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Everything posted by tnvols

  1. Thought I would share this video. YouTube - JFK Speaks illuminati exposed as evil self proclaimed world Rulers
  2. As was I, MTV is obviously trying to wake people up also. As shown in this video. There are 2 of these actually, search "MTV Holocaust".
  3. I searched on the forums and couldn't find a thread relating to this topic. I thought I would share this with everyone. Regardless if everyone wants to bash me or just call me a conspiracy theorist, I don't care. My objective is to show this video to as many people as I can. Alex Jones' website http://www.infowars.com/ Obama Deception (entire movie) http://think.mtv.com/044FDFFFF00E176D3001700996ACC/ This movie shows how the government (including O.) isn't in control of this country. The Federal Reserve pulls the strings, which is run by the Bilderberg Group (try typing Bilderberg in google, no "auto results" show up). Personally I feel like I have been woken up from a deep sleep. Please watch this video. -Concerned American Citizen.
  4. tnvols

    my AK

    No.. sorry lmao exactly nice AK man
  5. tnvols

    my AK

    what's a barrel shourd then? anyway, thanks for the replies, i will be checking these out soon. Jeff, 30 round mag btw. Personally I think anything bigger looks plain stupid
  6. tnvols

    my AK

    I just finished putting on the new stock, barrel shroud and side mount for attachments. Any suggestions on a scope would be cool, I am interested in getting a red-dot scope. ps- its the spare bedroom bed cover, shush now
  7. One of the websites I seen asked that same question, they didnt think there was a law prohibiting it. But it should a job, not just being paid to be "first lady".
  8. LOL thats nuts.. funny... i dont think i would purchase one, but not a bad idea
  9. Like I said I can't find much on the web for this, I don't think they are trying to make it wide-known.. but what I've heard on the radio is that she is actually wanting to be paid.
  10. Where's Ross Perot when u need him?
  11. http://www.eurthisnthat.com/perspective/michelle-obama-needs-us-to-fight/ Women of Oprah country unite! There is a sister down! I repeat, Sister down! It’s being reported that Michelle Obama won’t be getting paid for being First Lady. I guess since she’s the First Lady and the First African American Lady, I’d like to see her paid for her work. None of the First Ladies have ever been paid, but in my humble opinion, that’s a male chauvinist rule that should die. That way of thinking is from a time when the Presidential wives were identified mainly as hostess. The job of the First Lady has historically been consistent with her husband’s administration and the needs of the period. With the economic plight of the U.S., Michelle Obama could be wearing many hats in a country riddled with economic hardship, war, rising poverty and homelessness. We’re talking about the gifted Michelle Obama whose intellect and superior legal sense makes her a shoe-in for the first First Lady to receive compensation for what is sure to be an unparallelled contribution to the focus of our new administration. ----------------------------------------- Discuss... personally I think this is insane.. why should the rules be bent for her? Because shes black? Its not like they are poor..... I've been hearing this on the radio all morning and had to post about this. I couldn't find a more substantial source on the web though..
  12. +1.. exactly, random people knocking on my door (when i use to live at in the city) at 2am get to meet a gun in the face.
  13. Yes. 62% No. 36% People who can't make decisions for themselves... 2%
  14. good post, i believe this nation is on the down point of this big cycle... to bad most people cant see it and vote someone in office who supports gun bans.
  15. this was just up like a week ago, use the Search button http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14524
  16. awesome pics, thanks for sharing them!
  17. agreed, but if you look at this from a woman's view.. say a crazy ex-boyfriend, thats got double the weight on her, is beating on her door... shoot 'em. you have no idea what he would do if he got in.. emphasis on *crazy* btw.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castle_Doctrine A Castle Doctrine (also known as a Castle Law or a Defense of Habitation Law) is an American legal concept derived from English Common Law, which designates one's place of residence (or, in some states, any place legally occupied, such as one's car or place of work) as a place in which one enjoys protection from illegal trespassing and violent attack. It then goes on to give a person the legal right to use deadly force to defend that place (his/her "castle"), and/or any other innocent persons legally inside it, from violent attack or an intrusion which may lead to violent attack. In a legal context, therefore, use of deadly force which actually results in death may be defended as justifiable homicide under the Castle Doctrine.
  18. Thanks for the videos LA, A+
  19. 2 things... #1 by not telling the officer you have a HCP and that you are carrying is a good way to either get shot/dead or be detained for longer than a simple speeding ticket. i would advise to do the exact opposite of what you said... #2 you pretty much contradicted yourself by saying "you don't want suprises on either parties behalf", well if you dont tell him and he finds out before you asks you, dont you think thats gonna be a surprise? maybe if the cop rips you out of the car by your hair and throws you on the ground and cuffs you that will be a surprise? think about it.........
  20. the video doesn't address the main issue, which is "WAS he born here". Look back at my last post, listen to it.. kind of says it all. as far as race riots... well IF O didn't get into office, I think this nation will burn, I think the riots will be almost uncontrollable. just my 2cents
  21. @ the last part of that article.. I do believe there are ALOT of first time buyers, sure there are alot of gun owners buying more, but I have been to several gun stores in the past few months and each time I end up talking to someone who is a first time gun buyer.
  22. +3 :koolaid: I love how its the WHITE people who are ALWAYS racist, I mean who would EVER think that BLACK person could be racist, thats just insane!
  23. http://my.wrif.com/mim/?p=916 this is from "Mike in the Morning" radio talk show in Detroit Michigan. Kenyan is setting up a "shrine" to Obama's birthplace in Kenya, the conversation starts around the 12 minute marker.
  24. is it brass or steal casings?


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