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Everything posted by HOGNUT

  1. I will be either at Gallatin for the Postal match or NTPS on the 2nd weekend. I need to see the reload for my own eyes. Because I am faster than the ones that you posted with my video editor software.
  2. That is so nice of you to say....lol. You knew it was coming?
  3. Greg Thank you for responding quickly as I am home now with the youngest due sickness. Weather forecast for the match and should be a great day for shooting. Hope to see a lot of our members new faces and our regulars that have been missing in action due to winter season. Sorry typing with 1 hand.
  4. Music City Tactical Shooters' Range located at 990 Coon Creek Road in Dickson TN. www.mctsclub.com Directions
  5. At least he hit the target......
  6. LOL wondering how long it would take you to catch this flaw.
  7. Pretty Good reload. Now we need to work on hitting the target! Young or gray hairs that was fast.
  8. Welcome and Thank you! Hope your AR build works out.
  9. Welcome to the forum!
  10. Welcome to the forum!
  11. I was asked today about the duration and agenda of the day's events: Registration will be from 8 AM to 8:45. We will have a special new shooter's meeting at 8:45 with multiple safety officers depending on the turnout. We will start with rounds downrange after the all shooters' meeting. Individuals will squad up with a safety officer and will be with that person for the duration of the day's events(for example: if we have 40 shooters there will be 4 squads - 50 equals five squads and so forth). With the 7 shooting bays setup for the Intro match there should not be any backup/waiting by any squad. Whether it be 50 or 70 or more shooters we will still be finished around 12:30 that afternoon. There will be experienced shooters shooting in the squads so please ask them any questions or assistance they can provide to make yourself better. There will be a man vs man steel free side match after the Intro match. For those that do not wish to participate in the man vs man side match there will be experienced shooters running through stages and a basic competition shooting clinic. I am excited for the opportunity in presenting our club and the sport to everyone!
  12. Excellent! Can't wait to meet you at the range.
  13. We will be following all IDPA HQ recommendations for the sanctioned match. I have found that if you let people bend the rules that is an injustice to all of those playing by them. (Edit for Examples: There are two separate IDPA sanctioned matches where one competitor won his division and was not bumped up to a higher classification and another one was won by an individual with IDPA expired membership. Both were unfair to the other competitors but found out after the fact.) IDPA does not have official procedures nor brand of scales used in weighing an unloaded weapon.
  14. Welcome to the forum!
  15. I would like to order one when it is available. Please put me on your list.
  16. Not biting on this conversation Kemp! YET!
  17. Welcome to the site!
  18. We have only cancelled one match due to weather. It happened during the floods last year. As long as lightning is not present and people are not falling down, we shoot.
  19. Based on the emails and phone calls barring any acts of God with the crappiest weather, TGO members there should be 50 plus people to meet.
  20. It is quite during the week and most weekends except the 2nd Saturday until noon time.
  21. Contact me and I will be happy to take the father and son to Gallatin Gun club to practice.
  22. I can't wait to see you at the range if you get a chance to come. There has been a lot of changes that you helped start. Everyone, Bronker is a member of MCTS. He tries to play tough but he is a teddy bear.
  23. Nathan, While no one has seen these great mad shooting skills of Bronker yet. He is a closet shooter. Why do you want to anger the shooting gods of Dickson?
  24. Music City Tactical Shooters. Please review some of our threads in the Competition section on TGO. On 02/05/11, we are doing an Introduction type match / TGO meet & greet. Hope you can come by and visit the range.
  25. The gang rape will cause the dangerous weapon to used as a tool for a prison break. The aroma will cause the guards to be unconsious. The other prisoners will start a riot. There is no good to come out of prison in this case. Ship him off to the frozen tundra to melt the ice!


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