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  1. Would anybody be interested in seeing a photo comparison and review of lowers from 80% arms and tactical machining. It will be a bit I just put my order in and it will be my first build. But I thought a photo of differences in lowers as well as anodizing vs non and alloy type might be interesting here. Would anybody be interested in seeing what an amateur has to say when I receive them, through the building process and then the initial firing? Thanks Tom
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  2. It this taking the place of the murfreesboro expo center gun show on the 1-2nd. Or is this a different show entirely. Thanks
  3. This sounds awsome. I'm hoping I can make it just so I can experience it. How long is the range you guys have on site. ?
  4. Welcome to the forum
  5. Good evening everybody I'm Tom, from murfreesboro. I recently got into punching some holes in paper, and sometimes even hoping to be accurate. My current collection of hole punchers includes a .223 colt 6724, a 9mm walther ppx, and an older 30 caliber carbine. Amongst a few others. I'm still looking for a decent optic for the colt, and am hoping to get into building my own AR in the near future maybe doing an 80% build. Or maybe just assembling the pieces. Otherwise I'm a pretty big car buff and love working on my own vehicles and those of a few friends. I'm a chemist by trade but do much more on computers than in a Chem lab anymore, hobbies besides target shooting involve movie watching camping and the ocassional video game. Otherwise I really don't know what else to say for an introduction save hi and hope you all have a great Fri night.


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