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Everything posted by Bassoneer

  1. I recently tested the Federal 125 grain semi-jacketed personal defense, .357 magnum (supposed #1 manstopper of all time) in water jugs. I will let the photo do most of the talking, but it fell apart and looked unsubstantial. It did penetrate very deeply (into the 4th water jug) but I will never carry it in my gun. Also, my first test is always accuracy. This ammo was all over the target and I could not get it to shoot straight. Just my thoughts and findings. Later, B
  2. Bassoneer

    "Creek" gun?

    You could also look at Bond Arms Snake Slayer. It is a two round derringer type gun, but is fairly significant. Stainless steel, and you can get about a dozen different barrels for it through the mail at about $130 each. They typically come with a barrel that will either shoot .410 shotgun shells, or a .45 long colt round (or one of each). They may cost slightly more than the judge, but they have some cool holsters and I think you can get a shoulder sling that might be just the ticket for your fishing. I fish from a boat, and was thinking about getting a judge for the boat in order to shoot the shotgun shells at varmints, but if I were an "in the creek" fisherman, I might want to look at the Bond Arms Snake Slayer. Good luck, B
  3. In my carry permit class, the teacher told us what NOT to do...when the officer is approaching the car, don't yell out "I've got a gun!". Ha. Should make for an interesting story right there...B
  4. Dick's sporting goods is about the only place around Knoxville that has them for a decent price. I also got a 16 gage recently and fixed it up, then found out a box of shells from Walmart cost $16. Wow. Then I got one of those crazy ammo coupons for Dick's and went in there. I really don't think they are any good with how they stock or sell ammo and their policies and prices are all over the place...but they DO HAVE 16 GA AMMO. It is normally around $5.98 a box (of 25). I can not find low brass...Dick's has #6 and #7.5 shot, but it is high brass. It makes the gun kick like a mule, and this one doesn't have a recoil pad. So, I don't shoot it much anyway, but if you want 16 gage ammo, Dick's has it. Just be prepared for a blue and purple shoulder from shooting the high brass. I think that 16 gage kicks more than my 12's. Later, B
  5. I got the response from Simon Properties re West Towne. They claim it is posted at each main mall entrance. Based on the way you guys responded I'll let it lie and not push it but they obviously don't have it posted right. I probably won't carry there since I think their intent is that nobody carries. Later, B
  6. What's the deal with carrying in West Towne Mall in Knoxville? My wife and I went there today (unarmed) and purposely looked for any postings - we found none. I looked on the web site for Simon Properties and found nothing about carrying weapons on Simon Properties. I have read on this forum and other places that its not allowed, but for anybody that doesn't read this forum they would have no idea it wasn't allowed. Per TN Code (Law) they need to post the entrances, which they have not done. Yet, I see on this web site (under the prohibited places section) that West Towne Mall is listed. I sent Simon Properties an e-mail a few minutes ago specifically asking the question. They do not have it posted, and don't even mention it on their web site. I will be very surprised if they respond, and even more surprised if they respond with a "yes, you can carry". If they say "no, you can't carry" then I won't carry and you guys can pretend I never wrote this (because you would still be "legal" because they don't have it posted). Either way, I'll let you know what they say (if they reply). Later, B
  7. Galco Summer Comfort. I have the same style for my XDM .40 and for my S&W 638 Airweight. Works great for me and I never worry about the gun working loose. B
  8. I have the same gun in blue that I bought recently. Where did you get the side saddle? B
  9. Yes, just got home. I looked at their web site before going, and in an obscure place on one of the pages I found where it said "no weapons". I assume that means me and my gun so I didn't carry. I didn't see any signs posted at Dollywood so I'm not sure they're meeting the spirit and intent of the Tn code. Oh well...I would say they want it to be "prohibited", but just not doing a proper job of informing folks. Later, B
  10. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=32
