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Everything posted by HOGNUT

  1. Funny Funny........I do the same thing with an AR. BTW I own 7 of them and all of them causes the bullet to curve around the target. Makes me think of Wanted and you as Mrs. Brad Pitt. Ok I am sick for implanting that image in everyone.
  2. 3 GUN = Shotgun and a pistol in each hand???????? I so need to work on the rifle skills however I don't think a beta magazine would help the situation.
  3. I can meet you and you can ride with me. However I must warn you. I leave the house at 6 AM to get to the range by 7 AM. I am one of the last ones to leave. Myself and the rest of the core group goes to lunch after the match. You are welcome to come along. PM me or email President@mctsclub.com. I will beat both Greg and Matt if we remove the rifle from the 3 gun requirement. Unless the targets are within 20 yrds or less I have a fighting chance.
  4. I have just updated the MCTS website with match announcement and club benefits page.
  5. Welcome to the forum!
  6. Nope. We will divide into squads. If you have a friend at the event you can be in the same squad with them. We do try to keep all the new shooters out of the same squad for match efficiency.
  7. Tad Excuses Excuses......... Matt is MCTS match director for long gun/run & gun/helps Chandler with IDPA duties. Matt wishes that he could be of Hognut caliber at 3 gun. Now if only 3 gun left out the rifle........ Matt is excellent at the 3 gun events. Far better than I could be!
  8. The mini auto poppers are in my truck now! Matt Just let me know where you want them.....LOL
  9. I will have you know....The doctor said I would one day grow out of the chicken legs syndrome. One day my dream will come true!
  10. Damn you boys (Greg and Matt) are on early. No more than a few minutes and the both of you are checking the thread. Go back to sleep!
  11. Short bus helmet and camera. Full BDU dress(desert camo or winter depends on the weather for the day- face camo). Tennis shoes because they are lighter to run in. Tac Vest for all the AR/AK mags and shot shell holder. Drop down leg holster with gernade pouches and canteen. Just ribbing ya' I will be there with shorts and tee shirt. Greg wearing shorts - we will have sunshine on a cloudy day.
  12. It will take more than a cart to acheive this.......... Stages look GREAT! Tad r u coming up for the match?
  13. Yes and then he ended up beating me in the match. I think it was planned!
  14. WOW Gary, Thank you for the early B-Day present!
  15. a lot of shooters today at the range! Thank you to all those that helped to make the classifier run smoothly. We are still trying to teach Allan to properly introduce his guests to the range!
  16. Welcome to the forum!
  17. Did you pick up the extra double magazine holder that I left for you at the registration table? It was a brown leather Bianchi holder.
  18. Gun rental? I am happy to "loan" your daughter a pistol to shoot. I hope she had fun!
  19. Things like this happen all the time at MCTS. That is why I am proud of our group and club. All we need is a call or email which are both on our website to help any new shooter.
  20. 2 1/2 hours drive, I am impressed. I am happy that you are coming to the match with that much distance between us. We shoot in rain, snow, sleet and mud.
  21. Don't worry about it. I found one that you can have so no need to buy one.
  22. Welcome to the forum!
  23. If Greg forgets, I will have one you can use.
  24. Music City Tactical Shooters have a 3 gun match on the first weekend of March. Music City Tactical Shooters


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