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About Bassoneer

  • Birthday 04/25/1962

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  • Interests
    Family, church, friends, dogs, guns, garden, fishing, banjo
  • Occupation
    Engineering Manager


  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military
  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Glok 43 9mm
  • Carry Weapon #2
    S&W 642 snubbie .38

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  1. Anybody participate in the Whiskey lottery at Total Wine in Knoxville yesterday? Some friends from work met my wife and me...We all got drawn...I got Elmer T Lee and my wife got Weller 12...lots of good bottles
  2. I had a bad experience today at Toddy’s on Kingston Pike, Knoxville. Stopped in for the first time and found some Weller Special Reserve (green label) for $29. I took it to the cashier (young guy) who was checking us out and I mentioned what a good price it was. Another older employee started going off about the Knoxville Bourbon Club or some such...making his phone ring off the hook and coming in to buy these types of bourbons and selling them at a profit...he would rather sell them to his regular customers. He claimed they forced him to continually lie and tell people he didn’t have the bourbon they wanted. At first I thought he was joking but he got louder and louder. I advised that perhaps he should find something else to do if selling bourbon caused him so much stress. He then yelled “YOU THINK I’M STRESSED”? I had pushed some unseen button. From the looks on the younger employees faces they had seen this behavior before. I won’t go back to Toddy’s. May not even drink that bourbon...ok, yeah I’m going to drink the bourbon, lol. Happy Holidays, go to Bob’s Package Store!
  3. So I’m getting into bourbon and I may have Blanton’s and Angel’s Envy under the tree! In the spring we’re going to drive up to Buffalo Trace Distillery and tour the facilities. Lots of good bourbon comes out of there...Would love to try some Weller or Elmer T Lee, but doubt I’ll find any. What are some other good ones? I’ve tried Buffalo Trace, Knob Creek, Elijah Craig, Woodford Reserve...liked all of them. Thinking about Old Forrestor Prohibition 1920... Thanks, B
  4. Very cool...five rounds?
  5. I probably jumped the gun and got the lowest level NRA carry guard package. Probably will drop and get the USCCA instead. B
  6. Sorry to hear this news. I lost a dog in April, 2016 and know how it hurts. And yes, you made the right decision. B
  7. I saw one at Smoky Mtn Knife/Gun Works. Was on sale for $280 on black Friday. Probably was a special sale price...didn't want to stand in line for the background check because it was crazy busy that day, but I did hold it and they allowed me to dry fire it a few times. Nice trigger...I will pick one up someday when there's not 1000 people squishing in on me, lol.
  8. I've had numerous S&W revolvers and my favorite is a 686-4P with 4" barrel length (4th revision of that model, 7-shot). I also had a 3" barrel GP100 from Ruger and it was super smooth...a little heavy, but a great gun with six shots. I would agree that the Ruger is probably the one you need if you're going to drop it off a 12-story building. However, I would give the overall high score to the 686 Smith & Wesson (preferably without an internal lock). The internals are a little different, but that Ruger had a very smooth trigger, almost as good as the S&W. Someday I would love to have a 686 with a 2.5" or 3" barrel. Best wishes, B
  9. Dobies are awesome...we are on #2 and #4 right now (Holly, 5 and Tiberius, 6 mo). #1 was Ben, and #3 was Axl - some on here may recall all the health issues we had early this year with Axl and we ended up losing him. Tiberius is the newest puppy and is a lot of fun. Just bought him an orange and white collar today getting ready for football season, lol. My youngest son is 20 and my other two sons have already moved out...we treat these dobies like kids also. They sleep in our bed and are part of the family. B
  10. Guns I don't trust, based on my first hand knowledge and negative experiences: 1. EAA Windicator 357 revolver 2. Old Colt 1911 (without lowered and flared ejection port) 3. Springfield Loaded 1911 Guns that I have found 100% reliable: 1. Smith & Wesson revolvers (no lock) 2. Glocks I like the way 1911's look, but carry Glocks because they work. I don't think Glocks are pretty, but they work. Kahrs are fairly reliable but I don't really like them. best wishes, B
  11. Maverick 88 for me. Works great!!
  12. Bassoneer

    Glock 43

    I really like the 43. Have carried inside the waist and mostly pocket carry in Alabama holster. Never a hiccup just like my bigger Glock. Would like to try one of the Shields since they get very good reviews. Also want to get an LCP in .380. Really like these little carry guns!
  13. When our Doberman, Axl passed away a few weeks ago, the vet arranged for the cremation at a place in South Knoxville. I know they came and got the body from the vet in Norris (quite a drive) and I got the ashes back in 3 or 4 days in a nice wooden box with a brass plaque engraved with his name. It cost $160 and I got all sorts of certifications to guarantee it was my dog without any questions - 100%. I wasn't asking for that but it was nice to know. Anyway...I'm not big on cremation myself and I would not want to be cremated...and we weren't sure what to do with this box of ashes. I decided to wait for a nice evening in the back yard, when the grass was cut nice and everything was peaceful and I would spread his ashes out there. We did it last weekend and I put a majority under a big tree where he used to lay. Then some along the fence where he liked to bark at the neighbor dog. Then some over in the corner of the yard where he chased squirrels. He was an "inside" dog who loved to be outside...and now every time we go out back I think of him. We kept the box to put his collar in and when we go through this again I will definitely use the same folks. Sorry for what you're going through, B
  14. We had been planning to go and purchased tickets to hear the candidates like last year - it was awesome last April in Nashville.  But the way things have turned out I don't really want to drive 4 hours to hear what Trump has to say...I'm thinking we won't go.  Of course we will vote for Trump if he is opposing Hillary, but it is a vote against Hillary...not necessarily a vote for Trump.  B


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