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Everything posted by HOGNUT

  1. I am tweaking the scoring on the steel match. Should be out by tomorrow evening. As of right now, 109 rounds of steel with zero multiple strings! My back pocket feels a lot lighter, not because of the steel purchase but because the loving wife(if she gets on here) busted my @ss for not mentioning to her that I bought it.
  2. But Steel does not love you, something about getting shot quickly upsets them. This will be a monthly thing for the club. Hope to see you there. The Filipino Mafia will be in the house!!!!!!!! I'm in my marriage, Puti power.....LOL.
  3. 3 gun will take place as scheduled on 5/5. Stages were given by the Match Director, Robert today. Web posting and announcements will be done tonight. Great solid match by some hard working people for everyone's enjoyment!
  4. Setup is on the 26th. Shooting us on the 27th at 9am.
  5. All of the equipment will be used and take time to setup. I will be busy on Saturday working on placement and angles. One of the few matches that will guaranteed to start way ahead of time, plus I may practice a bit that day.
  6. Help and strengthen the marriage, bring her out. I am bringing my wife and kids.
  7. This is a unique opportunity. No one in the area has these but me(Sam Keen / MSSA has one which is seen in the video). I want to bring things not found to enhance the ability of the shooting community. The more times you shoot it, the better and less intimated the targets are. More new things will be at the range soon.
  8. There WILL be two polish plate racks and two Texas stars. Accuracy targets will also be present.
  9. Looking at the current designed courses of fire, it will be approx 105 rounds minimum for 5 stages. I will post the stages to the website when I am completed with them.
  10. I think you already know the answer. What we do is not combat training. It is a sport, a game. No IDPA rules apply to the match setup rules , scoring, or procedurals. The appendix bolstered are designed to sweep your body automatically. Appendix holsters are used by people, that is their choice. I will not risk any competitors safety with a negligent discharge due to this type of equipment. In short. No appendix, shoulder, ankle, small of the back holsters will be allowed. These are fine if you want to use them as EDC, but not for Music City Tactical Shooters matches.
  11. Could be man vs man type of shooting. Probably will not take place on the first event.
  12. The dueling tree may make an appearance also.
  13. Maybe.......They may make an appearance along with the Texas Stars, Hostage targets, IPSC static, etc.
  14. You shall not be disappointed!
  15. We are approx 1 month out from the GSSF match. Hope to see for TN people there besides the match workers. Love to see only TN people win all the divisions. To register for the event: www.gssfonline.com or it can be down at the event. We will have an onsite food vendor cooking fresh hot food for your convenience.
  16. Nothing to do with IDPA concerning rules. I will run the divisions and rules outlaw style. They will be finalized this week. It will be a GREAT match. There may be some heads up competitions available.
  17. As some of you are aware, there are some events going on the last few weeks in May. The Music City Shootout II is May 19th/20th. The last two weeks are very busy in the shooting community. With this being said, I would like to invite each of you to the 1st part of the new changes to MCTS. On May 27th, I will be hosting the Red, White, and Blue Memorial Day weekend STEEL only match in Dickson, TN. I will be performing the setup on May 26th. Shooting begins at 9 AM sharp with shooters meeting at 8:45. There will only be one shooting session available. Tell your friends and family to show your American spirit. Hope to see you there!
  18. Scores have been posted: http://www.mctsclub.com/Match%20Results/2012/run-n-gun_04-21-12.pdf. Thank you John for the speedy output.
  19. Glad to see all of the faces on the raining day. The canopies will be a great asset for any shooting match in the future. Looking forward in making vast improvements and adding steel match soon.
  20. I will have M&P magazines with me regardless of the rain. Glad to have you and your friends on the range.
  21. I will be at the range tommorow early afternoon to setup newly purchased 12 x 20 canopies in Bay 2, 4, and 7 to match the one in Bay 1. Hope to see a lot of peeps (members) there on Saturday to discuss upcoming Music City Shootout II and other topics that come up.
  22. It will be fine. There are plenty of people with M&P weapons there and would not have an issue letting you borrow another one if you feel the need is present.
  23. Sure. Very little to no rules when shooting stages. Shoot targets as you see them. Main rule is don't turn the muzzzle up range.
  24. Well, sorry to hear about the scheduling conflict. The crew will be missing a fun match plus the special meeting.


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