If money were no object and I could have anything I wanted, it would probably be the 590A1 (or some version of that), but it is much more expensive than the 88 and does the same thing. Good luck and best wishes, B
  13. Predator did my 642 trigger job and it is awesome. Smoothed it out and even put some lighter springs in it - now very, very smooth and 100% reliable. I also had an issue with the "hand" hitting something and they fixed it at the same time to make the 642 like butter. They have also worked on another S&W Model 13 for me and repaired some end shake and made everything like new. Very professional and reasonable pricing. It's in an industrial looking building on Papermill Drive here in Knoxville. You will be glad you did it. Make sure you ask for the master gunsmith - can't recall his name but he is a little older than the other guys. There were several folks working there who know what they're doing, but I think they specialize more in AR-15's and such for the SWAT team...the master gun smith did both of my S&W jobs and he is fantastic. B
  14. I purchased a Maverick 88 this spring at Academy Sports in Knoxville...including tax and background check it was just over $200. I was back in there last week and noticed they still have them for around $187 or so. I fired it for the first time a couple of weeks ago - I had put a Hogue pistol grip on it and could not hit squat. I had a "for sale" sign at about 10 yards and was shooting above and below it - just hit it maybe one time. Yesterday I took the Maverick 88 apart and cleaned it thoroughly for the first time and put the original stock back on. Overall, I'm impressed with the gun and it gets very good reviews on the various web sites and I would also give it a good review (as I am doing now). For $200 you can't beat it. I have owned a Mossberg 500 (Persuader) in the past and traded it, which was a mistake - it was also a great gun. And I would like purchase a few additional shotguns in the future (870, 590A1), but I'm thinking at this point that the pistol grips are a fad and I'll never put one on another shotgun. It just isn't practical for me and would take a lot of practice. And don't hesitate about the Maverick 88 - it is a great gun for a great price. Best wishes, B
  15. Sorry you lost your Chihuahua. It sounds like you have another great dog again. Best wishes, B
  16. I got one of those with a combination lock and installed it in the center console of a 2004 F150. I screwed it down (just to keep it from sliding around) using two of the screws that were already there to hold the console down - I had to drill a small hole in the bottom of the lockbox to match the spacing of the Ford screws, then simply removed and re-installed the screws through the lockbox bottom. This might have been good enough, but then I also moved the driver's seat all the way forward and drilled a hole (about 1/2" or 3/4" diameter) through the side of the console, a little below seat level, so the cable could come through and attach to the seat frame. It would take a while to remove this thing and it certainly is not obvious or visible. I've only had to use it one time, and as it turns out I got back to the car and I had forgotten to spin the combination...these things don't work too good if you leave them set to the combination all the time Best Wishes, B
  17. I've got both S&W and Ruger revolvers. S&W actions are generally just a little bit smoother, and the L-frames (and up) will take anything you can put in them. Some of the newer J-frames will also. I have a model 13 (K-frame) and I don't shoot 125's Magnums out of it, but it is a very accurate and fun gun. I also have a GP100 Ruger and it is a very fine gun - absolutely nothing wrong with it and I carry it a lot, especially out in the woods. And it has a very smooth action. I think the S&W is sleeker and more elegant, feels better, etc. The Ruger is the one that I could drop from the top of a 10-story building onto concrete and then pick it up and it would shoot fine (kidding of course, but it is a tank). So, if you want a long term investment that will be an awesome gun, then consider going with S&W. If you want function and don't really care if it is heavy and not quite as sleek, then maybe you could save a few bucks and go with Ruger. You won't make a bad choice either way. I think (not sure) that the Ruger GP100 was beefed up a little over previous versions. And most of the new S&W's have an internal lock (a hole on the side) that some folks don't like...if it bothers you, then consider picking up a used one that was made prior to the introduction of the internal lock. One last thought...you are planning to purchase a .357 Magnum revolver that can handle a steady diet of hot loads. Nothing wrong with that...that's what most folks do. However, once you get the gun, if you are like me, you may end up shooting a lot of .38 Specials out of it because they are just plain fun to shoot. It is cool to snap off a few hot loads now and then, but in general, I almost always end up shooting .38 Specials out of all my guns. Best Wishes, B
