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Everything posted by HOGNUT

  1. Body Armor | Tactical Body Armor | Holsters | Duty Gear | Police Supplies | Forensics Supplies - SAFARILAND Comp 2 or Comp 3 speed loaders are the most popular choice.
  2. We are tweaking the type of scoring at this time. Matt Tipton whom shoots a lot of 3 gun matches is coming up with the type of scoring soon so that we can finalize how the club will be going forward. At this time, there are a lot of concerns with using the IDPA DMG type of classifications. I will demo Match Trax software and the 3 types of scoring: Horner system tends to favor accuracy while International Multi Gun favors speed. Comstock scoring falls somewhere in the middle
  3. That's OK. We will be having more 3 gun matches at MCTS.
  4. I have both of the CED 7000RF with BigBoard and the Pocket Pro II. You can not go wrong with either one. Price is about the same from both but one allows the abiity for everyone to see your time without an announcement if you get the bigboard equipment.
  5. Is the 3rd Saturday your Multi Gun (3 GUN match)? Did it change from the website? MSSA Website 2011 AP Range Monthly Match Schedule Posted by godsmack on Thursday, December 23 @ 11:41:54 EST (30 reads) Anonymous writes "2011 AP Range Monthly Match Schedule USPSA First and Third Sunday IDPA Second and Fourth Saturday Steel Challenge First Saturday USPSA Multi-Gun Third Saturday
  6. Well, I do not know what to say about that Kemp.....you got two out of three correct in that statement(OLD & BLIND). Three if you were in the mountains?
  7. Funny game
  8. I am going to have to learn to shoot a rifle more than he is going to have to learn to shoot a shotgun. Kemp is one month a match person and he will mainly show up for rifle only or pistols anyways.
  9. Good News! We have listened to the voices of our members and guests. After about 3 times tweaking our schedule to meet these needs, I am proud to announce our updated match schedule for 2011. Please click here for the schedule and provide feedback positive(on the forum) or negative(President@mctsclub.com) at your earliest convenience. We look forward to an exciting year and a lot of work being done to ensure the growth that we anticipate is met.
  10. Within an hour driving distance, there is TN Sports Foundation which the IDPA matches are ran by Chandler LaFrain. Try out one of his matches and you will have fun.
  11. I am not a fan of the long gun unless it has a lot of pellets coming out of it(shotgun). Either way you still would have been beating even if it was a single shot rifle. Stop blaming work on your no-show, I heard about you being in the corner in the fetal position and a few tears. Wished you could have been there. 1st day of the year and the turn out numbers (over November and December) showed the hard work of the club has put forth and brings an exciting new future ahead.
  12. Scores have been posted to the website. Click here for the scores
  13. It will be completed shortly. I know that scores are usually posted the same day as the event. We are trying to keep the same standards as last year. YOU WOULD HAVE DONE BETTER WITH A COMMIE GUN!
  14. and the price war begins..............LOL Robert or Wanda, You were extremely quick to step up with a new offer!
  15. I am holding it ransom for 5.00 or the highest bidder................
  16. Glenn, You should have heard bigwakes smack talk about your no-show! I thought you two were friends....LOL. All kidding aside, which you had a chance to come out on the sloppy yet challenging day. Did I mention, I am not fond of the rifle.
  17. Thank you for the kind words. We will always attempt to make each and everyone feel welcome on the range. We hope you and your son will make it back out to the range for some of our future matches. We do like to shoot multiple type matches so that all of our members and guests have matches that they really look forward to on their calendars. Any suggestions on improvement, please sent an email to President@mctsclub.com. We hope to see you back at the range!
  18. Leaving the house in 20 minutes to get to the range!!!! See you early birds there.
  19. If you want to meet up at the TA Truckstop on I-24 close to Antioch early that morning(I mean early), I will drive. I setup and breakdown the stages so I plan on leaving my house by 6 AM.
  20. If you wanted to participate and did not have a high capacity rifle, no worries. Please bring 150 rounds of non steel core .223 ammo because I will have two additional AR15 rifles with me. You are more than welcome to use them. Remember: You can always shoot a pistol for no score. It will be difficult to shoot the mini poppers at 65 plus yards with a handgun but not impossible.
  21. will you buy me one for the commie gun?
  22. Bronker, I am glad you changed your attire from the overalls to this. You have such a girlish figure! Keep up the diet. Rife match this Saturday.
  23. Thanks for the invite TGO members to join in the food!
  24. Welcome!


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