  11. Does anybody know if its legal/acceptable to carry in Dollywood? We were thinking of heading up tonight to look at the lights. I noticed that Dixie Stampede is on the prohibited list, but maybe they serve alcohol? I've never been to Dixie Stampede, but I think Dolly and her business own it too...so, does anybody know for sure whether guns are prohibited at DW? Thanks, B
  12. My little 638 kicks hard. My son has shot one round through it. My wife shot 5 rounds - neither of these were +P's, and neither person wants to shoot the gun again (ha). I practice with it each time we go shooting and fire 30-40 rounds of .38 through it, and then about 15-20 rounds of +P. I ended up putting Hogue grips on it to absorb some energy and to get my pinky on the grip - that was a HUGE improvement over the small grips that came on it. However, it still kicks hard. Now for the good part - I have a carry permit, and when I take that airweight with me it is very comfortable, so I don't mind it being on my hip (or in my pocket). I take it everywhere I legally can take it, and I feel good about protecting my family. My big .40 Springfield is very, very big and heavy and cumbersome to carry - I can do it (at 320 pounds I can carry anything) but it feels big and I always think about it. This airweight is the right size for carrying around. I did fairly extensive waterjug testing on my .40, and I've tested two different rounds in the .38. They were the 125 grain Speer Gold Dots and the Remington Golden Sabers - both +P's. Both did well in water jugs, but the Golden Saber opened up more. It was also the best round I've tested in .40 cal. So, I'm carrying Remington Golden Saber +P's for protection. WWB for practice (or Georgia Arms wad cutters). My thing I'm working on now is how to carry extra ammo. I have not started doing so yet, but I don't want to lug around speed loaders. I will probably get a little leather case from DillonPrecision.com that carries 5 or 6 rounds with a speedstrip. Good luck with your airweight, B
  13. I use whatever is available in .38 special for practice. I have used WWB, reloads, etc. For the +P protection rounds, I tested a Speer Gold Dot and a Remington Golden Saber. Both were acceptable, but I think the RGS opened up a little more. Both would hurt and I would not want to get shot with either. My wife and son will not shoot my 638 (similar to the 642) with the +P rounds. I have even put some slightly larger and spongier Hogue grips on it and it is still overpowering for them. The .38 special is manageable, and I find it to be very accurate. One more thing to consider...Hornaday is supposed to be coming out with a new round in 2009 called "Critical Defense". The concept is that it expands reliably 100% of the time, and it is made for .380, 9mm, .38 Special, and .38 Special +P. When it comes out I plan to shoot one or two in water jugs to compare to the Remington and Speer. Just something to be on the lookout for. Good luck, B
  14. Great post. I just now getting back into guns after being out of it for years. First, I got my 12-year old son hooked. I'm still working on my wife. Then the guys are work...several of us went through the permit process together and we go shooting together. Others are asking about it, and are on the verge of trying it for the first time. Several grown men that have never held a gun in their hands. So, I hope to have several new shooters in the next few months. I am a member of the NRA, but I have not asked any of my co-workers...I will begin doing so. Again, very good post. Very proactive. Thanks, B
  15. 100 Rounds of Remington UMC 180 grain .40 JHP
  16. Recoil...I have the 638, which I think is practically the same gun as the 642 with regard to size/recoil. I can shoot .38 specials through it without problem, and its accurate. However, for defensive rounds, I did water jug testing and found the Remington Golden Saber 125 grain JHP to be an awesome round, but it is +P and it does kick. I got some reloaded +P's for practice and fired about 20 of them on Sunday afternoon. That was enough to get the feel for it, and then I went back to the regular .38 Specials. I am a hugh guy and this is a little gun - so I am the one absorbing the recoil. I didn't like the tiny grips on the gun (only had it a few weeks) so I purchased a Hogue grip that wraps all the way around it and allow for all my fingers to hold onto the gun - that is a tremendous help, doesn't add significant weight, and I can still put it in my pocket if I need to (vs in a holster). The Hogue grip makes the +P rounds more friendly to shoot, but I still feel it. I have 100% confidence in this gun to do the job when called on...very good size and model from S&W. Later, B
  17. I recently purchased a 638 Airweight .38 +P and it is great. What is the difference between the 638 and the 642? Thanks, B


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