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Everything posted by HOGNUT

  1. Since I do not hunt anymore, I do not keep up with it like I used to. There are other days to hunt like Sunday.
  2. It is going to be a great weekend of shooting available. Take the opportunity to get all of your shooting needs done before Thanksgiving!!!!!!
  3. [b] Fri Nov 16[/b] [img]http://s.imwx.com/v.20120328.084156/img/wxicon/100/32.png[/img] 58[size="2"][sup]°[/sup][/size] 32[size="2"][sup]°[/sup][/size] Sunny Chance of rain: 0% Wind: NNE at 9 mph [url="http://www.weather.com/weather/tomorrow/USTN0141"]Details[/url] [b] Sat Nov 17[/b] [img]http://s.imwx.com/v.20120328.084156/img/wxicon/100/32.png[/img] 60[size="2"][sup]°[/sup][/size] 33[size="2"][sup]°[/sup][/size] Sunny Chance of rain: 0% Wind: NE at 6 mph
  4. Welcome!
  5. Welcome!
  6. Welcome!
  7. Welcome!
  8. Welcome!
  9. Please be there around 4 pm - 4:30 pm for the Night match. We will start as soon as low light is beginning.
  10. If you would like to shoot a night match with us, you must be invited by a member or be a member yourself. One of the benefits of being a member of the club. Best way to be invited will be to come to the day match so the member can vouch for you as you will be their responsibility while on the range for the night match. We will shoot the day match, reset for the night match, go to lunch, come back to practice drills, etc and then shoot the night match.
  11. Day match course description only: [url="http://www.mctsclub.com/Day_and_Night_Match.pdf"]http://www.mctsclub.com/Day_and_Night_Match.pdf[/url]
  12. [quote name='SpicyMchaggis' timestamp='1352781168' post='844684'] Lame. [/quote] Did you volunteer to step up?
  13. Upcoming MATCH: 5 Stage Outlaw Day Match and Outlaw Night Match - SATURDAY November 17th, 2012 Round count: Day match 100 pistol minimum & Night match(members only and their guests) 100 pistol minimum Note: Use any pistol caliber carbine or pistol you want(except the 5.7 x 28mm, etc). Bring out them race guns! Night match will allow handhelds or weapon mounted flashlight, or laser mounted. Match design will be out tomorrow. There are numerous challenging stages. One is nothing but steel with 2 TX stars, 2 poppers, and 2 plate racks(may switch this to the polish) with a par time associated with it. Very fast paced for those run and gunners.
  14. I like the video. Too many missed stages for video. Thanks at the end was a nice touch.
  15. Match Results: [url="http://www.mctsclub.com/Match%20Results/2012/2012-11-03.htm"]http://www.mctsclub.com/Match%20Results/2012/2012-11-03.htm[/url] [b]CDP Division Champion[/b] [b]Chandler LaFrain[/b] 1st Place Master Alex Stephenson 2nd Place Master Scott Hammond 1st Place Expert Rick Kyle 2nd Place Expert Bill Dukemineer 3rd Place Expert Michael Foster 1st Place Sharpshooter Ryan Pytlewski 2nd Place Sharpshooter Jimmy Duke 1st Place Marksman Daniel Meadows 2nd Place Marksman Rick Kruppa [b]ESP Division Champion[/b] [b]A.C. Nohsey[/b] 1st Place Master Ryan Spencer 1st Place Expert Matthew Sirmans 2nd Place Expert David Horn 3rd Place Expert Michael Barrera 1st Place Sharpshooter Ed Chase Jr. 2nd Place Sharpshooter Will Foster 3rd Place Sharpshooter Angelito Juliano 4th Place Sharpshooter John Taylor 5th Place Sharpshooter Ron Corville 1st Place Marksman Craig Burlette 2nd Place Marksman Steve Sticklin 3rd Place Marksman Amy Spencer 4th Place Marksman Andy Kwon [b]SSP Division Champion[/b] [b]James Loxton[/b] 1st Place Master Scott Butler 2nd Place Master Rickey Brooks 1st Place Expert Ken Park 2nd Place Expert Kemp Evans 3rd Place Expert Greg Cook 1st Place Sharpshooter Michael Wilkewitz 2nd Place Sharpshooter Dan Stuart 3rd Place Sharpshooter Casey Retterer 4th Place Sharpshooter Trey Chase 5th Place Sharpshooter Michael Berryhill 6th Place Sharpshooter Martin Milliken 7th Place Sharpshooter Paul Archer 8th Place Sharpshooter Mike West 9th Place Sharpshooter Carl Szczepanski 1st Place Marksman GW Austin 2nd Place Marksman Brian Ferguson 3rd Place Marksman Reid Ormseth 4th Place Marksman Shane Gannon 1st Place Novice Michelle Nohsey [b]ESR Division Champion[/b] [b]Stanley Hodgin[/b] 1st Place Sharpshooter Jeff Stone [b]SSR Division Champion[/b] [b]Rickey Brazle[/b]