  18. Last time I went to my doctor a few months ago we started talking about guns and he said that he has a Ruger of some sort and that he is starting to get into guns. I asked if he had a carry permit and he said that we was going to look into it. I like my doctor. B
  19. I might be able to confuse things a little. I have a 686 4" and as we all know it is wonderful. Shoots well, handles well, accurate, will take any ammo you put in it, etc. I have even carried it once or twice just to see if it can be done - yes it can, but it is heavy. I also recently got a K-frame, not exactly the 2.5" 66, but rather a 3" 13. As you probably know, the 13 is a blued version with fixed sights (as opposed to SS with adjustable sights). It is a .357 Magnum also, but I think it's common knowledge that we shouldn't use the hot 125 grain loads in the K-frames...actually, I've never shot a .357 Magnum in it, but rather I've limited it to .38 Special and a few +P's. Here's what I think - the 13 is more accurate. I don't know why, because the barrel is shorter by 1". And the 13 has a smoother trigger and a tighter lockup. I don't know why - I think I still like the 686 better, but the 13 is one that my wife and I both shoot well and I normally take it to the range every time I go. It is fun to shoot. So...confusing, right? I like both. I think the 686 is probably the best gun on the planet (my opinion of course), but I don't envision ever selling the 13 either because it is accurate, smooth and a very good balanced size to handle. And I have not carried the 13, but I think you could carry it easier than the 686. Best Wishes, B
  20. I purchased one of the Mossberg Maverick 88's from that exact store last month. With tax and background check it was just over $200. I was there fairly early on a weekend morning and got out quickly. I have been in that store when it was crazy and times like those I don't even think about going to the gun dept. Still have not fired the gun, but plan to as soon as I get a chance. Good luck, B
  21. WJH, Very nice post and thread...I have very similar guns and no semi's (have had many plastic semi's, two or three 1911's, etc...none now that I have experience with them). I also feel as if being in Knoxville, staying away from trouble and trying to stay home at night (and being 50)...I don't look like much of a threat to anybody so I don't think I need 15-20 rounds from a military type gun...a snubbie is perfect for me. I have a 3" Ruger GP100 that is probably similar to your 686 snubbie...it is an awesome carry gun (a little heavy, but gives me good peace of mind). Best wishes, B
  22. Anybody heard a rumor that the Knoxville Police Department is switching to Sigs? B Confirmed...check this out.. http://www.knoxnews.com/news/2013/jan/23/kpd-switching-to-higher-caliber-service-weapons/?partner=RSS
  23. Thanks for all the replies...I have been wondering for a while, and if/when this happens I'll be ready. Thanks again, B PS, the Registered Magnums thing was probably a bad example. I don't even know anybody who has one of those...I was trying to say something like "suppose somebody died and left me a mansion, two luxury vehicles, a large boat and..." that sort of thing, except with guns. To me, a Registered Magnum is pretty rare and valuable.
  24. I know about FFL's and that if I want a gun from another state (Say Bud's Gun Shop in KY) that it all goes through proper channels with FFL's. I know that in Tennessee, as long as the buyer appears to meet the right qualifications (of age, not a criminal, preferably has a carry permit...) that you can sell a gun without FFL's. But what if I had a relative in another state who died...and their spouse called me and said "hey, your great grandfather wanted you to have his collection of old Registered Magnums"...how is that handled? Do I just go get them? Do I have to somehow get an FFL involved? Thanks, B
  25. I did some old shotguns last summer with the Birchwood Casey stuff. The wood turned out great with their stain and TruOil. However, I agree with Karnage, the bluing leaves a lot to be desired, and is obviously nowhere near what a gun company (or pro gunsmith) could do. One of these days I'll probably get the bluing done professionally, but I find it hard to believe I could be happier with somebody else's wood refinish job. If you are patient and know anything about refinishing, you could knock out the wood part yourself, but if you want a really nice job you need a pro to do the bluing. Best wishes, B


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