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Everything posted by Bassoneer

  1. I always wanted a Spyderco knife and may have mentioned it to my wife a few months ago. On father's day I got the Spyderco Native (see the link). It is a solid built knife with a good pocket clip and is very easy to open with one hand even without being spring-assisted. It's not the Delica model, but it is an awesome knife. I would highly recommend the Spyderco's...they seem to be stronger and beefier than most knives. Good luck, B Spyderco® Native Black FRN with Plain Edge
  2. Looks like a standard ejection port (as opposed to lowered and flared). However, with the .22's it probably won't matter because the casings would be half the size of the .45's and they should fly out freely...I say go for it. It's a cool looking gun and should be a lot of fun to shoot. Not too expensive either, and the ammo will be cheap. Good luck, B
  3. OK...I have a question. Last night I took some teenage boys to a concert at the Knoxville Civic Coliseum (it was loud). It was a Christian concert (Chris Tomlin and Toby Mac), so there was not an issue with drugs, et al. However, we did go through something that resembled metal detectors (although I don't think they were actual working metal detectors). Nothing was posted anywhere that I saw that said you could or could not take this or that into the coliseum, but we were asked to take everything out of our pockets for the security guards to look at. I had the typical stuff, including a Spyderco folding knife, with about a 3" blade. The guards had a lot of discussion about that, and the guy in charge looked at me and said "I'm going to look the other way...keep it in your pocket". So...I just went on in...I guess I look like an old fart and didn't look like a gangster. I am still wondering though what the rules were...nobody told me you couldn't have a knife in your pocket when going to a concert...maybe that's tribal knowledge by those that attend regularly, but I almost never go to stuff like that. I usually don't even go out after dark. I always have a gun with me, but I remembered not to take a firearm into the Civic Coliseum...I knew that was against the rules, but what are the rules about a pocket knife at a concert in the Coliseum? Thanks,
  4. JG45, I cleaned three guns yesterday after shooting, and it was getting a LOT of gunk out...far more than normal. I sprayed it in the cylinder bores and barrels of the revolvers, and after disassembling a 1911 I sprayed it in the barrel and basically all over where I normally clean and grease. I cleaned gunk off and out of the guns for a while and also noticed that it was not stinking up the house...everything got squeaky clean. As for lubrication, I still don't trust it 100% so I added my Shooter's Choice grease to the 1911 rails. However, with the revolvers, after cleaning I normally add a drop of oil or two to make the cylinders spin freely. This was not necessary and they actually would spin more freely (i.e., less friction) than ever. So, there is probably something to this stuff. We'll see how it holds up over the next few weeks and through the next round of shooting. I am impressed, and have not used very much of the stuff, so I may be set for a long time also. Later, B
  5. I've caught several good-sized bass at Clark Center Park. You go out of the DoubleTree lot and take a left, like you're going to Knoxville...stay on that road until you pass McDonald's...then take your first right. That will probably be Scarboro Road. Stay on that road and don't get off. You'll cross through a red light (Edgemoor Road?) but just go straight...the road becomes much less traveled as you go past the light and you will start noticing water on both sides of you shortly. You'll go about 1/4 mile or less from the light and there will be a "Y" in the road...the road to the left should be gated and leads to the water intake structure for the city's water buildings...hang a right and proceed. You can actually fish for bass right in that area...there is a culvert under the road (right by the fences and the "Y") where I have caught lots of fish. The next 200-300 yards will be good fishing. If you stay on the road and go about a mile, you will get to Clark Center Park...a very nice family place with ball fields and playgrounds...also a boat ramp. There are a couple of fishing piers (just for fishing...not associated with the boat ramp, but right next to it). I have caught lots of Blue Gills and Stripers in through there, but the bass usually hang out back at the "Y" near the entrance gate and the water plant fence...mostly by the culvert. If that doesn't work, then follow the instructions above, but at the last light (Edgemoor) take a left. Stay on Edgemoor road, which means you'll need to stay in the right hand lane and go off like you're exiting an interstate to the right...it weaves around a little and comes out up-stream of the Clark Center Park (actually the Clinch River). You'll see a boat ramp and a lot of folks fish around there. Just a little further and you'll see another TWRA fishing pier. If all else fails, stay on Edgemoor and go until you're in front of Bull Run Steam Plant. You can park in a little lot up there and walk back across the grass for about 1/4 mile and fish in that water...may have to cross a railroad trestle if I recall correctly, but they have actually stocked Muskies in the Clinch River. I have never caught one (or even seen one) but they are in there. In the winter, Bull Run Steam Plant puts out some warm water and large Stripers come in there...I have seen folks use big live Shad as bait and just about get pulled in when they caught one...I think they set the state record right there for the biggest Rock Bass... Anyway, have fun fishing! B
  6. Here are some links to photos showing the type of two-tone's I was suggesting...B http://www.handgunclub.com/hca/wp-content/gallery/hca-best-2010-two/m58pinto1.jpg http://www.gunblast.com/images/SHOT2010/Day1/DSC09327.JPG http://www.snakeriverarms.com/siteadmin/productimages/pro_10181_1_10.JPG http://guns4u.info/wp-content/uploads/2007/07/150159_large.jpg
