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Everything posted by DT INC.

  1. I think I have the nerve now, just haven't had to time for the prep work but I hope to soon. My 300 blk pistol would look great with a camo job.
  2. I was recently given an older benchmade reflex 2000. The only problem is the original owner had taken it apart to clean it and lost the springs,push button , and all the screws. Pretty much all I have here is both grips, the blade and the back half of the pin that holds the blade to the grip. Is there anywhere that I can get all the screws and internals for this thing? Would o be better off to not mess with it and just buy another?
  3. Cold steel recon 1 or sog flash 2
  4. The one I encountered looked to be on his mid 50's and was dressed like a weird cross between a hippie and a biker.
  5. I never understand why people even attempt to carry like that. When I was at Walmart last week I got behind a guy in the checkout line that was carrying a s&w 4046 in his back pocket in the same manner. I kept waiting for that "brick" to fall out and hit the floor.
  6. Thank you to all of you that have served!
  7. I made a post about them right before they changed their name. They are crooks that like to show things in stock and then drag their feet my telling you it is on its way for months . I had to get the bank involved to get my money back . I also got a similar response to my inquiries . It was always that parts were to be delivered tomorrow and as soon as the parts hit the floor my order would be filled. That was for a few months that tomorrow never came. This company is a useless p.o.s that should be out of business and I pray that nobody falls for this line of bs and continues to give them money .
  8. Very nice. Glad you are here!
  9. You are doing great too. It is amazing how much better even a few pounds less make you feel.
  10. That's great. That is a good bit of progress.
  11. Weighed in this morning and after one week I'm at 280.2 . I'm pleased with that so far, consisting I ate my usual nachos fajita steak and chips and salsa Saturday night and had a few pieces of pizza Monday. How is everybody else doing ?
  12. That is beautiful !
  13. Very nice. I like it .
  14. I have an older kubota L355ss and it does great. It's not a very big tractor but will amaze you with what it can do. It easily uses a 6' box blade and bush hog. It's 4x4 so that also helps and the front end loader works great. I bought it used 5 years ago and it still runs great . I highly recommend one if you can find one .
  15. It looks great. Very nice work.
  16. I took a few more but it won't let me upload them.
  17. Thanks for the info. The way this one is pieced together, it wouldn't surprise me is it wasn't the right stock.
  18. Picked this up on the cheap. Stock looks like a Turkish Mauser that some douche bag carved nazi markings into . The barrel has 7.9 stamped into it in small numbers so I figure 8mm. The receiver doesn't really have any marks on it tho.
  19. Being hungry definatley sucks . To make the low carb diet work I have to eat more food more often than I ever did before. For me, pork rinds work awesome for snacks in between meals.
  20. I'm my experience the first 4 to 6 weeks is the hardest. After that point I didn't even have a taste for many carbs anymore. My lack of progress is entirely due to laziness on my part. I was doing great and then just lost interest. It wasn't even wanting the food that derailed me .
  21. I went to the dr. yesterday and had everything checked out. Starting today I'm back on the low carb/ high protein wagon. I weighed in at 286 this morning which means I have put back on 23 lbs of the 90 that I had lost. We shall see what happens. Wish me luck .
  22. Sorry your day sucked. Your work and effort is very much appreciated .
  23. I'm sorry to hear that it has sucked so far. You always keep things running smoothly around here and it has been no different throughout this transition.
  24. I'm still digging it. Thanks for all the hard work David.


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