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Everything posted by Bassoneer

  1. My dad had a similar experience a couple of years ago at UT hospital.  He ended up with an ostomy for a while, but then later they reconnected everything and now he is 100% back to normal at 84 as if nothing ever happened.  Prayers for you bro...hang in there and know that God is with you.  Best wishes, B
  2. Hoppes 9! Best wishes, B
  3. I've gone through all the various calibers, did testing, and about went broke trying various guns and have read most of the reports that this article refers to.  I had settled on 9mm, Glock 19, Speer GD 124+P...thanks for the article - it made me glad I came to that conclusion.  B
  4. I like those painted sights...looks very good and easy to see.
  5. My son and I used their simulator yesterday...very fun and interesting. They have Glock Gen 4 model 17's set up to run these things. We did a lot of police training scenarios - gave us a new appreciation of what our police force has to put up with. Can't tell who is good vs who is about to attack you. I think my 18 year old son did much better than me. He also did some IDPA stuff. The range is still about a month out according to the golks we spoke with. B
  6. 19 - perfect
  7. Very nice work!
  8. Bassoneer

    S&W 6946

    Very nice
  9. Bassoneer

    Glock 19

    I have a G19G4 and love it. Over 1000 rounds so far and no jams of any kind. When I shoot it the brass goes over my right shoulder. However I closly watched my wife shooting it and almost every brass case hit her in the face. I can only imagine she was not gripping it as tight as I was. Best wishes, B
  10. LCP - a friend has one and said that if he loads 7 rounds it jams...if he loads 6 rounds it works fine.  Take it for what it's worth...probably sounds like a magazine issue to me, but that's how he loads his and it works for him.   Glock - I have a Glock 19 and I've never had one shell ejected into my face that I can recall.  I was watching my wife shoot it and she got almost every shell to the face.  Not sure why unless it had to do with the difference in our grips.  But I would take it to a Glock Armorer (lots of them around I think) and have them check the ejector.  That gun should be 100% reliable and it should never eject the casings into your face - that is not OK and will got old very quick.  You can get that fixed.   Best wishes, B
  11. I also went today...my new favorite store anywhere!
  12. Now that we CAN legally own and carry automatic knives, what is the minimum age for ownership and to carry one?  This is just to know the answer when my 18-year old asks...   Thanks, B
  13. Just got back SMKW.  They will sell you a switch blade/auto knife.  They have them all in one spot on the side nearest the Lodge cast iron store.  I tried a bunch of them and they ranged in price from $40 to several hundred.  I bought a Kalashnikov 74 with a black serrated blade and gray grip...they had several kinds of this particular knife and they were all $40.  There was one knife I liked better with g10 grips but it was $140.  I can't carry one enough to make it worth that to me, but the ak74 knife looks to be very well made for the price.  I like it and that's my first auto knife.   Anyway, now we know.  I'm sure they would appreciate your business.  Best wishes, B
  14. Ok, got through to customer service.  First employee knew nothing about the new law.  Second person knew about it and said the store's policy did change as a result and that they can and will sell switchblade/auto knives to "everyday, off-the-street" people.  Woo-hoo I'm in that category.  I'll let you know if I purchase one...going on up that way today.   Best wishes, B
  15. Does anybody know if SMKW will be selling automatic knives to the general public starting today (7/1)?  I called them yesterday and they didn't know...went to ask somebody else and put me on hold and never came back.  Thanks, B
  16. In April I purchased a Merkur Double Edged Safety Razor with a long handle, Feather blades, Poroso menthol soap in a green tub, Tweezerman Badger bristle brush, a stand for the brush and razor, and also some Taylor of Bond Street Sandlewood Soap.  It took about a week of trial and error and watching Youtube videos, but I have it down now and can get an awesome close shave in not much time.  I just couldn't stand paying over $20 for a pack of fancy 5-blade cartridges.  I'm changing the blades once a week, on Sunday...just so I can remember.  The Poroso soap is great, and the Sandlewood stuff is a good too, but a little soft and probably won't last as long.  I may try the Poroso Sandlewood soap.  But I'm very happy with the Merkur device...I also looked at the Edwin Jaggers and may get one eventually - I like the one with the ivory looking handle.  Funny how we're all taking a step back in time to get better, more economical shaves :pleased: .   Best wishes, B