  16. Division/Class and Category(minus Match Workers) Breakdown: http://www.mctsclub.com/Music%20City%20Cup%202012%20Category.pdf
  17. I will be on the range this Saturday and Sunday from 9 AM until about 2-3 PM finishing up the setup. There will be others there to help. Wednesday finishing up activators and angles of the targets, Thursday(Rick B, Greg B, Robert S, Dale S, Chip P, and myself so far will be on the range shooting our match and fixing any problems that come up for the SO shoot on Friday.
  18. This is certainly the VERY last opportunity available.
  19. Rick Brooks the match director of Tennessee Sports Foundation will be having a regular match this weekend in Jackson. If there are no pistol training matches afterwards, he may be able to setup one for you. Please contact him if you are interested.
  20. All competitors must be classified(MA, EX, SS, MM, NV). All IDPA members are to have shot one classifier every year. It is late in the year and I just looked at the area IDPA clubs(MCTS, Gallatin, Jackson, Henry County) and there were 8 classifiers this year. When did you get your IDPA membership? There may be time to find a classifier somewhere.
  21. I have received word that we will not be having an Dist. Masters at the Music City Cup II. Some of the DM were prize sponsors and needed to hold a spot for them at the match. I held off allowing Novice shooters because of our scoring software does not allow for DM classifications. I will open the Music City Cup II match on November 3rd to Novice shooters. I will not charge a late fee for the entry(because this was not your fault for this delay). All other competitors will be at the late fee price. When you fill out the application, pencil in Novice as the classification. Match Application: http://www.mctsclub.com/MCTS_Cup2012_Registration.pdf Waiver: http://www.mctsclub.com/waiver.pdf I apologize for this delay and hope to see you there. We still have some space available.
  22. The list is being updated daily. Every division every class should receive at least one bump(except MA class, this is not Nationals). ‎13 Total Stages for the Music City Cup II (Minimum 211 round count) 18 round count - 6 stages 17 round count - 4 stages 16 round count - 2 stages 03 round count - 1 stage There will be NO Visitors/Spectators allowed on the range Friday. The match workers do not need distractions while they are shooting. Please give them a BIG THANK YOU for working the match. We could not do this without their support, dedication, and participation so that all can enjoy. Registration will take place at the Hampton Inn hotel. It will begin at 5 PM.
  23. We are in the final stages of having everything ready. Can't wait to get my butt whipped at the match. The process has been long and rewarding. GREAT prize table for all competitors!
  24. Scores: http://www.mctsclub.com/Match%20Results/2012/2012-10-20.htm New 2013 schedule will be out on November 4th. Looks like we will be doing a few more Zombie style matches(possible 3 gun Zombie match). Monthly steel match will begin back in January. Our outlaw Steel matches may be shot with pistol or shotgun(both if separate entries are involved) except the Steel Challenge match once I renew our USPSA number.
  25. I have been on the range all day today fixing/cleaning the other side preparing for the Music City Cup. I will have scores posted to the web tonight after a shower.


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