  7. I just looked at the Midway sight...here is a spray-on ceramic coating that looks very highly rated. It is black, but that might look pretty darn cool if you left the barrel and cylinder in stainless. Anyway, it looks like the cheapest spray cans of paint like this are black or gray and maybe green. If you want any other custom colors you need to get an airbrush setup to get the finish on there... Again, good luck, B Wheeler Engineering Cerama-Coat 4 oz Aerosol Black - MidwayUSA
  8. There's probably a bunch of gunsmiths in your area that could do it. I think here in Knoxville there is Coal Creek Armory (and a few others) that do all sorts of finishes on guns. If you wanted to go cheap, you might even be able to get the finish in a can from Midway or Brownells for around $20. I have not tried it, but there are lots of folks that have posted very positive results. You would need to spray the frame and then put it in the oven for a little while, and I think it stinks up the house, so do it when your wife isn't around. And of course, you would need to do some disassembly and take off the grips...I would probably leave the cylinder and barrel alone since they are stainless. Also, check and see if the paint you're looking at works on Aluminum...there must be a bunch that do because that gun was painted before and a lot of lightweight (aluminum) 1911 frames are painted. Read the reviews and instructions for the various "do-it-yourself" ceramic spray paints on Midway and see if you feel up to it. Otherwise, I would just look in the yellow pages for a gunsmith near you that does finishing work. Good luck, B
  9. 230 grain Winchester PDX1 in .45 ACP; Speer Gold Dots (various weights and calibers) in all revolvers BTW, I like Sonny's BBQ Later, B
  10. Well, when my wife got home last night, she went out on the screened-in porch and hung out for a while...never said a word about any gun smells. So, at bed time I asked "did you know I cleaned four guns on the deck tonight"...she said "I saw no evidence of that" (what she meant was "I didn't smell that awful stuff"). So...I'm hoping this stuff will really clean my guns. We'll find out next time they get good and dirty. Later, B
  11. I agree...since you got all the surface junk off why don't you either get it bead-blasted, or take it somewhere to have a nice ceramic coating applied...the original frame had a paint on it...just get that done again and you'll be back to new. You could even choose what color you want... Whatever you choose, we're glad you're back to being armed and loaded for protection. I have the same gun and love it. Later, B
  12. I recently purchased a Ryobi paint station from Home Depot for about $200. It actually has a Graco gun with it...25' hose, great pump, and you can set a 5-gallon bucket on it. Good clean up - hooks to a hose. It also has a roller assembly that I have not tried. It sprays WAY better than the old cheap paint sprayers...I have done only exterior work thus far - a huge fence at my house (did it in 1/2 day) and a deck & railing at my dad's house (less than one hour). It took longer to clean everything up than it did to paint my dad's deck. So, I felt great about the new paint sprayers...it is rated 4+ stars on the Home Depot web site, and if you need filters for the gun, they take Graco parts...I honestly think the spray gun makes all the difference, but I'm not a pro. So...for $200 I would definately go this route again, but like I said, I have not tried the roller and I have not tried it inside. It has a very controllable spray and I think it would work fine. No need to thin any paint...I think it would spray on rocks without thinning them (joking of course). Good luck with your projects whichever way you go... Later, B
  13. I was about out of Hoppes #9 and wanted to get something less smelly, (my wife hates the smell of gun cleaners). I saw several positive reviews for Gunzilla and it supposedly had the benefit of not smelling up the house. I ordered a bottle to give it a try and it came today, so I re-cleaned four guns while my wife was at church. Like I said, re-cleaned...they were already clean. Some of the reviews said that you could take a "clean" barrel and run this stuff through there and it would show that other cleaners weren't getting everything...that was probably an overstatement. I clean my guns pretty well no matter what I use and I didn't notice any more gunk coming out of the barrel, even after letting it sit for a while. So, I still don't know if this is any better than Hoppe's (or anything else) for cleaning. However, after going through the exercise and putting all the guns away I don't smell a thing in the house. If you smell the stuff in the Gunzilla bottle right at the lid, it smells pretty funky, but once it goes on and you wipe it off there is no smell. At least I can't smell it. My wife is at church, so when she comes home tonight that will be the test...will she know that I cleaned the guns with something new??? Will she know I did anything at all? Once I go shooting again and get them nasty, that will be the real test for me to see if it's an adequate gun cleaner, but tonight's test is to see if I can keep the wife happy. By the way, the manufacturer's web site and literature talks a lot about our military using this stuff...anybody else heard that? B
  14. May I ask what caliber(s) and through what type of gun(s)? I have only tried it in revolvers shooting at water jugs, and have been curious about the .45's that have since come out... Thanks, B