  17. As for protective watch dogs, we have two Doberman Pinschers and they are great.  They play with each other (pretty rowdy) and they are big babies with us.  But if anybody goes down the street (or Heaven forbid, come to the door) they go crazy barking.  They just have a very protective instinct.  And they sort of feed off each other...if one starts barking the other one goes off also.  We also have two Chihuahuas and they jump in the mix also (they are the ones who are most likely to bite :)).     Also, I agree with posting the no trespassing signs...Best wishes, B
  18. Wow!  Thanks for all the replies!  I agree, this Frog Lube stuff was sort of new, and it sounds like others have experienced similar results.  I felt like we followed the directions very closely and left everything "dry", but it must ooze out of the metal or something.  I know when I first started using it, we would go to the range and it would get all wet when it heated up (even though it started dry).  After this weekend I got rid of it.  It says a lot that Hoppes and other such stuff has been around a long time.  I know there are tricks with nickel plated guns, but I mostly have stainless and blued guns...I'm going old school.  I am thinking of trying some synthetic motor oil for a lubricant by putting it into a small oil can.  I have some Hoppes in a nasal sprayer that I use to squirt it into the barrels and cylinders of revolvers and let it sit...sort of mists the material into those openings.  It works, and even though my wife doesn't care for the smell of Hoppes, I do.  So, I guess I'll be back to cleaning the guns out on the porch by myself.  Best wishes, B
  19. Went to TAC with my wife this morning to shoot her little Sig P238.  Set up on lane 9, she loaded a mag, lined up to shoot and "click".  That's not the sound I was expecting :).  I got the person out front and we looked at the gun, took it apart, re-loaded and "click".  He said the firing pin was sticking, so came home and disassembled and cleaned/oiled.  I had read that Frog Lube was causing this type of failure, so I quit using it. I had previously thought the stuff was great, but after reading several similar stories I decided to check the rest of my guns, starting with my Maverick 88 pump shotgun...it would not even pump!  Long story short, I spent the better part of the day fixing seven firearms.  The shotgun was like somebody poured pancake syrup in there and let it dry.  Same with a revolver.  I don't want any of my friends on here to get hurt or mess up their guns...I threw all of that FL stuff in the garbage and went back to Hoppes.  Your results my vary, and yes I followed the instructions, and yes I know not to put stuff in with the firing pin.  I know, I know.  This is free advice so take it for what it's worth...but please check your firearms if you have ever used Frog Lube on them.  Mine had set for about six months in a safe so I'm sure that didn't help.  I wish you guys all the best!  B
  20. I want to see it mounted in the F150...I assume they can make one for gen 4 Glock 19?
  21. I got a ZT knife for Christmas and it is gnarly...best knife I own.  I am afraid to carry it because it is so nice...just sitting in my gun safe!  B
  22. I got the same gun a few weeks back...went the next day and ran 220 rounds through it perfectly.  I also added an extended slide release.  Very nice gun (I still prefer revolvers :)).  B
  23. My son used to be into martial arts...he got a black belt in TaeKwonDo, but after a few years he wanted to try something else and we found a place here in Knoxville that teaches Krav Maga.  It is a place run by Terry Bullman, Bullman's Kickboxing and Krav Maga.  He also has a black belt in TaeKwonDo, and also has a black belt in Krav Maga which is somewhat more rare than TaeKwonDo.  He actually studied under one of the founders of Krav Maga.  Anyway...in Knoxville I would highly recommend his place.  They are much more serious than the TaeKwonDo stuff my son was taking...I used to go watch, and I recall one night he took the class out into an alley behind the school because "you will most likely not get into a confrontation in a gym".  It was pretty cool - he taught the folks how to defend themselves in a dark alley, which I thought was neat (but I told my son to stay out of dark alleys, ha).  Still had a pretty intense warm-up period with 50 push-ups and lots of running and things to get your heart going.  And they did a lot of wrestling type stuff on the mat (which my son did not like).  The kicks were less "pretty", but more effective I think...crude, but painful looking.  And it seemed that sometimes they would just repeat the kicks over and over quickly as if they were going to kick somebody's chest 4 or 5 times (maybe?).  So...that's my input from a proud father watching his 17 year old son...he was always exhausted after class.  I recall one night we left and he took off his shirt - he said he was covered in sweat, but it was not his (yuck).  Best wishes, B   PS, watch this fight...   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kdw0I62WcF4
  24. Did you go in the house to get ear plugs?  Huh?  Huh?


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