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Everything posted by Bassoneer

  1. Beautiful knives...can't wait to get one soon!  B
  2. Amen!  
  3. I found this company at the NRA convention in Nashville last April. Believe it or not they are in New Jersey, but they provide high quality custom foam inserts for cases based on a design you create on their website. I did it first right after the NRA show last year and also bought a SeaHorse case from them - took about an hour to get the shapes right and about a month to get the final product: They can do a foam insert for just about any case that you have or that you want to buy from them. They can also do custom foam inserts, so I thought I would do one for my bedside table to hold my Glock 19 with a light and two extra mags...just got it today. First photo is with the camera flash and the second photo shows the little night light I have mounted in the drawer... Here is a link to their web site...http://www.mycasebuilder.com/ If you screw up the design they will give you a second chance for half price, or if you buy their insurance for about $8 you get a free do-over if you mess something up. They have lots of guns in their list of firearms to automatically cut out. They did not have the Bond Arms with the holster, and they didn't have that little flash light in the drawer...I took photos of them and traced them (all part of their software). Everything has been perfect with no "do-overs" except when I got the first case I had used their standard S&W 642 outline and forgot that I had the crimson trace grip - had to dremel out just a hair and it was perfect. If anybody has questions fire away, but I highly recommend going to their web site and playing around. It will show you the 3D image of the final product and everything - too cool. Best wishes, B
  4. That's a great gun!
  5. My in-laws had two great danes - both died from the same thing.  Sorry to hear about yours...
  6. I spoke with the vets again today.  Going to look at the results early next week and most likely proceed with a bile acid test next in order to narrow the possibilities down to (hopefully) the shunt or chronic active hepatitis.  The hepatitis diagnosis means lifelong treatment (however long that is), but the vets all seem to think they can repair the shunt.  My wife has been a basket case...crying quite a bit.  We're all torn up.  But if the shunt is the problem, we're mostly likely going to proceed with the surgery and go all the way with this guy.  My main vet (a good friend of ours) says the surgeons lined up to do this are awesome...one was a department head at UT and was one of her teachers.  More to come...
  7. They are testing for Von Willebrand so if they do surgery he won't bleed to death (I think that's what they said).  They didn't want to do the "simple" kind of biopsy, but some type of "wedge" biopsy and it would be considered surgery.  But you are correct, the $3500 would be for a shunt repair - they said it may be what caused his liver to be so small and they would simply clamp it off and hope the blood re-directs to the liver (and it could even enlarge).  But I had another vet tell me that if they do that the liver might not be able to handle it and he could still die.  And they said the shunt could have scarring because of hepatitis (if that is the issue).  So, they said if they open him up, they want to have a handle on the bloodwork and the Von Willebrand issue...but that they would probably do a sizeable biopsy and hopefully fix the shunt.  Right now they're still guessing and we're waiting on a bunch of lab work to get back early next week.  
  8. One of the vets (the one I know very well - our primary vet) suggested we get his results from all the tests that they're doing in the lab and then talk about it.  Perhaps we can make a solid, most-likely diagnosis without spending several thousand more dollars just to PROVE without any doubt that the diagnosis is right.  She said we might be able to treat the most-likely issue with meds and diet and see how well he does (and how long he lasts without going down).  She did warn that these liver issues in dogs are very tricky and when they start getting sick they go down fast.  The thing is, this dog has not even slowed down or looked sick other than drinking a lot and not being able to pee well.  More to come...B
  9. Yeah...no sugar in his blood and his heart is fine - they have zoned in on his liver, which is very small and this chronic hepatitis is very common in Dobies (did not know that).  They are also checking for something called Von Willebrends (sp?) which is another Doberman trait (it apparently is not good).  Two vets at two different clinics are already involved and talking and potentially a third if he goes to surgery.  I have heard of dogs drinking a lot with diabetes, but I think it is also common with some of the stuff he has going on.
  10. We have two beautiful Doberman Pinschers. The youngest one is about 3 years old and is a male named Axl. 100 pounds of pure muscle...beautiful energetic dog. Just recently he started having issues with not being able to urinate and excessive drinking so we went to the vet thinking it was a kidney infection or something. Now we've done so much blood work, urine testing, poking and prodding...today he had x-rays and was shaved so the vet could do an ultrasound and found out that his liver is very small. It could be several things including hepatitis and some type of issue with a shunt (or some other things). The vet also found lots of fluid in his abdomen and they sent some of that off for analysis. So we're waiting to see what his test results show early next week, but the vet (an internal medicine specialist) was already talking about referring him for surgery, liver biopsies...and he could still just turn around and die. As I type he is coming off of his anesthesia and is quivering all over. We're all torn up about it because we love this dog, but we're in at $1300 now and the vet suggested the surgery would be around $3500 and may or may not fix the issue. They he would be on all sorts of special foods, supplements and medicine. I told the vet I didn't personally know anybody who has spent $5000 on their dog and was just wondering if you guys had spent (or would spend) anywhere near that much. We don't have a lot of money, so to us it would be huge...any feedback? My dad recommended getting the test results, but not spending much more money and not letting him suffer. Just seems so unusual because he is only 3 and has been so active and healthy...so big and strong at 100 pounds. Best wishes, B
  11. If you need a good contractor I can highly recommend one.  I don't think he does landscaping and drainage, but he did put a new roof on our house, has installed hardwood flooring throughout the lower level, replaced windows, painted the house, and built the most beautiful screened-in porch ever.  He and his crew are Christians and he is actually an ordained minister (although he works as a full-time contractor).  I know one of my neighbors had him re-build their chimney and another one had a complete bathroom makeover with tile and a fancy walk-in shower.  He also re-roofed my dad's house and replaced two bad areas of floor for him.  I trust him completely.  The only negative is that sometimes he is a little booked up so it depends on how big of a hurry you're in.  I'll send you a PM with his name and number.  B
  12. When my kids were in high school (in Knoxville, TN) they had a shop/carpentry class that built several sheds.  They were all around $800 and I bought one of those.  Not sure if your local high schools may have the same types of classes, but they were built solid and it still looks great to this day.  The football team loaded it onto a trailer for me, and when I got home I wrapped a rope around it, and the other end to the bottom of a timber fence post..drove away slowly and where it came off the trailer is where it still sits today :).  They are really too heavy to do much with (unless you have your own football team or a bunch of mules).  Best wishes, B
  13. Nothing on the barrel? What about if you open the cylinder...anything show up in there? Is there something on top of the top strap? Third photo looks like something is going on. Is that the cylinder release?