  15. I have a couple of the centennial models from S&W (no hammer) that I really like. One is aluminum and is a b**** to shoot because of the lack of mass - recoil is very punishing, but it goes in my pocket very easily and I don't even notice it. I don't shoot it for fun...just run a few rounds through it occasionally to make sure I can hit the target if needed in an emergency. The other one is all stainless steel and is a .357...it is much more comfortable to shoot but too heavy for pocket carry - it goes in a little holster on the belt. The newer types of ammo coming out have caused a lot of interest in these J-framed revolvers. I would like to try an LCR...the way they made the trigger is very unique and I have dry fired one at the store - it was extremely smooth. I may be wrong, but I was thinking that even S&W was coming out with some polymer type revolvers...anybody else know for sure? B
  16. My preference would be Springfield 1911's and S&W revolvers...metal and wood, although I have had polymer guns, and technically still own one that my parents use, (and I would love to purchase an FNP 45 and an XDM 45...and maybe one of the new polymer Judges). I also like having the freedom to choose a different gun based on what I'm wearing or what I feel like each day. God has blessed me with several guns and I can take along a little one in my pocket or a big boy on my hip...just so many choices...B
  17. Awesome idea...it should line up perfectly! B
  18. One more thing...I'm still thinking about this. Some of my best times I ever had shooting were with my son. Actually, just watching him shoot. Or putting a tin can out away from us and having a contest to see who could hit it. As with fishing, he is a better shot than I am. Actually, this boy is 14 now and he is better at most everything than I am. Also, I have two other special needs boys and I don't let them around the guns. However, last night we were playing in the back yard and I brought out an airsoft pistol and helped my middle son (who has Cerebal Palsy and other issues) shoot a few plastic bb's at a target. He was on top of the world and talked about it for the rest of the night. I think this sort of father/son time means much more to the boys than we could ever imagine. Good luck with cutting the stock...B
  19. Here is my personal opinion...I don't know the specifics of that gun, but I think it's faily common (i.e., it's not one-of-a-kind). You could probably get another stock for it in the future...or sell it to another dad who has a small boy. You are raising a son and teaching him how to shoot - that is, to me, much more important than the stock on that rifle. If he is interested in guns and you think he'll shoot it, go for it. He may get into a hobby that lasts a lifetime. Heck, he may buy you a gun when you're old... Later, B
  20. I traded for a used one and the previous owner claimed no FTF or FTE. I have fired several hundred rounds through it without a single hiccup. I ended up giving it to my mom and dad for home protection after taking them out to the range and getting them familiar with it. I have big hands, but didn't really notice the gun feeling small when shooting, but it is very small and convenient for carry. A holster is an absolute must...I would never carry a gun like this without a holster. Good gun...and I don't like plastic guns...but I have one and it's great. B
  21. I'm not sure if this is the best section to place this question, so the moderators can move this if necessary... My sister's husband is from England and has lived here many, many years. He is not a U.S. Citizen, but is a resident alien and is a resident of the State of Tennessee (has a residence, driver's license, business owner, family with kids, etc). He is a business owner and recently his company was broken into and cleaned out. Insurance covered most of his loss, but I think it was a wake-up call for him and my sister. A gun would have done him no good for this situation, but it got him to thinking about how many desperate folks there are out there right now. So...he has never even touched a gun, let alone shot one. I would need to teach him everything from scratch...all the gun safety, how to point, aim, shoot, etc. So...he asked me this question, "can I legally have a gun if I'm not a U.S. Citizen?" I told him I knew a bunch of folks that could answer that question. Thus, the post. He is certainly not an illegal alien, but a resident alien and has followed the rules regarding that. Can a resident alien from another country legally purchase and own a handgun in the State of Tennessee? Thanks, B
  22. I traded for a used one for my parents, so they could have a gun in the house...I fired it a couple hundred times first to make sure it was reliable and it never misfired or had any FTF/FTE issues...none. I took mom and dad out to shoot it and they had no problem with it either. It is very small compared to my other guns, but I would probably carry it in a holster - not in a pocket. My only complaint was the trigger. I assume all Taurus guns are this way, but you have to pull it back a long way with zero resistance before it engages anything, then it goes bang. The trigger just sort of flops in there and feels sloppy. It felt like a toy gun with that trigger. Other than that, it was reliable, held plenty of rounds, accurate, and seemed to be a good gun. B
  23. Just curious, which Home Depot around Knoxville has the international "no gun" symbol posted? Thanks, B
  24. I used to have the .40 XDM (Great gun by the way) and used a black leather Don Hume holster I got at the Knoxville gun show for around $50. It fit perfectly. It was no doubt for an XD or something else, but it fit great...it had a thumb break which I liked, and it rode up high and out of the way. Even though the fully-loaded gun was quite hefty, you could carry it under an un-tucked shirt no problem. So, for an all-leather OWB holster, high-quality, good price, good fit...I recommend a Don Hume. The gun shows in Knoxville usually have this guy set up with a ton of Don Humes...if he's there you can't miss them. Good luck, B
  25. Ha! For me, its because I'm getting old and glasses can only help so much...my 13 year old son might be able to do something like that...I love shooting, but wish I could see better...


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