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Everything posted by FreedomGunCo

  1. Ive had 3. The colt diehards are not happy with the finish. Its a CCDW gun not a show piece. Very smooth trigger in both da/sa. Accuracy is more than acceptable for a snub 38
  2. one of mine
  3. My guess is that Savage was betting on a Hillary win. It is amazing how much wholesale inventory changed after the election. Allocated rifles are now being begged to be taken. I expect rebates this year from the manufacturers
  4. you underestimate the colt collectors paying stupid $$ for all of the other colt DA revolvers lol
  5. Im betting the street price is double MSRP. Just a hunch
  6. As an 07/02, I think this has a high probability to pass, but it will be a while. Nothing in .gov is fast, and there are bigger fish to fry. It could get tagged onto something else though.
  7. 22 is plentiful in Kentucky. While not back to Dec 12 numbers, its pretty easy to walk in a see a wide variety
  8. From what I was told they fixed the truck and did it again successfully. I had a Raptor at the time and thats what brought up the whole conversation.
  9. That was a guy out in his Dad's Raptor IIRC A guy local to me knows the driver.
  10. bump
  11. In
  12. I didn't really see anything new ITAR wise. I think this is a result of everyone and their brother writing the DOS DDTC regarding ITAR clarification similar to everyone writing the ATF/NFA over the sig brace. They got tired of getting bombarded with letters and put out a public letter.
  13. I think they have 9 left, Gentry's General Store in Harned, KY, Comes with all the goodies the AIM ones did.   http://www.gentrysonline.com/products/yugo-vastava-sks-rifles-un-issued-7-62x39-with-all-the-goodies   Just passing along info     ***EDIT*** Looks like online price is $412
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  14. about 5 rounds with a S&W 460 XVR will cure most recoil and concussive sensitivity from a handgun
  15. CLEO doesnt sign off on that.  Just fill out the info and send copy with delivery confirmation to CLEO.  The signature area is for the applicant. 
  16. They are becoming more available and that supply is starting to catch up with demand.  They tend to sit on the shelf for a while @ $400 most places up here now.  Whittakers was selling them for $339 before Christmas.
  17. They have been exchanging R51s for 1911s...   I think they want them out of the hands of people
  18. https://www.atf.gov/file/100896/download
  19. One of the big distributors, id say biggest magpul dist, RSR--  On a saturday morning 40k 30 round pmags in stock.....all gone by the following sunday night.   Its dealer panic side now.  Not sure how long it takes to trickle down to consumer side
  20. Pmags are sold out or allocated at wholesalers.  I dont think the panic buying has hit the public yet, but it has hit the dealer side...
  21. Thank you to my Secret Santa for the gift card!  It always fits!!
  22. source is another FFL on FFLsonly.com
  23. I have read about a few FFLs that hare having 4473 information copied in bulk during their compliance inspection with no rhyme or reason.  Every 4473 being entered into spreadsheets, buyer name, address, and make model and serial # of gun.   Thoughts?    
  24. CZ 720 youth fits my 10 year old well.  He is big for his age though


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