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Everything posted by HOGNUT

  1. No sir. That is a good concept though and will have to think about that on future match formats(buying that many tickets may need to be a 2 day event). The intention(which may be a complete cluster job by me), is to allow people to shoot against other competitors at the same level or above to hone their skills against another. What I would like to do is not to overwhelm the staff with people shooting until dark. As this is still new to me and the area matches for being a regular event(I am trying man vs man, best 4 out of 5 run event format, outlaw scenario format, etc), A competitor can buy up to 3 tickets to be used for any stage they want to compete in(the initial bay assignment was to attempt an even flow of competitors on each stage which may not work depending on the number of participants on the day). When a competitor uses a ticket in a bay and competes against another shooter, the winner will get his ticket back and the loser gets his ticket torn up. The winner can use the same ticket again in another bay or the same one until he loses it. Once a competitor loses all of his tickets, he/she is done for the day. When there are only 8 competitors left, I will setup the final showdown and then it will be a bracket. I may have to fail to some extent to see what works better for future matches. I would like to have 4 complete sets of steel props to have two setups for a man vs man setup in the future. I have been speaking to Brian about some of his past match experience and it has been really insightfull. I will be there Saturday for setup and review of the stages so that it is completely ready for Sunday. Call me tomorrow and we can discuss some alternatives based on your shooting expertise and experiences at other places. I am really hoping that this takes off as I am in the testing phase and considering a best 4 out of 5 run event sorta like that belongs in your association.
  2. Glad to hear! Bring whatever gives you the best advantage. You know Brad should sport a Glock also...LOL. We all know he loves the polymer gun. Interested in seeing him without optics trying to find the targets. I bet he doesn't own a practical weapon. Maybe Andy could show up and sport the Glock. I went with the M&P lately and will stick with it for a while longer.
  3. The weather for this weekend will be terrific. Supposed to rain Friday(30% chance) but Saturday and Sunday will be mid 90s. Looking forward to range day with everyone possible.
  4. A win is a win regardless if a competitor is a NV vs a MA, I am going after Rick for high M&P. The EX division is boring....LOL. It has been a while since we worked or shot in the same group. I would like to do that next time at the range.
  5. I wished. It was factory ammo that day. The gun needed cleaning. I do have a bad habit about that.
  6. Mr. Cunningham, I have no idea why this needs explaining to you. You are not a member of this non-profit organization but feel you deserve more concessions. You have not been a member of the club within the last 5 years(since I have been a member). You may have never been a member of the club. The club by laws were followed on the club ownership from a group to a sole proprietorship, where club executive committee and club lawyer were present. The reason for this change was frankly non of your business. The old by laws are present on our website and will be rewritten soon for the change, when our new fiscal year begins on September 1st. You are more than welcome to ask me in person on any concern you may have that pretains to you shooting a match as a guest. I have the final say so on all club matters, assets, liabilities, shooting schedule, and who is allowed to shoot the matches.
  7. It was a fun day of shooting with friends. I cannot remember the last time we shot in the same group Greg. It was a good time to relive old rivalry.
  8. Match results: http://www.mctsclub.com/Match%20Results/2012/2012-06-16.htm
  9. Would have won the match overall but the 2 damn stove pipes caused me 5-6 seconds I did not need on Stage 4 and another one on Stage 5. Should have been 100-102 overall for the match. Good win Greg. The M&P is woking well. Only practice is at the match and since setup is done the day before or the week before, less people are tired overall on the day of the match. Allan, Better get used to me winning from here on out!
  10. Weather should be fine: Sat Jun 16 86° 65° Partly Cloudy Chance of rain: 10% Wind: SSE at 5 mph
  11. He would show you the Glock but he doesn't own one. Might have to ask Stanley.....
  12. John, You are on vaction on the beach and reading gun forums......get to some playing and quit playing on here.
  13. I have 5 full 5 gallon buckets worth of molds put away. Don't cast anymore.
  14. The course was setup today minus steel targets and cardboard. I am getting used to this match setup the day or week before to eliminate match day setup in the past.
  15. All at once: thank-you Mark.
  16. Yes, that is the downside of these type of matches. However, you are directly competing against another shooter and the pressure is completely different. It is fun and everyone should try it.
  17. MSSA - www.memphis-ssa.com Tennessee Sports Foundation - www.tnsportsfoundation.org
  18. It still is a non profit. Has been and forever will be. Club lawyer has wrote it that way in the new charter by my direction. Sorry to say!
  19. Weather should be great this weekend according to www.weather.com. I either going here Saturday or to Dickson(or Sunday) to setup the match for next weekend. Robert puts on good tough matches and it will be worthwhile for a new shooter to see what they need to work on weakness wise.
  20. Middle TN: Music City Tactical Shooters - www.mctsclub.com 1st/3rd Saturday - IDPA/Run n Gun, Rifle only/Shotgun only/etc 4th Sunday - STEEL Match(Outlaw or Man vs Man) Gallatin Gun Club - www.gallatingun.com 1st Saturday - Benchrest 2nd Saturday - IDPA 2nd Sunday - ATA Trap 3rd Saturday - Hi Power 4th Saturday - .22 Rifle Middle Tennessee Shooters - www.midtnshooters.com 1st Sunday - IDPA 3rd Sunday - Mixed Brush Creek - No website 2nd and 4th Sunday - IDPA North Tennessee Practical Shooters - www.ntps.org 2nd Saturday and Sunday - USPSA Rattlesnake Ridge - www.rattlesnakeridge.org Normally 4th Saturday for IDPA Training classes - No set schedule. Have to check website for availability.
  21. Maybe you will get lucky and Bob or Ron don't show up either. I heard from that same source that they need extra trigger time after the CMG. Ron and Bob, I was not there and know that you are proficient with the weapons. Hint: it was the guy who got 25th.
  22. Ryan, Just got off the phone with your fellow officer Don. He wished he could make it so he could beat you with his stock M&P vs your OPEN Glock. I wished he could make it out also however he came up with a lame excuse. If things change, you probably will get 2nd place in the LE division.....LOL.
  23. I will have the setup completed prior to the shooting day. I still do not want members/guests to be tired prior to the match. Hope to see you there!


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