  14. Thanks for all the input!  You guys are better than an encyclopedia.  I guess I am just old and remember when everybody used 30-06, but I am certainly interested in the .308 now.  I'm going to take a look at Savage and Remington 700.  Thanks again!!!  B
  15. My son has been dating this girl who is a hunter...her dad brought her up that way and she can shoot a deer, clean it, cut it up, wrap and freeze and probably even cook it too.  My son and I are not a hunters.  We love the outdoors...he has fished since he could walk.  And we love firearms - shoot every chance we get.  He is very good with safely handling guns...mostly been around handguns, but some rifles and shotguns.  He is going to turn 20 soon and has asked if I might consider getting him a hunting rifle for his birthday.  He is planning to take the hunter safety class at John Sevier, and he can store the rifle in my safe when he's not using it...so I'm thinking about it.   My question is what to get him without breaking the bank.  He really likes everything to be camo (even his truck seats and bed spread are camo).  He sent me a text with a photo of a Savage XP, camo, with some type of scope attached at Bud's for $369.  I have heard good things about Savage arms for hunting rifles, but just wanted to get some more input.  What is a good first (real/quality) gun that won't make me go broke?  I just assume 30-06 is the caliber, but would like input on that as well.  I'm guessing $300-$500 including the scope if possible.   Thanks in advance!  B
  16. Had a guy come up to my car door and knock on my window in a parking lot while he was holding a cup of hot coffee.  It seemed he was only inches from my door and he startled me.  I didn't know him and he probably just wanted money, but I yelled at him through the closed window to get the hell away from my car.  He got a look on his face like I hurt his feelings (which was not my intention) but he scared me and I didn't know him.  I would never open the door/window for somebody who comes up out of the blue and surprises me like that.  An innocent looking cup of hot coffee in the face would be a great way to steal somebody's car...keep your doors locked and look around in parking lots.  Looking at cell phones while parked could be a terrible distraction while you're waiting for your wife in a store.  B
  17. I've got the "Gum Creek" setup in my Dodge Charger and it works perfectly.  Down under the steering column with a generic holster for my Glock 19.  Out of the way, not readily visible, but easy to use.  Highly recommend for most vehicles.  I have also used it in an F150 and it worked great in there also.  B
  18. I like to do the 5-5-5-5 drill. Five shots into a five-inch pie plate at five yards in five seconds. Start with gun holstered and have someone time you (approx) with an iPhone. Tougher than it sounds to hit all 5 on the plate. Great for 5-shot snubbies. B
  19. Wow...I looked through all those photos and I'm thoroughly impressed.  There wasn't a one in that group that wasn't beautiful.  What part of the state are you in?
  20. Really incredible.  I've got to where I look specifically for your threads because I enjoy seeing your knives.  I am going to ask my wife for one on my birthday!  Have you ever done one with a blue grip?  B
  21. We had a kid go through the class with us a few years ago. Can't get the permit, but the class is only training. The Instructor get the same fee...don't know about this underage training counting later on...I would think the real class needs to be post 21.
  22. Predator (Bob) did work on a few of my revolvers and did a great job!  If he is out in Powell now I would not hesitate to use them for revolver work.  B
  23. I have a 642 that I love...it had a strange "catch" in the trigger, so I took it to Predator Gun Shop (I don't think they are there anymore) and they took a look.  Ended up putting in a lighter spring, and also found that the "hand" (I think that is the right term) was snagging on the little window it comes out of to turn the cylinder.  They removed the rough spot and it made all the difference in the world!  I have fired hundreds of rounds, but have had two or three light primer strikes...wonder if that is due to the lighter spring.  But my point is that there was a little snag impacting mine and only the gunsmith could find and fix it.  Best wishes, B
  24. Update:  I went to Bud's Gun Shop in Sevierville today and shot my Glock 43 with the Pearce +1 mag extensions.  I shot around 120 rounds of FMJ 115 grain, and then ran some 124 +P Speer Gold Dots to make sure they ran OK (about 60-70 rounds per magazine).  I experienced no problems or issues whatsoever with either magazine or with any ammo.  I even tried 7+1 and that ran fine also, so I currently have this little guy loaded with 8 rounds of 124+P Speer Gold Dots and feeling pretty good about them.  I can now say I do indeed recommend the Pearce +1 grip extensions.    From Hickok45's videos I think he likes the Taran Tactical extensions like some of you guys. I had purchased one extra 6-round magazine to keep the original 6-round, non-extension magazine that came with the gun all original until I found out for sure that the Pearce extensions worked.  Now that I know they are going to work I may get a Taran Tactical magazine extension to try on the third magazine.  I may get the +2, so I would be carrying 9 rounds!  If I get one for comparison I'll post an update at that time.   I did happen to notice that my hand still doesn't quite fit on this thing even with the grip extension, lol.  I'm used to shooting the 642 without having the pinky engaged, so that's not an issue. B 
  25. Don't really "need" anything, but my current wish list includes:   S&W 27-2 5" barrel M1 Garand


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