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About rbishop

  • Birthday 08/29/1958

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  • Location
    Cleveland, TN
  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Interests
    firearms and endurance sports
  • Occupation
    bean counter


  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Glock 43
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Glock 19

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  1. The breech opening lever and safety have incorrectly been blued. They should be case colored like the receiver. I would wager that the barrels have been re-blued as well. Hard to tell much from the pics. Looks like a solid shooter.
  2. I sent you a message.
  3. Sent you a message.
  4. Browning A5 Magnum Twelve, made in 1969, 3" chambers, rare 32" vent rib barrel. Belgium made Browning. This shotgun is in excellent condition. I sold my Winchester Model 12 Heavy Duck w/32" barrel on this site a few years ago. Now its time to let this one go. If you are looking for a Browning Magnum Twelve for turkey, waterfowl or dove hunting this one is for you! I don't have any pics yet. If you are interested I can take some with my cell phone and send to you. $2,000.00. Located in Cleveland, TN. Thanks TGO!
  5. Prayers for Middle Tennessee!
  6. That is a pretty broad statement you are making. Most firearms have not performed flawlessly in the past 20 years. Read some reviews. Do some research and you find there have been a lot of flawed firearms, some made by the big name producers of handguns. Your statement is incorrect.
  7. I stick with Glock primarily because of their reliability. I have shot 1,000s of rounds thru Glock 9MMs and they just never seem to fail. I am sure the others are reliable as well.
  8. I like using a 20 gauge SxS, with at least a 28" barrel choked modified/full. 7.5 shot is normally my go to shot size. I find that most people don't lead the birds enough and don't use a tight enough choke. One other bit of information. If you have access to a small pond that has a border that isn't overgrown (sandy/dirt border) you might find some good shooting late in the day as they come in for water before going to roost. I have had some past success shooting solo beside a good water source. The birds like to be able to land on open ground and walk up to the water, so it needs to have some bare ground on the water edge.
  9. I am amused when I see or hear people talk about hunting pen raised birds, about how much fun they are to shoot. If you have ever experienced hunting wild quail, pen raised birds are laughable. I have watched TV shows where they basically have to kick the bird out of its cover to get it to fly. That is NOT quail hunting! I wonder if all of the "plantations" down in South Georgia have pen raised birds? Or maybe if some of them still have some wild birds? I know they are very expensive and I have always assumed they just cater to people who can afford to pay high prices to "simulate" quail hunting.
  10. rbishop

    My Glock 29

    My EDC carry is a G29. I love it.
  11. And people call my Glock ugly!


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