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Everything posted by HOGNUT

  1. Scores will be out tomorrow afternoon. There was a group(squad) score sheets left at the range. My apologies for the inconvenience!
  2. I will be at the range by 6 AM to survey any damage to the range and to begin setup. The shooting bays will be mowed prior to the match. Any additional help is appreciated to ensure match will be able to start by 9 AM. THANK-YOU
  3. Thank you for the offer. I will be setting up the stages right after the IDPA match is finished on Saturday.
  4. For those of you that are urning to do something besides pistol shooting, here it is. Multiple divisions are allowed. Upcoming MATCH: Shotgun Only Match - SATURDAY August 4th, 2012 Round count: 68 Bird shot and 3 slugs rounds minimum Click Here for CoF Description Divisions: Pump Semi Auto Open Hope to see you there!
  5. Weather even better on Sunday. Partly cloudy.
  6. Weather will be perfect for the range! Not too hot and small percentage of rain.
  7. You will be disappointed in your shooting season if you miss this match!
  8. Music City Tactical Shooters(Dickson, TN), Green River Gun Club(BG, KY), and Henry County Gun Club(Puryear, TN) host a night matches. There is nothing I am aware of in East TN though.
  9. One stage or all three?
  10. The sun is out now, want to go back?
  11. Prizes were posted today.
  12. I will be there this Sunday for setup starting at 8AM.
  13. I will do the setup on July 21st after the IDPA match.
  14. Updated news: More sponsors for the prize table has been finalized. There will be more to come! Where else can you shoot an all day event(approx 200 plus rounds), good food(provided to all paid competitors), and prizes at random drawing? Hope to see you there! Match registration and waiver information: http://www.mctsclub.com/musiccitycup2012.html
  15. Steel Only match 5 Stages - SUNDAY July 22nd, 2012 Round count: 118 Pisol rounds minimum Click Here for CoF Description
  16. NEXT MATCH: IDPA Match 5 Stages - SATURDAY July 21st, 2012 Round count: 83 Pisol rounds minimum Click Here for CoF Description John put on a good, fast paced match this past weekend. It was fun and well received by experienced and new shooters. Come out and have some challenging "hoser" stage fun. Hope to see you there!
  17. Results: http://www.mctsclub.com/Match%20Results/2012/2012-07-07.htm Thank you everyone for an enjoyabe day at the range. It was hot but fun being around new friends. Next match is 07/21/2012 for an IDPA match. Hope to see you there!
  18. Sorry, I just noticed your avatar.........I thought I posted something twice by accident. Looks good.
  19. Let me guess, speed cross 3s? I will not be so fast if my foot keeps hurting. Being fast, yes I am. Being accurate, not even close! See you on Saturday. I may need to slow myself down and wear flip flops(or high heels.....yes I know the jokes are coming because of the long hair).
  20. The reason for this provision at most ranges is because people over the age of 21 are legal to purchase handguns and handgun caliber ammunition. I know that you can legally own a firearm from a private sale but not from a gun store where a FFL has to be filled out. How are you transporting the weapons you participate with to the ranges now?
  21. 4 of the 5 stages were setup today. My family was a BIG HELP picking up brass on the range. I will be back on the 4th to finish setup and weed wacking/mowing. John, When you get a moment, call me because I had to make some minor changes due to the bay setups.


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